Why NO ONE Plays: Qiqi | Genshin Impact

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Back with another episode of Why NO ONE Plays! This time we'll be featuring Qiqi!

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I feel like qiqi could also work really well as a cleanser, to go with her pharmaceutics theme. If her E was a cryo cleanse as well as clearning any negative statuses like debuffs or corrosion i feel like she'd be much better off


having her as first 5* she helped me through the whole story. Back when Dragonspine was introduced I was wondering about people crying about loosing health :D


One way to increase Qiqi's support abilities is to decrease an enemies def when marked by her talisman. Def decrease/def ignore is one of the more valuable debuffs in the game but it tends to be locked behind constellations in limited characters, Raiden C2, Ayaka C4, Yae C6.

Edit to add I forgot Razor & Lisa also have def decrease abilities in their kit.


As someone who is absolutely obsessed with being at full HP at all times I love having Qiqi. I just built her as main damage and as she scales from damage it helps her as a healer as well-i I don't use her as main damage, just an option if everyone else drops somehow.
As for buff ideas, having proper energy would be uh... pretty good.


As a Razor player I’ve found Qiqi really synergizes well. Since Razor wants 100% ult uptime but can’t switch off without losing it, you want an off-field cryo support to help proc superconduct for the entire duration of his ult.

In the overworld I used Kaeya, but I only have him C1 and in Spiral Abyss, I find that he doesn’t last long enemies.

Conveniently, Qiqi’s skill lasts for 15s, the same as Razor’s ult, resulting in great synergy. You set up your other off-field supports (Fischl, Xingqiu, Zhongli, etc.), then throw Qiqi’s skill and finally finish with Razor ult. I find her long cooldown to be tolerable if you end up using characters that have long burst animations. For example setting up Zhongli’s meteor, shield/pillar, Fischl’s Oz, or Xingqiu’s swords take plenty of time and also help battery Qiqi so by the time you switch back to her to cycle again, her skill is usually almost back.


After getting C2, I built my Qiqi as an on-field DPS out of spite. Now with the 4pc OHC, Rosaria to battery her and provide mobility, Fischl for superconduct, and Yunjin to buff normal attacks, Qiqi is like an unkillable mini-Eula who can handle all overworld content with ease.

Is it meta? Heck no. But it's comfy to play and funny to kill things as a little undead kid

EDIT: I just got C3... guess I'm destined to be a Qiqi main.

EDIT 2: C4... fuck you mihoyo

EDIT 3: July 28, 2023. Got C5.

EDIT 4: I've long uninstalled the game already. I wasn't having fun anymore.


Thay way I'd buff Qiqi is changing her elemental skill from "healing when Qiqi attacks" to "healing when active party member attacks" and make her completely ouy of field heal battery. Also change her constellations to something more practical, at least like Diona's.


One simple idea I could see, imagine if, first off, talismans healed just the active character when attacking if it wasn't Qiqi, and they dealt cryo damage equal to the amount healed (with an internal cooldown probably). This would be a small bump to her damage that scales with her total healing (so you could scale it via attack or with healing%), but could also be a way to apply cryo to targets from off-field.

Since it'd JUST be comparable to the healing on the active character, it wouldn't be a huge damage spike, but also would still be respectable when compared to other off-field supports. A constellation could potentially reduce marked enemies defenses too. It'd also make her better at off-field healing.

Since Jiangshi were known to sap victims life essence, it would fit with her theme. It'd feel not like she's just healing your units, but stealing health from the enemy. It'd also give her a bit more utility as a cryo applicator (not that there's not a lot of competition for that as is, but for comparison it's one thing that Kokomi's also really good at, being an off-field hydro applicator).


Somehow this video missed discussing Qiqi's potential as a physical dps with the clam set. She can trigger superconduct - easily making her a mini Eula. She can use Aquila Favonia to aid her healing and the clam's damage. All those damage and being secure that your team is in tip top shape gives immense convenience. I started using Qiqi recently and placed her in a taser team with Xingqiu, Fischl and Beidou. That team became a staple overworld and comfy Abyss team.


I see Qiqi, I click! As a physical Qiqi main, I'd love if her cooldown was lower and her constellations were more centered around enemies taking more damage rather than reducing the damage they do. She's a healer through and through but that won't stop me from using her as a main dps!
Also she has the most base defense in the game, so she's quite tanky if I fail to dodge something.


Qiqi was my first 5 star, and I still use her to this very day in abyss. with calm set she deals decent amount of damage, and helps my second team in abyss to stay healthy. I'll replace her with kokomi once I get her, but she carried my team in rough days without zhongli's shield, I appreciate this character NGL.


Just buffing qiqi's and all of of the other standard 5 stars' constellations would be amazing. It would make it so much less frustrating to know that even if you lost your 50/50, you would still be able to get a decent constellation out of it.


I main her in all Trounce domains. She's not really viable in single player, but co-op is a different story. She's probably the only character who can facetank Azhdaha's tail phase without a shield.


qiqi is one of my absolute favorite characters, her design is adorable, her healing is amazing, her personality is enjoyable, and her backstory makes you cry.
ive always been sad every time someone flames qiqi whenever they lose their 50/50. her personality and background makes it seem like they’re kicking an already sick dog.


I've been using QiQi since I got her when I lost my 50/50 on the first zhongli banner more than a year ago. She's always been in my overworld teams. Im one of those people who needs to see a full HP bar at all times. She heals A LOT. Both off field or on field. and it's super convenient to be able to move around with a dps while being healed. I love QiQi a lot.


she is my main healer and the clam set makes her even better, now she can deal ~20k dmg while also healing


Finally my girl Qiqi gets an episode. She was my first 5* and I still use her on my main team to this day


If enemies that have a talisman on them would have their DEF reduced, that would be a great buff for Qiqi.


Honestly I've used qiqi since the beginning, she was my first 5*. Her healing carried me through a lot and now with the ocean hue artifacts o.o my god she does 27-30k dmg and can fully heal my team. Very useful healer/support!
