Safest Way To Kill Wasp Hornets And Yellow Jackets In Your Whole Neighborhood

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Easiest way to eliminate wasp, hornets and yellow jackets are to set up a feeding station. Timing is important too and killing the queen before she establishes a giant colony that will spread out across your entire neighborhood in a few seasons. This method is safe for pets, wildlife, and honeybees.


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Great post - For reference, boric acid is a well known insecticide, however it is not a poison. It actually kills by drying out the exoskeleton of the bug, thus suffocating them. It is also sticky, so the insects bring it back to the nest. Eventually it is tracked to the queen and kills her, killing the nest. No “poison type” of insecticide can do this. It will eliminate ants and cockroaches this way. Boric acid in powered form can be used safely in kitchens because of the way it eliminates insects. It is old school and works slowly but it does work.


I used diatomaceous earth in an old talcum powder bottle to puff a cloud onto the vinyl siding seams of our porch. Also used it in our attic where they had migrated thru gaps from the outside.
No more wasp nest.


As a beekeeper I want you to know honeybees are opportunistic and they will go for something like this especially in times of nectar dearth. Even during a nice flow though they will go after things like spilled soda. All they care about is sugar concentration not what the thing is. Please be cautious.


Thank you for this great idea! I'm a birdwatcher and a sweet little Phoebe couldn't build her mud nest because the wasps kept flying around the nest. After three tries, she had to leave. I had used boric acid and sugar in bottle lids to get rid of ant nests. Ah! Your water jug and bacon are like my home! Awesome! I don't have any tools, no drill or hole punch, but will try a tapered piece of metal that has been smoothed so it doesn't cut skin, similar to an awl. I was going to put a stick inside! We have a LOT of wasps under the eaves, but no ladders that would reach near them. Oh, well. "Where there's a will, there's a way".


I just spent two days in bed after a wasp hit me just above the eyebrow…….great timing for the video 😢 !


A little bit of Borax washing soda, sugar and water will kill ants in your home. Roll cotton balls into the mixture and place on strips of aluminum foil around your kitchen (where I find most of the ants). They eat the mix and take it back to their nests. You may have to replace the cotton balls often but it works like a charm



Wasps were my main issue so I just used 50/50 apple juice and water with the boric acid. Cut off the top of a propel bottle and put an 3-4" in it and a stick a little higher than the bottle for them to stand on.

I always used to be afraid to look for stuff in the barn unless it was winter.... the first year I did this in the spring there was not a single nest!!! 3 years later I'm comfortable digging in any box or nook without fear. In the past U were almost guaranteed to get stung!


Last year i was trying to stop yellow jackets from robbing my bee hives. Each day i spent 1 hr trying to catch them . Each day i caught 40 a day. I gave up and my bees left their hives. This yr i will be ready! Thanks for your video.


Perfect timing. Yellow jackets and wasps terrorize my grands in the yard. I'm definitely going to try this!


Thank you fir this. My husband is allergic, works outside and has already been stung by yellow jackets. It was terrifying mitigating his response.


My glass doors are covered in European Hornets.Lights are no turned on at night.I am imprisoned every night.Thank you so much.Sure will try this.


Ever since I got attacked by a squadron of wasps, that stung the crap out of me made me fall so hard on my ribs, bruised them up real badly, smashed my glasses into my face, bloodied up my farhead, stung me in my chest multiple times, and caused my hand to smash into our main well water supply busting the pump pipe open blasting water everywhere..ever since I carry 2 raid cans in holsters by my side. I've been in an all out war with them, and its like they know it.. like they wait for me to go outside.. they even greet me when I pull up in my truck, trying to get in through my closed drivers window. Im not making any of this up. I can honestly say, that these nasty..Fr's, most definitely picked the wrong person to F with.. for I have cleared out most all of their nests.. and I dont give them a chance.. its been an all out war.. for over a year..


Looks like a great idea! I would suggest doing everything that you need to do with the container before you put liquid or bait in it. Then pour everything in the top THEN screw on the top! You can cut the melon smaller and use a funnel if you need to. But, handling the plastic container while it's dry I would make the project much easier!!😊


Got stung twice yesterday. Later in the day a car passed me on the freeway with a personalized plate that read “STUNG U”. Definitely Will do this!


Will try this. Every summer we have wasps get in the house whenever they are bad outside. Raid wasp/hornet spray was the only thing that ever knocked them down. But I had to get an excited kitty out of the way, and try not to get the spray on the curtains and all over the windows. This sounds better. Terrific video!

As I understand it, boric acid is a type of stomach poison to certain insects. It can be used with a bait so the bug carries some poisoned chow, and its poisoned self, back to the nest to infect others. After that bug dies, the other insects cannibalize it, spreading the boric acid. Mom said my grandmother sprinkled it under the sink against roaches.


If you have a propane tank, please do this. I hate making deliveries to residential tanks during the summer. Customers never know there's a hornet nest under their tank lid. 😖


Borax does contain Boron. Since we have Borax at our house, I use it for our ants. It takes a few weeks to see really good results, but I don't see why he said not to use if for wasps.
For ants, I use two methods:
1. Put a teaspoon of borax in an empty water bottle. Put about two teaspoons of sugar in. Put a little bit of hamburger in (cooked, or uncooked). If the bottle is dry, put a few drops of water in and shake it up. It'll get all over the inside, don't worry. Cut / drill / melt holes on the sides so that ants can get in and out, but pets cannot. Close the lid and put in a high traffic ant area. They'll get in, eat, and bring the food back to the nest where over time they will die.
2. I make a paste of borax, sugar, and minced up meat (catfood). Then I put the paste in bottle caps or areas where the ants are likely to get at it, but pets won't.

In these small amounts its very unlikely that your cat or dog will be hurt, even if they eat it all, but still you don't want them to eat it.

These days I make a roll of the paste and wrap it in saran wrap and put it in the freezer. If I need some, I'll thaw it out and stick it in an ant traffic area inside or outside.


I'm trying to harvest my peaches - OMG - tons of yellow jackets are punching holes in the peaches, and then several of them are in the holes. Definitely doing this, and have a note on the calendar for next spring. Thank you.


Off topic, my dad used boric acid solution as a fire retardant when sprayed on a live christmas tree.


I once had a hornets nest on a bush about 10 foot high in area of my yard I did not want it in. The easy slam dunk was setting up an open ice chest 3/4 full of water directly underneath nest, then a self standing ladder at night when cool (for sleeping nest). In fully protected including screened head and gloves; that nest then got thrown down into ice chest, followed by closed lid. End of story. Worked Great. Would have been a bad story to miss the ice chest.
