MapleStory Easy Training Guide Level 10 to 260 | Heroic & Interactive servers | GMS

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MapleStory simplified training spot guide that will show all the most popular training maps all the way to level 260! So that you too can level fast with your new characters! This training guide works for both reboot and regular server. As the monsters are the same now across servers.

Intro: 0:00
Level 10 - 30: 0:40
Level 30 - 60: 1:39
Level 60 - 100: 3:05
Level 100 - 140: 5:13
Level 180 - 200: 8:05
Level 200 - 220: 8:51
Level 220 - 240: 10:34
Level 240 - 260: 12:16

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Many thanks to our members for making this video possible.
Thanks to Niels de Coninck, Raar maar waar, JayBEEF, William Owenius, Sebastian Hanoy, FLX, Ryalias, Terry Kim, HBHJ, Supachai Suthikeeree, Vareese, Dries Zumker, WY Lee, Hot Mic, Francisco Sousa, Historycanon, BackSpaceOTI, M Gong, ceemak, Saffronyx, Lorenzo Datuin, Mathias Simonsson, Anwar NHY, brendon, Frank Bouquit, Ziggy Deer, Viktor Larsson, Flidiot, Beemer WT, Knivesu, Chen125, Fullcode, pinky Traveler, Cloud Figgs, SirQQmorez, Jesus, Rodriguez, frogy11, Martin Panczyk, SirTito655, Grayson Lee, TwerkToSpec, Raiser Aryu, LogikMike, Nguyen Durong, Brendom Camm, Vyra, Leonidas lazo zegarra, Bruno H., Trevor, yuki436, Afterlord_MS, YataCosmic, Synfralidro , Raythius, Jonman, Luckey Beatz, Justin Vail, prayerzz, Sylvio Neto, Stevie Zheng, YaRuskiTV Soly Shenouda, heo phan, Twozera, Jason Bayes Santos, Joshua Alvarez, StrikerElk, Nockmss, Nuhyu, Thai Duong Phan, Wictor Sundström, radicaljawz, Stanislaus Kusumo Bagus, GummyBullet, DoeLarh, EddieReacts2Things, Md Harun, Ryaiser Aryu, Liran Redl and BootyWarriorGT, Jeremy Stotler, saimoo123, Mrenarc, Lovebird, RevSoly YaRuskiTV, joe mama, CavemanOhYea, Gerlando Bellavia, I'm dissapointed and My name is coppersan and I'm super cute XOXO, PC GAME LIFE, MaxBurnHeart, Cake Shot Dantevictory, Danielion55, lv241 Paladin Reboot, CrazyladEd, the passenger, Vitor Leite Trev Gabrielek, Pedro Benedetti, Kanra Crystalis, acedlight, Lars Vdbuurt, ben wolf, Sawapipi DogOnATuckerBox, moocow1017, BMBK1ng, Tyler Anderson, Kanit00, Scotty Flys Fast, Prizkilla, Brendon Camm, Clap4TheMoment, Shayke1, Vague Botnet, Feco, Casual Valk, Quin, Me Gu, Dewey Tran, RadicalJawz Funny Moments, Darrin Houston, brisk, MrJobenator Lee, Team Void Star, AngPutingPilipino, SirOtter, Leo Sarafin, Nyx, Tunkeilja, Steelibies, grapplerJenkins, Guilherme paiva, Team Void Star

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Рекомендации по теме

Watched so many of your guides. I missed MS for over 15 years and your guides got me back to it. Thanks!!


been playing maplestory for 19 years. I'm 26 now! I remember this games release man.... I wish we could be friends! Love your passion for the game, sucks to see where it's at a lot of the time today but I can't stop myself from coming back over and over again.


Thank you so much for everything you do! I remember watching you guys way back when Eragon dragon rider, twin brothers and sisters, battle mage era, pink hair girl that uses music, some kind of dragon knight armor, and a animal hero (that is almost always locked, still locked in 2024) were brand new. Really appreciate the training spots for levels 80 to 100+ because it severely slows down there.


Super easy to follow. Got my Lynn up to 200 over the afternoon thanks to this Coppersan! I used the Midnight Troupe burnanator coupon on her and zoomed it up. Another Legion character and link skill down. Gonna take her to 210 at least.


I wanted to make sure to add a note: DO NOT use a rune or exp coupon going into Zakum at level 100. Even if you are fresh level 100, it will be enough to give you an entire two levels and cap you out. You cannot get more than one level from one mob, so you will never overflow. It will waste time on your rune and exp card at this level to do so. Higher levels it can make sense, but if you're going right at 100, don't use any.


Thanks again Coppersan! I haven't played since Big bang was newer so I'm grateful for a grinding list. Hope I run into yall on the new server


Tyyyy. ❤️


nah because the grind from lvl 150 to lvl 180 is just pure torture.


Thanks for the video! Was thinking of picking maple back up again and your video came up! Subbed, cheers!


Your timing on shadower is amazing, just opened one on hyperion


Pretty sure they made zakum xp not be affected by any xp multipliers with recent changes so don't waste rune on fighting it


Another faster way to skip to lvl 101 is to do the new event which gives new maps dedicated to leveling up.
Also there are alot of different gamemodes in the new event giving alot of exp also


I’m early for a video! You’re getting me back into MS, thank you ☺️


I often try to get back into Maplestory but the speed of leveling and the lack of communities makes it feel so much more lonely than it used to. I miss the days of repeated party quests and adding people you vibed with to your friends list, just to shoot out buddy chats saying hey to every one sometimes.


As one who's already 6th job, I kinda envy the lower-level grind... Now, we need to farm Sol Erda frags, and I need to unlock Hexa Mastery cores, minimum 5 days if only through quests. 😅


I know it's an unpopular thing, but I like to do the afterlands quest at lv 75. I usually get about 13 levels without burning, and the totems are so good, I still use them in my main at lv 265

Edit: It's unpopular because it's a bit of a long quest, about 40 mins, and hard to do without a guide


if you're lazy you can do dailies and monster park 7x a day until 250 lol


thank you!!! it helps a ton lvling my mules.. keep it up please..


I understand not mentioning it since it's only a temporary event, but anyone playing right now can have 7 characters do the Zero to One-Hundred event to get to level 100 very quickly and easily 👍


I love your videos, please don't stop!
