How to Make The Ultimate Sourdough Pizza Napoletana ⎮ LIEVITO MADRE

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In this video i show you how to make a real Pizza napoletana like a pro, at your home, with Mother Yeast.
This is a guide a lot of people have been asking me to do for a while. I really hope you guys find this helpful and you will remake it soon. Everyone's always asked me what my secret was to such an amazing Pizza dough. The process is actually really easy to do. Feel free to comment on here or DM me on Instagram with any questions you might have about making this! Also feel free to send me pics of your Pizza. I love seeing you guys getting into this Pizza life!

In questo video ti faccio vedere come preparare una vera pizza napoletana come un professionista, a casa tua, con il lievito madre.
Questa è una guida che molte persone mi hanno chiesto di fare per un po '. Spero davvero che voi ragazzi lo troviate utile e lo rifarete presto. Tutti mi hanno sempre chiesto quale fosse il mio segreto per un così incredibile impasto per pizza. Il processo è in realtà davvero facile da fare. Sentiti libero di commentare qui o DM su Instagram con qualsiasi domanda tu possa avere su come farlo! Inoltre, sentiti libero di inviarmi foto della tua Pizza. Adoro vedervi entrare in questa vita da pizza!

En este video te muestro cómo hacer una verdadera pizza napolitana como un profesional, en tu casa, con Mother Yeast.
Esta es una guía que mucha gente me ha pedido que haga por un tiempo. Realmente espero que lo encuentren útil y lo rehacerán pronto. Todos siempre me preguntaron cuál era mi secreto para una masa de pizza tan increíble. El proceso es realmente muy fácil de hacer. ¡Siéntase libre de comentar aquí o enviarme un mensaje de correo electrónico en Instagram con cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre hacer esto! También siéntase libre de enviarme fotos de su pizza. ¡Me encanta verlos entrar en esta vida de Pizza!

في هذا الفيديو ، أريكم كيفية صنع بيتزا نابولي حقيقية مثل المحترفين ، في منزلك ، مع Mother Yeast.
هذا دليل كان الكثير من الناس يطلبون مني القيام به لبعض الوقت. آمل حقًا أن تجدوا هذا مفيدًا ، وأن تعيدوا صنعه قريبًا. لطالما سألني الجميع عن سر سر عجينة بيتزا مذهلة. العملية في الواقع سهلة حقا. لا تتردد في التعليق هنا أو أرسل لي رسالة على Instagram مع أي أسئلة قد تكون لديك حول عمل هذا! لا تتردد في إرسال صور البيتزا إليّ. أحب رؤيتكم يا رفاق تدخلون في بيتزا الحياة!


MY pizzeria association NAPULE' PIZZERIA byVito Iacopelli(Colombia)

please comment below if you have any questions
Рекомендации по теме

Vito - I’ve bake bread for 51 years & made pizzas from scratch for 26 years - this week I made my 1st sourdough pizza. It’s The Best I’ve ever made - following your recipe/methods. My photos won’t post of the puffy/airy crust - what a treat.
You’re Amaizng - Tom


Hi all, the answer is 420 grams, if you want to know how much refreshed mother yeast you should put in the dough. I saw lots of comments regards and I want to make it clear for everyone. First of all I want to say thanks to Vito and his passion in sharing with us his knowledge and sympathy ( da parte di un connazionale :) ). Regarding the math behind it this is why. In order to refresh the Mother Yeast we need : Flour [250 g] - Mother Yeast [250 g] - Water [170 g - (68% of the flour weight)]. The total weight of the Refreshed Mother Yeast is therefore 670 g. From this we have to take 250 g that we keep in the fridge as Mother Yeast for future refreshments. The remainder, indeed 420 g ( 670 - 250 ), will be used in the dough with 300 g Water, 460 g Flour, 10 g Honey, 10 g salt.

If you are asking yourself "But if you leave 420 g of refreshed mother yeast to raise, the weight will be different", the answer technically is yes, but pratically it's no, because the weight the dough will gain after only 3 hours will be related only to the CO2 trapped in the air sack and it's so tiny that it's negligible and doesn't affect the initial weight.Try by yourself, weight it before and after the raising period and you'll see :). Regarding the weight for the single pizza dough before proofing, it should be around 250-280 grams, since the total weight of the dough is 1200 ( counting salt and honey as well ). Take in count also the small amount of water loss with the raising temperature of the dough while in the machine, the small amount of flour that fell or go in the air. I usually make 4 balls, each 280 grams with this recipe


Vitto, my wife hates you, she says you created a monster. I've been making pizza, focaccia and bread twice a week for the past three months and she's cleaning up after me. lol. Love your recipes. Keep up the bona jobba, my friend.


