2023 BUGOUT BAG - UPDATED SURVIVAL GEAR FOR SUMMER SEASON! #shtf #bushcraft #idaho #prepper

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Updated my Bugout Bag for the spring and summer season.

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Fellow Idahoan here, the woobie makes a good 3 season option, i personally love them. I'll always default to an AR/m4 platform, for alot of reasons, but theres definitely value in being able to carry a whole bunch of ammo, and being able to use it on smaller animals


Just throwing it out there. One thing I carry in my BOB, is a powerbank with built-in solar panels so I am able to recharge my electronics ( ham radio batt., flashlight/headlamp batt. Etc.).


I lived in north idaho most my life howdy!
Readywise isnt bad, Its not gross but its not mind blowing delicious. I have ready wise in my bug out kits as well. Also you should keep the camp stove and fuel cell in your bug out just in case you can't get a fire going, or you can't have a fire because of stealthy reasons if something bad was going on and you wanted to stay discreet but eat. And waterless meals or snacks incase you cant as well I'm not saying replace everything but put least one meal in there you can just eat right away with no prep or snacks till you can. A 22 is excellent, you can definitely use it for self-defense but mostly small game.A side arm you already have pistol would be better with it obviously. I think you got some seriously good choices.


There were a couple of things that I would change. Everyone is different, so these modifications may not work for you. I carry water purification tablets in addition to a filter (they are very light and take up little space). Also, I always carry spare mags in front. Your spares for the S&W were very accessible in your chest rig, but I would find room for a rifle mag also. That's just my preference. Your kit is definitely cool!


Very nice set up....I enjoyed your video intfotainment today.
Heavy items :
4:20 .. *Trenching Shovel* ...it is a heavy item, but once I am at camp, it will usually stay there.

5:16 .. Alot of Knives... *big knife* are great for big jobs.
#2... Neck Knife (5:30)
#3... SAK (11:11)
#4... Gerber MultiTool (15:07)
#5... Folding knife (19:17)

8:44 .. *Sleeping Bag* ..this is one of the Big Fives, in any bug out bag .
#1 _Backpack & kit bags_
#2 _Shelter & Sleeping kit_ (Clothing, gloves, tarp, cordage, cutting tools)
#3 _Ammo & Gun_ (Self Defense )
#4 _First Aid & Hygiene kit_
#5 _Cook & Water System_ (Food, water filter, water container, cook pot)

14:11 ...I've got to get me a Chest Rig (possibles pouch)...been seeing these a lot, in others Bug Out Bag set ups this year.
I am old school and love my tacti-cool waist pouch. I was told that a Chest Rig is an upgrade from the fanny pack..LOL.

17:20 ...I put trail tape into all my kits....I have used it many times in the past...not only for trail marking hunting areas, but also you can use your marker on it and _write a message_ to other members of the family at locations, warnings, Time marker, etc.

24:13...I love those foodgrade Stainless steel 40 oz Klean Kanteen Water Bottles, way better than the soft steel pathfinder water bottles.
24:25...I had the mechanical pump filter, and it broke on a week expedition ....I swore to never do that again...and now I use the Gravity 6liter filter system. Never broke on me yet after 5 years of use.

*_ITEMS_** i need to get are :*

1) Mole skin 21:02
2) Small compact knife sharpener 21:39
3) indicator light 22:04 (I need to replace my glow strips)

What is your BOB's Total weight with food & water ??

Ready Wise (was Wise company) lost alot of its customer purchases, due to the 2015 court case.
It was discovered that Wise company was giving out Customer purchasing info to the Government, so they could Track and monitor who is Stockpiling this product.
Once they lost the case, they renamed their company to READY WISE.


Awesome video!! Youre system seems to work well for you. Id like to make a suggestion. Id place your ax in a different place on you're wheeler...or at least position it different...just to be safe.


Hello 👋 my outdoors friend, greetings from Northern California. Thank you for sharing this most informative video. You have a very comprehensive B.O.B. You're prepared for just about any situation. All the best to you and your family. Stay safe out there. 🤗 👋


you r set my friend just found your channel, your bad is super stuffed. great intuition, i would add some neosporin, a gas can for the atv, (xtra range) and maybe, 500 more rounds, your set!! great video sir, your very efficient. and took the time too show us, were we all need to be, frign spot on!! you gained a subscriber!!


This is a refreshing take on some ideas that we will incorporate in each of my families BOB.
We tend to plan various "light and tight", purpose specific platforms for our geographical location
Thank you and take care.


I really learned a lot in this video.
Thank you so much for the detailed look and explanation.
One option that is worth considering is a 22 bolt and magazine conversion kit for the AR platform.
I have this and as long as the carrier group is clean and lubricated it works well.


Your bugout is very close to our 72 hour Search & Rescue bag, we carry enough to rescue ourselves and the lost person we're looking for.
Hypothermia, Hyperthermia and Dehydration are always our first priority...
We can go longer without food than we can water.!


I would add water and fuel cans on the ATV. Something like the rotopax flat packs, then you can stack your backpack on top. I also take my .22 Henry rifle along as well as my G17.


Fellow Idahoan here! Pretty good video, lots of options. My bugout also consists of a 10/22. I built it light weight, 3lbs with a full bx25 mag in it. People dont realize how effective a 22 really is. Id add some #34 bankline in that kit also, multiple uses for it. And maybe a couple more items for GP. Other than that, not bad .


So the ready wise food is ok I switched to them couple years ago mountain house definitely tastes better or should I say have more taste to it also I think you have the ones that are 2.5 servings they have one that is like chili Mac which i personally think is the best, but I'm not sure why they are cheaper but they work the same for about half the cost. I really like your setup sir hopefully your family and yourself never have to use any of that but thank you for sharing you've given me alot of ideals


I suggest that you turn your ax blade down and not leave it turned up on your ATV. In the event of an accident, you could be severely cut up if you were thrown on top of that ax blade in a crash.


Dont leave batteries in your tools if not in use for awhile.


So many things are there twice (maybe you have it for safety), but what i really miss is something to eat without preparation. Almonds is not enough. Some energy bars or NRG5 would be muchmore usefull than carrying things three times.


That Fiskars shovel is great, but don't put any oil in the mechanism. It will just collect all the dust and Get difficult to open or close. And don't over tighten it, because you might not get it to fold closed or open. Problem is in the threads inside and how it is designed. If that happens you need a vice and big pliers to make it work again. It is standard use in the Finnish army. Every one gets one :-)


This a great video! One thing that I see alot regarding "Bug Out" bags and really one of the main differences with a "Get Home" bag is your sustainment (fishing and snares) pouch. Lots of well thought out ideas. Thank you!


You need a small thing of Vaseline. For chapped lips winter or suffocation of insects that burrow underneath skin. Or good for slight burns too. And super glue and tie off kits for medical kit.
