True GMT vs Office GMT Watches & how to set them - Rolex vs Parnis

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This video shows you the differences between the two GMT complications in watches - the "True" or "Travel" GMT with an independent hour hand, and the "Office" GMT with an independent GMT hand.
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I watched 10 videos to get the information you delivered in 3 minutes. Thank you. Don't travel=ETA GMT. Travel=true GMT. Got it.


No problem. When tracking another timezone on the "office GMT" I use the bezel. Easy. My main hands walk in my time zone, my GMT hand walks in my time zone. I simply klick the bezel + or - the hours of the time zone I want to track and suddenly the GMT hand is in the other time zone since I have two dials. The inner for my time zone, the outer on the bezel for another.

you simply don't get the date function for the other time zone. Love it using it that way. Actually when traveling hrough timezones I only rely on my bezel when leaving my local zone. A bit tricky for the brain first but I love it.


The best explanation for this gmt issue I have watched so far


Excellent explanation. I've never heard the phrase "office GMT" but it makes total sense. I travel a lot, and have a Rolex GMTII which is, in my opinion the perfect traveller's watch. I set the destination local time on the plane and I spend the flight time getting acclimatised to the new local time. Jumping hours makes it an absolute doddle.


Interesting. I thought you were going to say one is better than the other. In fact, one should determine how you will use your watch. I live in Los Angeles. My family lives in Orlando. I need the office GMT so I know not to call them too late. Great vid.


The first one is just as easy if you use it correctly. Set your local time like normal, then set gmt offset (ie est-5 so you’d put 5 or whatever your local gmt offset is) at the top with the bezel lastly set gmt on gmt hand.

Now when switching time zones set local time (gmt hand automatically moves) and then adjust bezel to local gmt offset.

Using this method you’ll set gmt once and then never have to touch it again.


Thank you for this. Very educational.


An advantage of the “true” GMT is that you can use it just like an “office” GMT. When I know I am not traveling for awhile, I set the GMT hand on my Tudor GMT to a second time zone. It then functions like an office GMT. When I am about to travel, I reset it to my local time and the watch gives me true GMT functionality. Best of both worlds.


Excellent demo. Thanks for the clarification.


to me, both are quite useful for travel. i have an office GMT and i’ll set the GMT hand to my destination time and leave my main hands on my home time. works just fine. as mentioned in the vid, i don’t get a date change but i can read those damn things anyway.

i always wonder what people who love the Travel GMT do with their GMT hand. pilots used to use it for zulu time, but nobody cares about that. i guess you could set the GMT hand to your home location when you travel, but that doesn’t feel all that efficient. i guess if you’re hopping around from
time zone to time zone on a single trip, the jumping hour hand becomes useful.


Awesome rolex and a great Parnis! I'm inclined to buy it but not sure on how long will it last? How long have you had yours? Thanks mate, great content.


Does the rolex (true gmt) has a quick set date?


Wait...we're supposed to take the main hand to the area youre travelling to? and the gmt for home time.


Does anyone know of a true GMT under 40mm case diameter? Preferably quartz with no chrono. Thanks!


This is about the 10th video. I’ve watched on this subject and I’m still clueless.


No issues with GMT. I wear 12 watches on each arm.


Sir i have a confusion, as i live in Punjab, India. The gmt time here is +5:30 and i want to set the gmt hand time to Madrid, Spain which is -4:30 minutes from my home time(india). How do i set it??
I have the seiko ssk005 gmt an office gmt as you said..


I travel with the 80.00 Parnis. Not a pain in the butt for only 80.00. The pain in the butt is the $8, 000.00 price on the “Rolli”


As for Rolex GMT Master II (which is the real 'true' GMT), GMT hand alone does not rotate at first crown pulled state, instead, the hour hand alone rotates, and at second pulled state together with GMT + Hour hands. it is same to Rolex Explorer II except bezel rotation function added. Only for the cheap homage watches like Parnis, GMT hand alone rotates at the first crown pulled state and it is hard to set local time with fixed GMT hand when you travel abroad. So if you use homage GMT watch abroad, when local time is set then GMT hand also is to be set, or use the fixed bezel type GMT homage watch imitating Rolex Explorer II.


I'd rather have the Parnis system. Many places I go to doesn't merely change the hour hand only, the minute hand has to be changed too.
