Wither Skulls & First Wither Fight! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide S3 ▫ Tutorial Let's Play [Ep.59]

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The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 3 continues in Minecraft 1.20.2!
In this tutorial, we gather the materials we need and fight the Wither boss for the first time.

First, we take a look at the ideal environment to farm wither skeleton skulls. Wither skeletons are unique to Nether Fortresses, but the location of your fortress can have a huge impact on how many wither skeletons you encounter. We compare fortress spawns in the Nether Wastes / Crimson forest biomes with the spawns in a Soul Sand Valley, and discover how often you're likely to get these rare wither skeleton drops.

Once we have our three wither skeleton skulls, we make preparations for the Wither boss fight - preparing weapons and armour, considering potions, and choosing a location for the fight. Then, making the final preparations on a distant island, we summon the Wither and take it down to receive a Nether Star, then use it to craft our first beacon!

Along the way we discover why fire resistance potions are essential for wither skeleton farming, how to quickly reset spawns in a Nether Fortress, and briefly discuss Wither Roses (even though we don't get any!)

Survival Guide Season 3 world seed: 787419271612053211

Minecraft soundtrack by C418, Lena Raine, Kumi Tanioka, Aaron Cherof

Season 3 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.20 and beyond!


GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Wither
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Had a thought recently about Armor trim. I know this has nothing to do with this episode, and I'd be surprised if I was the first to consider it, but I'd like to share anyway:

There's a lot of different ways to enchant your armor. Granted, most of it can stack to the hills and back, but sometimes you have a specific set you'd like for a specific task. The Trim is a great way to highlight which armor you have for what purpose. Red trim is armor maxed out on fire protection. Blue Trim can be armor specifically for fighting underwater. That sort of thing.


For my bedrock brethren: my favorite way to fight the wither is to get an impaling V/Riptide III trident, wait until it's raining, and fight it over an ocean. You have low risk of damage to the environment and you won't take as much damage either. The impaling enchantment will do bonus damage to any mob that is "wet" on bedrock which includes when it's raining!

You can even set up a conduit to give you some bonuses and you will usually collect some wither roses from fish that get killed during the fight.


I shiver just with the thought of summoning the Wither on Bedrock


The bedrock wither: you are nothing compared to my power


Here's a tip: NEVER fight the wither underground in bedrock, you'll die in less than 30secs fight it above ground and use a trident in the rain with riptide when the wither reaches its second phase it'll be immune to ranged attacks but since u are hitting it with ur face cuz of riptide it counts as melee not ranged


To get a decent amount of wither roses from the fight you can bring shulker full of eggs. Spawn as many chickens as you can. Wait till they grow up. Throw a splash potion of poison on them which will bring them to half hearth Summon wither next to them and the explosion when wither charges up convert the chickens to roses instantly. 🐤➡️🌹


I recommend building the IanX0Four "peer pressure" fortress farm in your world if you haven't already built a wither skeleton farm. It's a great source of gold, wither skulls, XP, coal and bones (arrows too if you prefer mending on your bows).


I think it might be a good idea to post some clips from videos as shorts explaining concepts like the mob cap that players might either want to refer back to or find out about for the first time. It would really help as a reference guide for newer players.


Wow!!!! Amazing! This is my first time seeing someone fighting the wither in the open area. Most players fight the wither where it is trapped below the surface.


if you have smite V on a netherite sword, you can one-shot the wither skeletons without even needing to get a critical hit. This makes the hunt considerably easier and honestly more fun!


Totally agree with the idea that the Wither is like the Nether Boss. Interesting note too: Some of the ambient sounds you can hear in the Nether sound a lot like the Wither’s death cry and it adds so much eeriness to the Nether on top of the already eerie music. I love it.


Wither suffocation in just under the nether roof is still by far the easiest way to kill a wither boss. The key is proper placement of the soul sand the right number of blocks under the bedrock, but I recommend this when one needs 6 nether stars for the mega beacon.


I wish Mojang would allow one block to reflect Wither missiles. The slime block would be good. Then you could build a Wither arena and have Wither Wars.


Use infinite Snow Golems to create Wither Roses instead of a flock of Chickens, as it is faster and much more efficient.


The wither skeleton wearing it's friends head I found initially hilarious
Player: kills wither skeleton, its head drops
Another wither skeleton: I will wear your head, then gets killed
Then I remembered Cubone from Pokémon, which put a lot less funny feel on that situation.


Your opener is old, yes... But it is the BEST, too (I still love it 😄)


Bedrock wither be built different a list to name a few things that are different from Java

1: 3x the health
2: summons wither skeletons mid fight
3: a bug where affects go straight through armor (it got patched recently)
3: withering 2 affect yeah that's a thing
4: with the blast power strong enough to break obsidian
5: Oh, and the dash attack/lag machine

I say lag machine because you fight this guy on your Xbox/Playstation/mobile device 😅


A more precise way to determine whether you can activate two spawners at the same time, is calculating the distance between the two blocks. If it's larger than 32, they are too farm apart for a double spawner farm.
The precise drop chance for wither skeleton skulls is 2.5% without looting from kills by a player or their tamed wolf. Each looting level adds 1% on Java and 2% on Bedrock for a (Looting 3) total of 5.5% (1 in 18) on Java and 8.5% (1 in 12) on Bedrock. Keep in mind those are averages and actually rates can vary widely.
A note on the wither fight: If you insist doing it out in the open, consider doing so on a more solid surface than grass, dirt or sand. Black wither projectiles are as weak as ghast fire balls and can't break anything that's at least as explosion-resistant as terracotta. Its blue projectiles are mostly the same as the black ones, in terms of damage and explosion power. The thing that sets them apart from the black ones is that they treat more blast-resistant blocks as if they had the blast resistance of sandstone.


I went to that soul sand valley fortress for wither skeleton skulls as well. I was there for an hour and got 9. It was almost like having a built-in farm.


I'm always SO impressed to see someone fight the Wither legit. My worst Wither fight happened on a server where I placed the sand wrong under the bedrock portal to cheese it, and the thing got loose and started flying a billion blocks in the air. Took forever to coax it down and kill it -- now I'm too chicken to do anything but cheese. XD
