MOST TERRIFYING monsters in Japanese Mythology😱‼️ #shorts

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Imagine showing ur friends theese images and asking smash or pass. And the demons are behind him


“they’re terrifying”
me : bite me. I would kill to look like that-


“If you see these onna sisters together”


Monsters in Japanese mythology is one of the most terrifying stories I've ever read. Even their horror movies top Hollywood horror movies in my opinion


"They're terrifying"

*Wait did I just saw anime girl*


Futakuchi Onna, Hone Onna, Kuchisake Onna and Yuki Onna sounds like they're siblings


Futokachi Onna was a poor girl, who had no food and had been struggling to survive with her sister. One day, her sister can come, cheerfully, which usually didn’t happen. Futokachi thought she might have brought food, but her sister never told her what was on her mind. This kept happening for a couple of days, and then, Futokachi came to the suspicion that she was hiding something from her, or that she had been eating food whilst she was out of the house. Futokachi sadly ate her sister, and then came to the horrible realization that her sister had been saving money for them. Her sisters face haunted her on the back of her head, in a way of showing her guilt.



"Mom: yes?"
"Can we cancel our flight to Japan?"
Btw thx for 2k likes


Request: Post a short horror story you did last time "bless you" horror story


For those who watch anime: when you watched this you probably notice how these monsters are similar to some anime characters and that's because most demonic characters in anime are based on that, for example duki from demon slayer is based on the girl in the second picture with the long neck.


This is a pretty quick legend that I learned about, One time there was a man resting beside the waterfall basin, JorōGumo tried to drag him away by wrapping spiderwebs on his legs, He managed to wrap the webs into a tree instead of having wrapped around his legs, JorōGumo then unknowingly put the tree into the waterfall instead of the man. This Yokai is a spider like woman.

RokuRobi: Are one type of Japanese yokai, They are almost like humans but have their own unique differences. Each RokuRobi species can do different things, Some can stretch out their neck completely whereas others can detach their head and make it fly. People have claimed to see flying or stretched necks with the head randomly popping out of nowhere, Some believe that this is the soul leaving the body.

Futachuki-Onna: A Futachuki-Onna is known as a Japanese monster, They are known for their mouths one mouth will be in the normal spot where a human would have one and the other on the back of their head covered by hair. Whenever this mouth opens her skull will cut in half and will open up to a mouth of sharp teeth and a demon like tongue. They are known to be wives of misers and barely ever eat, When this happens a second mouth appears on the back of the head and threatens them to eat or else.

Ohaguro: This is a Japanese yokai known for her empty face and blackened teeth, The blackened teeth were known as a way to demonstrate sexual maturity in women over eighteen. She will usually hang out in dark streets with shrines nearby, She usually will go over to the shrines and lure single young men like a siren. She looks like a beautiful young newlywed in a bridal gown, She lures men and often hides her face until they get close, then she reveals her face covered in thick makeup hiding everything but her big black mouth. Sometimes she will disguise herself as their wife and lure them closer and closer. When she reveals her face she will start cackling and the man will run and scream at the sight.
So these are pranksters basically, no injuries or deaths have happened because this is a rare occurrence but still be careful if you see your wife or a young woman who hides her face and doesn’t move.

Hone-onna: This Japanese yokai is known for a beautiful young woman who is actually made of bones and wearing long clothing a mask of a young woman, She is often known to be able to demolish human flesh with her bones. She attracts young men like Ohaguro, She has a liking for death and $3x, She has two different forms, the first one is the beautiful young woman she can transform into and the second one is her bones. They have supernatural powers and are very strong, there are many different stories but I learned this one. Hone-Onna will regularly visit one man’s house and stay the night, She does this regularly after she’s done with one..And I mean DONE, She will cheat on them regularly and kill each and every one of them once she is tired of them

Kuchisake-Onna: Kuchisake-Onna is also known as the Slit-Mouthed Woman because of her mouth, Her mouth looks like it was cut open with scissors or a knife which is what she is known for. This was a super popular legend in the Heidan period, The story goes that a young woman was married to a samurai. The samurai left for war and hadn’t come home in a long long time, the woman believed that her beloved husband was dead and met another nice man. The samurai came home randomly one day to see his life kissing another man, this angered him as he was drunk and he took his sword and cut her mouth open on both sides giving her a Glasgow smile, meaning that her mouth now went to her ears. After he dad done this to his wife he said “No one will think you’re pretty now..” . In 2007 someone found out children were also going missing at the same time this happened to the woman (during the Heidan period, not 2007) These sightings claimed to have seen a woman with very similar features to her at their time of death or disappearance. Sometimes she will come up to people (most likely kids) with a mask on and ask “Am I pretty?”, if they say no then she will slash their face like theirs and follow them home to kill them, if they say yes she will remove her mask and ask again, If they say yes again they will still get slashed anyways but people believe that you can buy time by not giving a straight forward answer like “ You’re okay” or “So-so” so they can get away.

Yuki Onna: There are too many stories about her so I’m going to tell you ONE. *Ahem
One time there was a woman who went to visit a man up in the mountains, she became his wife as it was her desire. One day her husband told her to bath in hot water because it was getting cold and they needed to get warm, the woman didn’t want to go in the hot water but reluctantly did anyway. After she went into the tub she was never seen again, the only thing she left were icicles in the water. So Yuki Onna is supposed to be a snow or ice like entity and disappears when hot water is splashed on her, if you ever encounter her (which you probably won’t seeing as it an urban legend) you need to keep your core warm because if she attacks you she goes for the core and she harnesses the coldness if your core is cold, She’s more than ten feet tall and doesn’t have feet. To stay alive the person who encounters her needs to be hydrated calm and have a warm core.


me with the second last one:
'She's kinda cute...'
'She's a murderer!'
'...but she's kinda cute.'


“They are scary😟”

“*wait did I just see an anime character*”


"I like that long neck one "
"She can end you"
"Shut up she looks pretty then you"


Ohh ok.
**Goes to Japan**


Man the music is just rockin till the edge of the universe


"Just 1 last short before bed"


“How bad can it be?”
Me, who has seen the Chinese monsters already:
“Wow, cool”


When I was a kid my grandma actually told me about those creatures/ demons, I'm still traumatized to this day. 💀


The moment it said the most terrifying myths in japan, i immediately said "kuchisake onna"
