Are These The Modern Women That Men Have To Pick From? ©

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It's funny I got married at 23 was in the military making 39k a year in the early 2000's, wife left me for another man. Her reason and I quote, "I shouldn't be mad that she wants to be with a man that could provide for her." To add a little context, he was also in the military just a higher rank. Fast forward, I own my own cybersecurity vulnerability, and policy compliance firm. I'm in the top 5% of earners currently engaged to an amazing woman. She's twice divorced with 3 children and messages me weekly about how much of a mistake she made. All I do is thank the heavens she left me, lol.


Never met Mr. Samuels, but I can truly say the world seems a lot less bright without him in it. Rest well man, rest well.


She is representing the Black women whether she admits it or not. We all represent that every time we present ourselves. We need to hold ourselves to a higher standard!!


Lying down while speaking to Kevin has to be one of the most disrespectful ways to conduct yourself. Absolutely disgusting 🗑💩


“Thottin is in.” The fact that she’s almost 50 and saying that confidently is scary as hell…


I'm white. I wish I had Kevin when I was in my 20s. Would have saved me a lot of grief (If I listened to him and believed). As men, no one really tells us what to expect with women. We end up learning through painful experience. And that woman who said white people control how black people are portrayed, like it's some giant conspiracy. No, we all know it's all about the money. If they could make more money portraying black people with wings flying like angels then guess what every movie would feature. They don't give a fart about what they do so long as it makes the green.


They get mad because they can’t get their way lol 😂

UPDATE: guys I truly appreciate the likes I didnt know my comment was going to get this many likes so thank all of you for them! 😎💯


Every girl that ever told me she was different was a carbon copy of all the wack shit about women


How does Kevin do this everyday, he has the patience of a saint!


Kevin’s facial expressions have always been priceless. If it wasn’t for that, I would turn his show off every time one of these horrible women came on. They are insufferable, terrible, selfish, disgusting individuals.


“If you look like you’re going to the club you’re gonna get club behavior” Thank you!! you can wear whatever you want but don’t get mad at how you’re treated because of it


Sidney Poitier never wore a dress! Dave Chappelle never wore a dress! Forest Whitaker never wore a dress! The executives tried to get Dave Chappelle to wear a dress. Dave stood his ground firmly and said nope! Everyone else from now on needs to follow: Donald Glover, Terrance Howard, etc... Just stand your ground firmly!



When Lear approached Esther with the script for the show, she refused to take the job unless they included a paternal figure in the series who would be Florida’s husband and the father of her children.

This is what KS is talking about. Rolle was willing to turn down her roll as Florida Evans in Good Times.


I just got hooked on watching this wonderful man; can't believe he's gone. I'll keep watching as the $$$ will go to his daughter.


Here's a simple solution: lose the claws, lose the weight, lose the attitude.
It will greatly improve your outcomes.
However, it requires enormous DISCIPLINE.
Very doubtful ya'll have that...


"i been married three times." hmmm i wonder what the common denominator is


Kevin really kept it real and made a lot of sense. R.I.P


We he said he was gonna start doing interviews and podcasts, that hurts 😭. He didn't know how important he would be to the movement. Women like Pearl has taken his mantle and is preaching the same message. We as men, regardless of skin color have to fight back to this attack on us as men.


RIP Godfather. You gave helped our community more than you know.
The truth is any person that heard your message knew it was true the moment it hit their ears and it pulled the veil back to women about reality and life. Your message was about connection, love and family. The things that actually matter in this existence while we're here on Earth. Life's not about how much money you have, or what things you can buy. It's about your family your husband, your wife your children.. it's about the connection you have with the people you love. That's all you were trying to teach us this whole time.
It worked! Your message will live on as long as there's electricity. Thanks brother.👍🏽💯


The girl with the nails had a pretty good conversation finally a person with a little sense
