Here’s How Noah Fit All the Animals on the Ark

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For many people, the question of how Noah managed to fit all the animals on the ark is a source of confusion. In this video, Tim Chaffey delves into the topic and offers compelling insights and explanations.
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What about all the fresh-water creatures? Surely the change in salinity would've negatively affected them? Also, how do you account that every insect could survive the floodwaters for months on end? Did they all burrow into the earth and hang out until they could come out again?


It's interesting that the 'holy spirit revival', that's happening at Asbury University Campus, is only one hours drive, from Ark Encounter, also located in Kentucky! Very interesting!


I am so excited about coming to visit the ARK. It will be one of the best days of my life. God bless everyone at the ARK.


One theory is that most of them were put in a state of hibernation and kept calm


How long ago was this supposed flood? Are we to believe that these "kinds" could turn back into the full number of species that we see today in such a short amount of time?


The pivot to a more evolutionary interpretation of the word "kind" in the explanation of how so many different animals fit on the Ark has been fairly recent. Even nowadays, popular depictions of the animals on the Ark may include for example both lions as well as tigers, or both horses as well as zebra, even though this modern interpretation of the word "kind" would make such a depiction impossible.
What is often overlooked in this explanation, is that it makes it necessary for the animals to go through a short phase of rapid evolution after leaving the Ark in order to get to the present level of diversity. So the common ancestor of the current lions and tigers must have evolved very rapidly in the first few years after the Flood to get to all the different cat-like animals like lions, tigers, jaguars, and pussycats etc. we all know and love. However, there are numerous problems with this view.
First of all, there is no evidence that this happened at the required pace, and the fossil evidence for this recent evolutionary phase includes evidence for the concurrent evolution of the plants, insects, and water animals that Mr. Chaffey goes to pains to tell us were not on the Ark, and whose survival therefore did not depend on having only one pair (or seven) of an ancestral "kind" preserved.
Secondly, if we interpreted the so-called post-Flood fossil record as containing evidence for evolution, then there is no reason not to interpret the earlier fossil record as containing comparable evidence for evolution. Drawing a line in the geologic column between Flood deposits and post-Flood deposits becomes completely arbitrary and meaningless when the fossil evidence extends over that boundary, as it most certainly does for many "kinds".
Thirdly, it is a fact that the two animals we know for sure were on the Ark, the raven and the dove, definitely are not the ancestral "kind" of the Corvidae and the Columbidae, as is evidenced by the supposedly post-Flood fossil record, as well as by DNA analysis. Therefore the interpretation Mr. Chaffey proposes in this video cannot be considered Biblical.
Fourthly, the post-Flood phase of rapid evolution must have stopped at some point before we get the first reports from our own ancestors about the animals we know nowadays. If the lion evolved from a cat-like "baramin" ancestor on the Ark, this evolution must have concluded before we get the first pictures of lions in wall paintings and reliefs. Leaving aside for a moment that such reports date back to before the young earther date for the Flood, this must mean that the supposed rapid evolution and where it stopped must have been miraculously conducted or determined by God. But that leads us to the question what the purpose is of the explanation Mr. Chaffey is giving us in this video; after all, if God was conducting or determining the outcome of the evolutionary phase in a miraculous way, then why could he not have made the Ark miraculously bigger on the inside to house literally all species, rather than using a mechanism that would remain unknown to humanity until Wallace and Darwin discovered it in the 19th century after Christ? If your explanation has to rely on miracle anyway, making them unscientific in the process, there is no reason why you should limit the miracles, is there?

One of the reasons why this relatively new interpretation of scripture is being promoted, is that the evidence for evolution and scientific geology has become just about undeniable. By co-opting at least part of it, people like Mr. Chaffey hope to make their religious convictions at least plausible to people who do not want to, or who are unable to, evaluate the evidence for themselves. I think that is intellectually dishonest, and I think in the long run it will backfire.


The animal kingdom paid a very high price for the sin of man.


How do you explain the mixing of salt and fresh water for fish etc?


Tell me you don't understand how generics work without telling me.


Hunting those animals were the real challenge, especially those living in other continents such as Kangaroos.
Not to mention feeding them for several months!


How did Noah deal with the poisonous, flammable, methane gas when Noah's wife sparked up the fire for dinner?


So he didn't bring the panda bear, or the polar bear he just pick one of the many and then the other evolved..?


If God can miraculously made it rain, why can't the animals all miraculously fit in the ark??


God willing, I am planning a trip to see this Ark and the Creation museum! Thank you so much for your ministry. God bless 🙏


There is such a thing as MVP. That is, minimum viable population. That is the minimum number of a population of a species in order to guarantee it's survival. For most terrestrial vertebrates that would be between 500-1000, but that is without taking into account inbreeding or genetic variability. When adding those in, the size of the population must increase dramatically. So however many animals these guys say they put on the ark, you have to multiply that times 1000 in order to guarantee the survival of the various "kinds". The presenter tells us that Noah wasn't asked to bring plants aboard the ark. Pardon me, but burying plants under salt water is not good for their health. How does he think plants, that depend on carbon dioxide and sunshine for life, managed buried under several miles of salt water? All of the terrestrial plant life would have died. Seeds might remain viable, but of course they could be buried under hundreds of feet of silt and mud. So when Noah and his family got off the ark, there was no plants to eat, no meat to eat, and no water to drink. And they were several hundred people short of a minimum viable population.


With God everything was and is possible. Believe, trust. and have faith. We will have all those answer when the time comes


Bom dia. Li um artigo científico de vocês sobre as espécies e quantidades de animais na Arca. Sairia um outro artigo, e não encontrei. Pode informaremos os links desses artigos? Obrigado


I love how he inadvertently admitted to evolution.

Regardless write a conclusive list of what you consider separate “kinds”. The number is still within the millions. If you take land animals alone, the number is still within the millions. Or maybe even more.

Also explain why there is animals on all the separate continents and different islands.


Why hasn't any Christian ever made an all inclusive list of every "Kind" of animal and every species they evolved into? Because if anyone actually tried doing that, they would realize the whole concept is flawed.

When you go back far enough in the fossil record you find things like synapsids, ancestors of both mammals and reptiles. Where would you classify something like that? There are intermediate species between every "kind" of creature making it impossible to fit everything into these separate categories.


It would have been nicer if this one video was a bit longer and more informative instead of being guided to other links of other videos =(
