What Happened to the Jesuits? (In Studio w/ Fr. Brown S.J.)

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What Happened to the Jesuits? (In Studio w/ Fr. Brown S.J.)

Fr. John Brown, S.J. joins R&T for an in person interview on the state of the Jesuit order.

00:00 Introduction
00:12 Small Talk with Fr. Brown
01:31 The Catholic Thing Article
02:48 Jesuit Spirituality
05:27 Jesuit Intellectual Tradition
09:04 Good Men Gone?
14:58 A Jesuit Pope
21:15 Pope Francis's Style
27:42 Leftist Jesuits
29:08 Overcoming Scrupulosity
35:17 Fr. James Martin?
38:18 Lay Spiritual Directors
41:25 Leftist Orders
42:28 Predestination
44:58 Jesuit Habit?
46:34 James Martin and Vocations
48:00 Fr. Brown's Vocation
51:05 Ignatius and Imagination
55:25 Malachi Martin Book
57:34 St. Josaphat
59:13 Catholic YouTube
103:33 Conclusion

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I'm really sorry I missed this. Thank you for having Fr. Brown on. He's priest of the people, a genuinely joyful soul, and a much needed blessing in these times.


Would love to see Fr. Brown regularly on the show, as long as it doesn’t interfere with his mission. He’s really joyful and encouraging!


Thank you for such a fab interview, and the 1st coffee chat too with Father Brown. He seems a lovely, unassuming, and humble guy! His explanation of the Ignatian Spirituality is so helpful, as I was pretty weary of it following my substantial involvement for many years in certain new age practices which led to some concerning experiences which I'd rather not relive! Reading Saint Francis Xavier's bio really helped give me more faith in the Jesuit spiritual practices in the first instance, but Father John has helped ease my mind about those practices even further. Thank you for that.


I went to a Jesuit university, graduated in 2004. It was off putting how much they did not wear their clerics and it was like they wanted to fit in and seem more academics than priests. That said, some were good men who did love God and believe in the teachings of the Church, not all were like Fr. Martin, though some were.


Hi Michael, I've been following for quite some time. I don't know how I missed this. Great exchange! And, that's a great job you are doing! Keep it up! God bless you.


There’s a Jesuit priest who works with my college student center and he’s awesome! Knowledgable, charitable, informed, and great guy to talk to.
Last time I saw him, I jokingly asked “So how’s the Jesuit new world order coming along?” and he just chuckled and talked about the mission work his group was up. There’s a group in Haiti right now how sector is working with to help the locals and protect their members because of the rise in cartel control.

Those like him are a reason why I don’t paint a group with a broad brush nor listen to, quite frankly, conspiratorial ‘claims.’ There will always be bad apples in every batch, but we should recognize the Church is organically diverse and it’s worth achieving true unity over blanket conformity if we can help it.


I got so excited when I saw this! Fr. Brown is the president of the high school I went to. He's such an awesome person, and he's about as Louisiana as they get. Happy to see him wearing the blue and white of Jesuit NOLA.


Father Brown is a ball of energy!
Love him!
And God bless the Jesuits. 🙏🏻


This man has restored my faith in Jesuits. Bad ones still about, sure, but definitely a lot more... nuance!


Father Brown, thank you for sharing this interview. I accidently drop in on it and was totally pleased with this presentation with the answers you had given to the interviewer's questions. It adds great encouragement to men contemplating the priest hood. I am sharing it with members of my family. And maybe it will be a catalyst for candidates to the priesthood to join the Jesuits! You are in my prayers. 🙏


I was taught by good Jesuits in Miami. They were instrumental in bringing me to the faith and nurturing my faith. They are all orthodox Catholics and all wore their clerics. One of them even says the TLM. I am a typical traditional leaning young Catholic, but I always defend the Jesuits from those who paint them as all bad. I am not naive about their issues but that is simply not true. Many are very very good and holy men.


Thank you; its refreshing to hear from this Jesuit; it seems that on youtube james martin gets all the attention; it gives me hope to hear fr brown soeak; God Bless.


i was unaware the Jesuits had a bad wrap..my father was taught by Jesuits...he had high praise for their academic scholarship .


While listening to Fr. Brown, one word with its image popped in my head: Judo. He managed the questions perfectly, he stayed in the CENTER. 👍🏼


Thank you Fr Brown. Can a Superior speak to James Martin, he has a website proudly proclaiming particular Saints as LGBTQI. Some people blame all Jesuits for everything wrong in the Church and even more so the PF is jesuit. They look for a scapegoat. They forget PF was estranged from the jesuit community when he became Pope. He believed and stated that Jesuits should be in the ghettos with the poor not pursuing intellectual studies and he was vocal about it.😊 There is room for both spiritual works and intellectual pursuits.


I do have one comment on "Mass" and "being sent:" I think folks with not as much Latin try to read into "ite, Missa est, " an exhortation as to our being sent. I invite those so thinking to analyze the grammar of the phrase. "Go, y'all are sent, " in Latin, would be "Ite, missi estis." (That, unless one is celebrating Mass with a convent of women religious without any man in attendance, in which event it would be "missae estis.") But the predicated participial adjective (nominative case) is singular feminine, and the verb form is singular. Let me take you back to those thrilling days of yesteryear, when, in the Roman liturgy, the phrase had been included in the liturgy. There was a custom of sending a consecrated Host from the stational church at which the Holy Father had presided to each church in the city of Rome, as a symbol of unity with the Holy Father. After those had been sent, the deacon serving under the Holy Father intoned the now-familiar phrase. What noun would be feminine gender and singular in number to be the unspoken subject? Try "Eucharistia" or "Hostia." For That was what had been sent (missa est). (Okay, rant over.)


What’s not wrong with the Jesuits?
Fr John Hardon . He did great work!


I don’t know much about the Jesuits, but Peter Claver is my favorite Jesuit. Thanks for the knowledge Fr. Brown!


Love the interview with Father Brown. Regarding his using the Roman Canon in celebrating mass, I am lucky and in my Dominican parish in Manhattan it is almost exclusively used on Sundays .


Need a patreon video of Father Brown commentating on sports in spanish
