Tango MUSICALITY: I should have known this 25 years ago 😔

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All you need to become a master in musicality is...

Learning how the structure of the songs is built, how to choose the moments to dance it and what to practice to master any song.

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Excellent, excellent, excellent. Bravo Maestro! Obrigado


0:58 The Structure of a Tango song
3:53 How to choose the moments
6:02 What to practice to master it
6:48 How to advance MUCH faster!

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Thank you…after 18 years, today I learnt the "234". I am not a musician and so this visual helps me understand the positioning of the strong beat, syncopa and quick-quick. THANK YOU.


please make more of these videos!!! this is the only way a person can hear and see the musicality demonstrated clearly. All other videos either only do theoretical talk or gloss over the basics.


Yes yes more musicality! Thank you for this.


Danced example is really nice, thanks for sharing!


Th explanation is great the demonstration makes it understandable… making the lead feel intuitive to the follower is the hard part… tips on that would be helpful


Thank you, what an interesting explanation that's so simple to pick up. In my Tango class some of the more difficult time signatures 7/8 ? provide a surging musicality.


Nice video style - a mix of lecture, presentation and demonstration. Really simple & really helpful. Gracias!


Thank you! Your video is a great contribution for me .


New to musicality. This is a very useful video


Wow, this is really great stuff!!!👌👌👌


Pero nadie sabe de antemano en qué momento la orquesta va a hacer la síncopa, de manera que este "método" sólo serviría con una pieza musical que tengas totalmente memorizada!


I love you. That's all i need to say.


¡Que culo tiene! ¡Qué maestría! ¡Qué generosidad! Un acierto para un entendido. Y muchas gracias por la clase. Muy elaborada.


It is preferable to count 1 e and a, 2 e and a, 3 e and a vs. 1 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 3 2 3 4... This is how a musician would look at the music. I would suggest getting familiar with quarter notes (the strong beats he mentions in the video), eigth notes, sixteenth notes etc. I love the dancing! Very musical.


yes, bur if I do not know the music before?


Hi Javier. Thanks a lot for Your content about tango musicality. Every attempt to teach dancers "to dance" (= interpret music) is unbelievably valuable. But....
... way You teach dancing musicality simply fails.
Music is art, not mathematics. Even more to dance you don't need to be musician. As a dancer you are in this luxurious situation to have a material for dancing, Especially the Argentine tango was exactly made for it! (except music of Piazzolla ..., or tangos of Gardel, late Pugliese and a lot of music of La Vangardia, etc....).
Actually to learn dancing could be quite easy by understanding some basics of musical interpretation. F.e.: a dancer do not need to care about the metrum, bars and counting of this stuff. You have to follow a different and more even easier stuff, like a simply pattern. After managing this skill, the next step will be to find yourself in this pattern (performing through exercising and afterwards practicing on milongas).
I know: it's impossible to explain this in few words, but... the main reason of musical dancing is FREEDOM and COMFORT; here is the point to start.
By the way: dancing syncope at the "most common positions" gives you may be some kind of good feeling to dance syncope, but you will never master it without feeling and performing syncope together with music. How it is possible? Well, let's start to understand, that musician (especially in tango) play FOR YOU TO DANCE, and NOT AGAINST YOU. Nowadays, when most leaders are busy with performing some figures or sequences not having even a reason for caminada and communication, is not possible for them to lead a partner to a simple straight ahead mercato! At this point tango is bare of music, soul and essence.
Nevertheless, I hope You will be successful by teaching musicality in tango. We both, You and me are fighters on the front of music. Hope to meet You in Prague (or wherever we dance). See yeah.


I find your exposé interesting however I do not understand why you (and other dancers) use the term "sycopation" in connection with dance steps whereas it is a musical term. It refers to (musical) measures (or bars) containing two "tiempo forte" instead of one: the 1st bit and another strong bit immediately after the 1st (at 1/8 th from it). Thank you for an answer or a correction of my comment.
