Comma story - Terisa Folaron

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It isn't easy holding complex sentences together (just ask a conjunction or a subordinate), but the clever little comma can help lighten the load. But how to tell when help is really needed? Terisa Folaron offers some tricks of the comma trade.

Lesson by Terisa Folaron, animation by Brett Underhill.
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A comma marks a slight break between different parts of a sentence. Used properly, commas make the meaning of sentences clear by grouping and separating words, phrases, and clauses. Many people are uncertain about the use of commas, though, and often sprinkle them throughout their writing without knowing the basic rules.

Here are the main cases when you need to use a comma:

in lists

in direct speech

to separate clauses

to mark off certain parts of a sentence

with 'however'

Using commas in lists

You need to put a comma between the different items in a list, as in the following sentences:

Saturday morning started with a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and French toast.

The school has a vegetable garden in which the children grow cabbages, onions, potatoes, and carrots.

The final comma in these lists (before the word ‘and’) is known as the ‘serial comma’. Not all writers or publishers use it, but it is used by Oxford Dictionaries – some people refer to it as ‘the Oxford comma’. Using it can make your meaning clearer. Take a look at this sentence:

My favourite sandwiches are chicken, bacon and ham and cheese.

It isn’t entirely clear from this sentence whether the writer is listing three or four of their favourite sandwich fillings: is ‘ham’ one of their favourites and ‘cheese’ another, or is it ‘ham and cheese’ that they like? Adding an Oxford comma makes the meaning clear:

My favourite sandwiches are chicken, bacon, and ham and cheese.

Using commas in direct speech

When a writer quotes a speaker’s words exactly as they were spoken, this is known as direct speech. If the piece of direct speech comes after the information about who is speaking, you need to use a comma to introduce the direct speech. The comma comes before the first quotation mark. Note that the final quotation mark follows the full stop at the end of the direct speech:

Steve replied, ‘No problem.’

You also need to use a comma at the end of a piece of direct speech, if the speech comes before the information about who is speaking. In this case, the comma goes inside the quotation mark:

‘I don’t agree, ’ I replied.

‘Here we are, ' they said.

There are two exceptions to this rule. If a piece of direct speech takes the form of a question or an exclamation, you should end it with a question mark or an exclamation mark, rather than a comma:

‘Stop him!’ she shouted.

‘Did you see that?’ he asked.

Direct speech is often broken up by the information about who is speaking. In these cases, you need a comma to end the first piece of speech (inside the quotation mark) and another comma before the second piece (before the quotation mark):

‘Yes, ’ he said, ‘and I always keep my promises.’

‘Thinking back, ’ she added, ‘I didn’t expect to win.’

See more about Punctuation in direct speech.

Using commas to separate clauses

Commas are used to separate clauses in a complex sentence (i.e. a sentence which is made up of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses).

The following examples show the use of commas in two complex sentences:

Having had lunch,
we went back to work.
[subordinate clause]
[main clause]
I first saw her in Paris,
where I lived in the early nineties.
[main clause]
[subordinate clause]


If the commas were removed, these sentences wouldn’t be as clear but the meaning would still be the same. There are different types of subordinate clause, though, and in some types the use of commas can be very important.

A subordinate clause beginning with ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘that’, ‘whom’, or ‘where’ is known as a relative clause. Take a look at this example:

who have young children
may board the aircraft first.
 [relative clause]


This sentence contains what’s known as a ‘restrictive relative clause’. Basically, a restrictive relative clause contains information that’s essential to the meaning of the sentence as a whole. If you left it out, the sentence wouldn’t make much sense. If we removed the relative clause from the example above, then the whole point of that sentence would be lost and we’d be left with the rather puzzling statement:

Passengers may board the aircraft first.

You should not put commas round a restrictive relative clause.

The other type of subordinate clause beginning with ‘who’, ‘which’, ‘whom’, etc. is known as a ‘non-restrictive relative clause’. A non-restrictive relative clause contains information that is not essential to the overall meaning of a sentence. Take a look at the following example:

who has two young children,
has a part-time job in the library.
 [relative clause]


If you remove this clause, the meaning of the sentence isn’t affected and it still makes perfect sense. All that’s happened is that we’ve lost a bit of extra information about Mary:

Mary has a part-time job in the library.

You need to put a comma both before and after a non-restrictive relative clause.

Using commas to mark off parts of a sentence

Commas are used to separate a part of a sentence that is an optional ‘aside’ and not part of the main statement.

Gunpowder is not, of course, a chemical compound.

His latest film, Calypso Dreams, opens next month.

In these sentences, the role of the commas is similar to their function in non-restrictive relative clauses: they mark off information that isn’t essential to the overall meaning. Using commas in this way can really help to clarify the meaning of a sentence. Take a look at this example:

Cynthia’s daughter, Sarah, is a midwife.

The writer’s use of commas tells us that Cynthia has only one daughter. If you removed Sarah’s name from the sentence, there would still be no doubt as to who was the midwife:

Cynthia’s daughter is a midwife.

If you rewrite the original sentence without commas its meaning changes:

Cynthia’s daughter Sarah is a midwife.

The lack of commas tells us that the name ‘Sarah’ is crucial to the understanding of the sentence. It shows that Cynthia has more than one daughter, and so the name of the one who is a midwife needs to be specified for the meaning to be clear.

If you aren’t sure whether you’ve used a pair of commas correctly, try replacing them with brackets or removing the information enclosed by the commas altogether, and then see if the sentence is still understandable, or if it still conveys the meaning you intended.

Using a comma with 'however'

You should use a comma after 'however' when however means 'by contrast' or 'on the other hand':

However, a good deal of discretion is left in the hands of area managers.

Don't use a comma after however when it means 'in whatever way':

However you look at it, existing investors are likely to lose out.


"Let's eat Grandma!"

"Let's eat, Grandma!"

Comma's save lives.


Some commas save lives
"Let's eat, grandma!"
Others destroy lives
"A panda eats, shoots, and leaves."


That was a really creative way to put it.


Bartheleme seems like a very interesting person


As a non native English speaker, please make more videos like this!


You know it's kind of ironic that although the subordinate conjunction's character is is mighty and powerful, the word subordinate's actual definition means to be under someone like a leader or be a rank below...


Maybe my brain works differently than most, but I feel like this is a really convoluted way to explain this topic.


This video needs re-naming: "How to confuse the shit out of someone trying to learn the correct use of a comma."


I wish I was as talented as Bartheleme, with his UChicago acceptance and Stanford waitlist.


THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! If teachers explained everything like we're 5 year olds and weren't pretentious, students perfomance would skyrocket. Feynman would be proud of this video.


I put off watching this video some years ago when I thought I didn't need videos about grammar. the video was all blah blah blah then. Now I'm doing some writing and it has occurred to me that I need to know precisely when and when not to use commas. What a memorable way to teach a concept. Thanks


Finally after years and years of getting confused between a comma and a dot, i finally learned it today! Thank you, very much!


Thanks TED-Ed. I needed this for my grammar class.


Are you kidding me? This was the most convoluted way to explain the use of a comma - or the use of anything ever produced. TED is rolling over in his ED. Face smack.


For And Nor But Or Yet So


WoW! You just explained the use of comma in less than 5 minutes while my teacher had been teaching that for a long time and no one yet understands.


this lesson was the cutest video I have seen since elementary school. simple and easy to follow. great job educators!


first comma was hard to me but now i feel like i could do anything so thank you so much


What I have concluded from this video is that I should start placing commas after a complete thought. 😮