"Welcome to the best pizza channel!"

Yes. This is really the best pizza channel on youtube


Vito: Dough is like a woman.
Vito 2 minutes later - slaps the dough.😀


Thank you for the mother yeast impasto lesson. My teacher in Piemonte rejected the idea. He thought it was too acidic or sour. I'm from San Francisco. Sourdough is a way of life here. My teacher was so wrong!


Yay! Great share! I love Pizza Neopolitan! But I make mine different because I don't own pizza stones or a wood-burning oven. I use my cast iron griddle pan. In Spanish, we call it a "Comal", tortilla warmer/maker. Mine is 10" wide. And you place the comal on top of the stove on medium heat to warm up. Then after you make the sourdough pizza dough, it takes 2 days in the fridge, I then have it sitting out at room temp for 2-3 hours until it warms up. Then I make the pizza. I will stretch the crust, then place the crust onto the comal. You've got to get it right or it will snag and make a hole in your pizza. While it's cooking on the stovetop, you top the pizza with the sauce and fresh mozzarella. And the basil, unless you wanna have them fresh you add them when it comes out of the oven along with your garlic olive oil. You check the bottom with a spatula to check that it's browned some or made the leopard spots underneath. Then you put the cast iron skillet pizza into the oven on the top broiler turning it every other minute to cook the top half until it is done. And when it comes out you pull it out and drizzle the garlic olive oil on top and basil and then you let it cool for about 5-10 minutes on a wire rack or cut into it immediately and eat! So good! The charred bits are perfect and not burnt. And the dough is fluffy soft and chewy perfecto! Thank you for sharing. I love watching your videos! Take care!


VITO how many grams of mother EAST did you put in the kitchenaid for the pizza dough?


Vito, Something is wrong. I think it starts when you don’t tell us the exact amount of mother yeast to use in the pizza dough. I’m assuming since the final dough balls are 250 g each for a total of 1000 g dough made. 460 g flour, + 300 g water = 760 g. Probably need to add only 240 g mother yeast. There is an extra 170 g of water which was added when we refreshed the MY (250 g original, 170 g water, 250 g flour added to refresh = 670 g of MY). Save 250 g for later in jar. Leaves you with 420 g MY in the plastic container for the pizza dough.


A good trick I found out is to use water that was boiled before hand. In some places the tap water has healthy additives in it that prevent the mother yeast from really blooming. Since I started doing this, mine has been doing great.


for those of you that are very confused about how much sourdough starter he actually put into this pizza recipe-you’re not alone! If you look at his ingredient list for the primary pizza dough, you’ll notice that it adds up to about 780 g. He always makes his pizza dough balls at 250 g each. so, that means he used 220 g of sourdough starter:
780 g + 220 g = 1000 g
1000 g / 4 dough balls = 250 g/ ball

You’re welcome.


Thank you Vitto, thank you very much! I really like your master classes. I got a wonderful Levito Madre. The only thing I didn't understand was how much starter I need to take to make pizza dough. I would be extremely grateful if you would clarify this point.


This is the best looking crust that came out of your home oven in my humble opinion ! Maestro what would it change to have it cold fermented in the fridge for a longer period of time ?


I falled in love to make pizzas since I met your Channel.
Thank you Maestro !!! 💚🤍❤ 🇨🇵


I love that you make your videos in Italian and English. I am Cuban raised in Miami, and I understand what you say. I make my Youtube cooking videos in English and Spanish, so I can reach lots of viewers and also I think there are viewers that would like to learn the language as well.I often wonder if they mind.


Another great video! When I cook with my pizza stone I’ll do
The first part of the cook without the cheese like this video but instead of a torch I put the broiler on the oven for the second part and I get a nice char to crust. Keep up the great videos! I leaned a lot about pizza from you.


Vito, I just saw your video on Pro Home Cooks and immediately asked this very question of using starter vs dry yeast. I hop over here AND THERE YOU ARE ALREADY THERE FOR ME!


92 minutes for the video !! I cant wait.. thanks for sharing this!


Hello, Vito! If I correctly understand, have you added 420 grams of sourdough (LIEVITO MADRE) to the dough? If I'm wrong, please correct me. Thank you very much for such priceless information! You are the best!


You my friend have changed my pizza game to a level so high, I almost believe I have been transported to an alternate universe. My extra 15lbs weight gain galvanizes this. Thanks for all the great tips and selflessly sharing all your pro knowledge!
