Capitalism in Crisis | Yanis Varoufakis

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What comes next? Yanis Varoufakis has some good ideas 💡

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"If you think people with no money and no power are the problem, you are surely being fooled by someone with both." Jimmy Dore


Thanks Yanis, I was actually in a pretty good mood today.


Excellent from Yanis.Time for Unity & Strength.Let's take back what has been stolen from us by avaricious don't give a damn liars.


Yanis is one of the best to explain the current crisis of capitalism. But I feel like the solution part at the end is lacking. A fund is not enough, we need to democratize the economic system.


Socializing the losses and privatizing the gains is the failure of our global systems.


Proud to have this guy in the Greek parliament


Yanis Varoufakis you are telling very important topics. Wish more people could listen to you.


Mr. Varoufakis, , love care respect, for the human being, is how I describe you when speaking to anyone who ask about you, , you are in the same class as Noam Chomsky, Richard Wolff, all the people who advocate for the masses, , you are worth more the weigh thank gold, , love you


“Don’t scapegoat the vulnerable, confront the powerful “


Nice to find someone ( or some group) who is not only pinpointing the things that are going wrong in society, ( as many others do) too, but to think about how to change things and to propose a solution to a process to change these things, at least proposals to valuate ...


Fantastic, clear, inspirational speech.


Yanis honestly gives me hope. I urge everyone to read his books, they are excellent.


While we keep debating what needs to be done, a hard reset will probably sort it out for us; like some catastrophic cataclysmic cosmic reset: an asteroid wiping us out. Then the animals can take over the world and then it all starts over again. Btw I agree with what Yanis says.


You absolutely summed it all up. I worry that the left won't pull together as the system implodes!


An economic system based on endless increase in consumption will end with disaster. We only have one planet that we are already overexploiting to be able to consume, often something we don't need. I would suggest that groups be created in all countries of the world, from all walks of life to find solutions. The solutions must then be implemented successfully so that our current system does not collapse.


Am I extreme ? here are some : To what purpose are we allowing the 1% to collect and stockpile 90% of the worlds
working capital? To what benefit and by what logic?
I`ve seen programs about folks hoarding stuff at home, needing help to clear the mess and most people watching this, feel for the sorry people, drowning in their own crap. We are making tv shows where we send in experts. cleaners and psychiatrists to help them get it right.
Apparently is it different when it comes to money . A few people are in the business of stockpiling money and everybody is just looking at it, maybe waiting and hoping to get a peace of the cake. Nobody would take any of the stuff off of the hoarders piles, but when it`s about money, people feel in ore and become passive to the point of a total freeze.

Maybe it`s time to address the elephant in the room . That`l be the concept of private property in it`s unlimited form.
There are not resources enough in the world to uphold this system. It`ll invariably lead to greater conflicts, in the end making WW 1-2 look like minor conflicts.
We need a cap on property and money - some sort of upper level for possesions --


We’ve been losing the class war since the 70s. Working people need to stand together and stop work until this shit is replaced with a good system.


You’re always worth listening to Yanis.


Astute critique with tangible solutions -- excellent!


I mostly agree, but there are certain problem with these statements:
1- at least in the west, people are not, sadly, that angry at capitalism. As long as there is a decent amout money for everyone, cheap food prices and mass media and technology to keep them busy. They are not angry.
2- all that story about right harvesting the bitter crops- better to change capitalism a little bit, then not to change it at all (like some politicians considering themselves leftist do) right is not just harvesting the crops of capitalism, but also the crops of lefitist incompetentce to change economical system.
3- migration. Increase migration= increase number of people in the west= increase pollution. It is a bit apsurd to be pro migration and pro green at the same time. Only when 3rd world countries fully adopt to human values true freedom of movement can exist. Mass migration at this rate in Europe makes very small amount of immigrants assimilate at least a little bit. Result? Increase in racism. Migration like this to europe is a crime against nature, europeans and maybe even against migrants themselves.

Edit: 4- anti poverty programs can have enormous impact on climate crisis also. Imagine if 3rd world countries had just a bit better living standards, waste of all resuoses would increase, numbers of these people are huge. Or imagine if they would waste like europeans or (god forbid) Americans, that would be climate Armageddon.
