We Need a New Security & Development Architecture, Not a Strengthening of Geopolitical Blocs

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The Schiller Institute seminar will discuss:

What caused the current extremely dangerous military, and economic crisis.
Why strengthening the EU military arm with Danish participation, and Sweden and Finland joining NATO would only exacerbate geopolitical conflict, and
What are the principles upon which we can create a new security and development architecture, for the benefit of all nations and people.

The world needs a new security and development architecture.
Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the Schiller Institute founder and international president.

Background to the Ukraine-NATO-Russia war.
Jens Jørgen Nielsen, degrees in the history of ideas and communication, a Moscow correspondent for the major Danish daily Politiken in the late 1990s, author of several books about Russia and Ukraine, a leader of the Russian-Danish Dialogue organization, and an associate professor of communication and cultural differences at the Niels Brock Business College in Denmark.

Why we need a new security architecture.
Jan Øberg, PhD, peace and future researcher and art photographer, PhD in sociology, visiting professor in peace and conflict studies in Japan, Spain, Austria, and Switzerland, co-founder and director of the independent TFF, the Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research, in Lund, Sweden, and author.

Chinese proposals for a new security and development arcitecture: Xi Jinping’s April proposal for a new international security architecture; the Belt and Road Initiative and the Global Development Initiative.
Prof. Li Xing, PhD, professor of Development and International Relations in the Department of Politics and Society, Faculty in Humanities and Social Sciences, Aalborg University, and author.

Why Sweden and Finland should not join NATO.
Ulf Sandmark, chairman, the Schiller Institute in Sweden

Why Denmark should not intensify its geopolitical military engagements.
Michelle Rasmussen, vice president, the Schiller Institute in Denmark
Рекомендации по теме

The use of a proxy is the main difference between the current situation in Ukraine and the Cuban missile crisis. Using proxies has become the neoliberal system's de-facto method of wearing out rivals or potential rivals since its inception in 1980s. Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, PKK and the Gulen movement in Turkey, ISIS in Syria etc.. Now an entire country is being used as a proxy to fight against the rival as Mr Zelensky stated explicitly 'we are fighting for you'. Using a proxy may provide a layer of security but it poses a major risk. It cuts the communication between the real actors. There is no communication between the real actors Russia and leaders of the coalition US & UK.
Cuban missile crisis could be resolved because Kennedy and Khruschev were statesmen who could talk to each other under very tough circumstances. It does not seem possible now?


A very resourceful platform .Thank you


Good to hear this. It is time to replace the NATO by an agent org not being used by political force which brings the war.


The number 1 problem that I have with this panel is that none of the speakers ever speaks that we need to abolish the capitalist system. Every problem that we currently face is directly linked to the capitalist system and until the capitalist system is abolished we are going to continue to run into these same problem over and over and over again and again and again.


Thanks for this been waiting eagerly for this opportunity to discuss the topic thanks


Bonjour a tous.
C'est la premiere fois que je trouve ce forum. Exellente conférence, merci.
Concernant la conférence de ce soir j' aimerais avancer certaines remarques ou plus tot suggestions :

38' Elga met en avant une productivité insuffisante pour 8 milliards de personnes. N'est elle surtout pas concentrée entre les mains de quelques individus et groupements d' intérêts qui dilapident pour une soif de pouvoir insatiable ?
Je citerai Ghandi : s' il y a assez dans le monde pour satisfaire aux besoins de tous ; mais il n'y aura jamais assez pour assouvir son avidité.

Sur les 4 lois que présente Elga, les 3 premières sont axées sur la monnaie et la nécessité de souveraineté monétaire.
La 4è sur l' énergie. Comme l' économie c'est avant tout a 98, 5% de l' énergie transformée, c'est bien le corps de l'économie si la finance en est le coeur.

Il me semble vain de combattre un incendie sans briser le triangle du feu (carburant-comburant-chaleur) Il me semble tout aussi vain de ne pas intégrer la guerre a un autre triangle tout aussi fondamental que l'on retrouve a travers les écrits de l'apocalypse. GUERRES FAMINES MALADIES sont les 3 composantes de la mort. Que ce soit d'un peule, d'un empire ou d' une civilisation. Le développement d'une certaine autonomie alimentaire est donc une question aussi souveraine que la monnaie qui est censée permettre avant tout l'échange de ces biens vitaux a court terme.

L'économie répond a la même structure en triangle. LOCAL REGIONAL MONDIAL .
la rupture complète d'un seul de ces angles sur une population donnée conduit immanquablement a terme a l' effondrement du triangle de l' économie de cette même population tout en perturbant celle des autres populations.

Le respect de la souveraineté des individus, des familles, des communautés, des populations le sont tout autant que celle des Nations qui ne doivent en fin de compte que représenter et défendre ces dernières. Toujours un triangle FAMILLES COMMUNAUTES ETAT. Brisez un seul de ces angles et c'est toute la Nation qui est en péril
Les dépositaires de la souveraineté d' un territoire sont avant tout les populations qui l'occupent et pas l' Etat qui l'administre.
Un Etat qui dépossède ces citoyens ou partie de ces citoyens de leur souveraineté perd de facto la légitimité d'administrer celle ci vis a vis de ces populations et du territoire occupé par ces mêmes populations.

J'espère que l'approche présentée vous permettra d'affiner encore votre remarquable travail.
Je citerai le triangle qui seul permet a une population de prospérer : NOURRITURE REPOS REPRODUCTION.
Et en dernier, le triangle des 3 lois de l' Univers qui régissent la matière et qui s'appliquent a celle ci dans un ordre bien défini :
En premier la physique et ses propres lois. Viens ensuite s'y ajouter la chimie qui agi selon les conditions physiques présentes. Et en troisième la biologie qui a ses propres règles qui ne s'appliquent que dans le contexte physico-chimique présent. Encore merci pour votre attention.


The security council in the United Nations needs to be gotten rid off, and all nations then can vote, instead of having one country veto, when action needs to be taken.


Excellent a similar take on current affairs as the Better Way Conference held in Bath last weekend.


If usa does not stop, china and russia should build military base in cuba 😅


Why are Finland and Sweden applying for membership to NATO? Historically these Nordic countries are known for their policies of military neutrality.


You can only admire Putins patience he with stood pressure to act more aggressive but did not stir from his plan of sorting the security problem of Ukraine Nazi element and courting by NATO


It's really so sad situation that few most evil people in power are making the policies for the world which will eventually lead world to destruction and such wonderful, intelligent, peace & well fare loving people who want whole world a good place for everyone are not in power .


Would you bit on the west to let the change happen peaceful. I would not bit on it. Means no change without nuclear war.


Common Values the Nations what peace and cooperation


I've tried to click the 👍 icon but for some reason it won't allow me.




If these people had spoke like this in 1939, we'd be under an Axis World Power. When confronted with an aggressive power, you must turn their force against them, not retreat. I disagree with this "Schiller Institute", but of course such perspectives must be aired out. If they were around in america in 1770, they say opposing Great Britian would be our end. To hell with this defeatist viewpoint.
