Date stamp every checkbox in Google Sheet - Excel Tips and Tricks

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Learn how to date stamp every checkbox in Google sheet. Technically, timestamp checkbox google sheets. In short, I'll be showing how to insert date stamp into a cell if tick a checkbox in sheets. Also rephrase as excel timestamp checkbox. This article also addresses these question; how do I timestamp a checkbox in Google Sheets? Or how to insert date stamp into a cell if ticked a checkbox in Excel? Or how do I automatically date stamp in Google Sheets? And how do I mark multiple checkboxes in Google Sheets?

Google Sheets is a powerful tool for managing and organizing data, whether it's for personal or professional use. One common requirement when working with spreadsheets is the need to track dates or timestamps for specific events or actions. By automating the process of inserting date stamps into cells when checkboxes are ticked, you can streamline your data tracking and ensure accurate records. In this article, we will explore how to achieve this functionality using Google Sheets.

Date Time Stamp Refreshes

Date Time Stamp Frozen
=IFS(B2=FALSE,"", C2="", NOW(), TRUE, C2)

Resolve #REF! (Iterative calculation)
1) File ~ Settings
2) Calculation tab
3) Turn on Iterative calculation.
4) Save setting

The IFS function allows you to test multiple conditions and return a value corresponding to the first true condition. Let's break down this formula step by step:

=IFS(B2=FALSE,"", C2="", NOW(), TRUE, C2)

B2=FALSE: This is the first condition being tested. It checks whether the value in cell B2 is equal to FALSE. If this condition is true, it returns an empty string (""), which means a blank cell.

C2="": This is the second condition. It checks whether the value in cell C2 is an empty string. If this condition is true, it returns the current date and time using the NOW() function.

TRUE: This is a catch-all condition. If none of the previous conditions are true, it defaults to this condition and returns the value in cell C2.

Here's how this formula works:

If cell B2 contains the value FALSE, the result is an empty string (blank cell).
If cell C2 is empty (contains no value), the result is the current date and time.
If neither of the above conditions is true (i.e., if B2 is not FALSE and C2 is not empty), it returns the value in cell C2.
This formula handles different cases based on the values in cells B2 and C2 and returns an appropriate result accordingly.

How to Insert Date and Time if a Checkbox is Checked in Excel - PART 1 - Excel Tips and Tricks

How to Insert Date and Time if a Checkbox is Checked in Excel - PART 2 - Excel Tips and Tricks

Date stamp every checkbox in Google Sheet - Excel Tips and Tricks

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I have been looking for a solution for hours and hours. 30 seconds of watch this and my problem is solved. Thank you so very much


So helpful! Thank you for including the formula in the description!


This formula also seems to work, and it avoids the iterative calculation issue: =lambda(d, if(B2=TRUE, d, ""))(now())


I really hate that I spent a couple hours searching how to freeze the date and all it took was that little bittie formula whereas I looked at other videos and they used the 'Apps Scripts' and typed all this code and it took minutes to watch and code that was confusing and this is literally a youtube short and I was able to finally solve this with your help. Thanks for the help once more


Could you please explain how the now() functions refreshes and how you solved the problem


Hi, i have a question, about this formula, =IFS(D3=False, "", D3="", Now(), TRUE, D3) it show TRUE and not the Date and Time. please help.


is there any way that I can use time stamp to cells with existing data?


How about if I want only to show the time only


I want to use exactly that but in my case I don't use checkbox, I use a cell with status like "ongoing", "waiting" and "done". Wanted to put this same logic but when I change the cell to "done".

Now I'm using this formula in the checkbox cell "=IF(D2<>"99. Done", FALSE, TRUE)"

Could think of another way to do it. Can anyone help, please?


This is amaizing, but how could we do the same for excel ?


My return value for both NOW() and TODAY() functions is a number and not a date. Do you know how to correct that?


Hi, I tried your tutorial and when I set the formul I got an #ERROR (I even tried a copy paste from what you put in the description of your video) Did I miss something ?


Any way to get it to just show hour and min? not date and sec?


How about if you don’t want the time just the date?


The problem is if i mark the check box and it shows me the date, if i uncheck the box the date is deleted so how can i avoid this?


but what if i opened the sheet the next day will it change


This works, but whenever I refresh or reopen the spreadsheet, the timestamp changes to "TRUE". What's going on here?


Hello! Can you help me I also need to get the username ID who check the box. Thanks in advance!


I don't know what I am doing wrong but when I check the box is say FALSE or TRUE
How do I fix this?


Thanks for this. However, I'm not getting a date value. Just a numerical value ie - 45216.53558
