Why Teaching Hospital Patients Are Saints #medicalstudent

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They did this with my mom. I told her to try telling them “NO” after the third one in 3 hours. She did on the next person and they just blinked and left. The next time a nurse came in she cackled loudly and said “honey, you tell ‘em! You need rest.” Apparently no one actually tells them “no” lol


The night shift nurses who dim the lights and put a Do Not Disturb sign up between 11pm and 4am are the real MVPs!


I love teaching hospitals & doctors offices. I had like 30 people in my room while I delivered my son, everybody was laughing at my quips & cheering me on. My memory of my delivery is like a big party & I loved it!... also, for both, there is a whole team caring for you versus one single doc. I love, love that!


When I was in the hospital with a critically enlarged liver (they assumed I had thyroid cancer but it turned out to be an infection) they brought in a whole team of like 12 medical students who all gathered around my bed like they were about to sing a choir piece and after the third in a row had poked my very painfully swollen abdomen I realized what was going on and politely declined any more "examination" 😅 The doctor apologized and told me he brought the students because I was so lean and they could really "get a good feel of the affected organs" I appreciate that they are learning but bro my liver hurt enough 😄


Or when they bring 30 people into the room to look at and talk about you as if you’re not laying right in front of them 😂😂😂


As a just graduated nursing student I appreciate EVERY SINGLE person who was so understanding and let me take the slowest vital signs and assessments 😂.


I had students when I was giving birth and honestly those ladies were my only help. My midwide was rude as hell and those young ladies were holding my hand, telling me I can do this and letting me know when to push because honestly I was in so much pain I didn't know myself. They took care of my husband because he looked like he he was about to collapse any minute 😂 they were great. Should be doctors/midwifes by now, hope they are doing great.


This is so relatable! 😂
As long as all the students are kind and treat me with respect and dignity, they can always go ahead!

Only once i turned a student away. I was recovering from a stomach surgery and the student didnt even ask but stated "so, hi. im the student and i need to look in your files today, check your incisions and status". After i asked some questions he completely ignored me and started talking about me with a nurse like i wasnt in the room at all while flipping through my files and saying something along the lines of "oh, an autistic one again". He then had the nerve to drag my shirt up without asking which made me spiral into a panick attack (cPTSD from abuse and assault which is written all over my files as well).
I slapped his hands away, tried to calm down and politely but anxiously told him that if he cant treat me with dignity/patience and follow protocol, he cant treat me at all.

The other students were always amazing tho! Its sooo important to learn, so i always consent to new nurses/students putting an IV in, answer their questions about my diseases and let them come into the operation room. Most of them are super kind, cool and just ecstatic to finally practice medicine IRL after so many years filled with only books and dummies/corpses. :)


I remember telling everyone “no” you may not. Lol. The head nurse came in and tried to talk to me about it and I told her I need to sleep so I can heal. They can all come
Back at 9 and look together lol. She said ok. They came back at 9:05 and took a gander lol


My 70 year old late mother was being treated for colon cancer at a teaching hospital. Every often a group of interns was shadowing her oncologist, surgeon, etc and when they found out she had silicone breast implants from 40 years ago they all wanted to look and have a feel as they were a rare thing.

My mom found it hilarious and enjoyed the extra attention.

Miss ya, mom.


Post op rn here🙋🏼‍♀️ Important advice-Form an alliance with your nurse. Ask them to hang a “see nurse before entering” sign if you really need to sleep for a few hours. They can help time the important things and screen out what can happen later like meal selection and housekeeping. The hospital I work in has actually just instituted a delirium protocol for those over 65 to prevent sleep disruption from 10pm to 6am.


My mom was in labor with me for two and half days. She was so sick and tired of the constant stress and the flow of the med students that she yelled at them telling them: “This is a learning experience for you! When the mother is in pain and you keep ruining her sleep, and keep putting your fingers in me to know what dilation feels like, know that she is absolutely tired and would kill the next person who put their hands in me that isn’t my doctor.” I took out the curse words and translated it from Tagalog. My sister was out within two hours and my brother was out after a day. I was the most stubborn, I guess. 😅


This is why i left hospital feeling awful. You cannot sleep there!


When i had my surgery and kept getting woke up... i started crying and told the last nurse that came in PLEASE JUST LET ME SLEEP!!!


My last surgery was the only time I’ve said no. They came in literally every hour. I understand they needed to keep watch on it, but I literally couldn’t sleep between them and the pain. On the last day I told the nurse that I was no longer consenting to that many checks. I love letting people learn, especially about my condition but there comes a point where you gotta rest to heal.


Nothing like being woken up at 4 am and the surgeon being sassy with you because you’re not absolutely enthused to have your stomach touched by a stranger


Oh my gosh…. I had my first baby at a teaching hospital and I signed papers saying they were fine to observe and whatnot. It took about 30 hours for me to have her and I kid you not, I had about 12 medical students IN THE ROOM as I was pushing a whole human out of my body. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m glad I was able to give them that experience but it was a humbling moment.


seriously, growing up I never realized how big a deal this was but these people are trying to heal and despite all their pain their still willing to help others learn the best way to care for other/future patients, special place in my heart for them


I spent some time at a teaching hospital in Japan. They actually had ALL the residents come through to practice taking patient history in English and just generally being able to better care for foreign patients.

Honestly it was a great idea, it wasn't really stressful since I actually do speak Japanese (so I wasn't in danger of getting incorrect treatment or anything).

And to anyone thinking that that's not important or useful - years later, when I was in the MFICU gearing up for birth, I actually had to request that one OBGYN be taken off my team. She was overexcited at the thought of a foreign patient, and while in Japanese I was asking stuff like, "So to confirm, after the cord prolapse on Tuesday, we're not planning to induce me? What if a bed opens up in the NICU?" And she'd just answer, in English, "ahahaha! Yes!! Tuesday!!"

It was critical to my and my baby's healthcare to have someone see me as a real person, and a patient, and not be just tickled pink that she could practice the days of the week.

Fwiw none of the students I saw at the teaching hospital were like that!


I'll never forget the pregnant lady who was so sweet and calm as I messed up a blood draw and got blood all over her, the bed, and then she had to get poked again to actually get the blood in a patience of a saint...I was crying for her.
