The 10 Worst Web Design Trends in the Last 20 Years!

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-- Today, I'm going to give you my personal list of the 10 worst web design trends of the last 20 years in UI/UX design. I admit, I'm *probably* leaving out a bunch of others, but if you agree or disagree, let me know in the comments. If you have other trends that I'm sure I forgot about, let me know too!

0:00 - Introduction
1:01 - An awesome offer from Scrimba
1:31 - Busy Backgrounds
2:46 - Tiny Text
3:46 - Splash Pages
4:21 - Hit Counters
5:14 - Borders
5:54 - Cheesy Effects
8:22 - Web 2.0 Gloss & Gradients
9:38 - Blobs
10:25 - Particle Backgrounds
11:19 - Portfolio Progress Bars
12:22 - Outrooo

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What bad trends have I missed? I'm sure there are plenty!

Автор video : The 10 Best Web Design Trends in 2020! This video really hurt my eyes.😭


"You don't want people to have to unnecessarily click this button just to get to the main site" ( 3:45 ), Websites now: "CLICK HERE TO ACCEPT COOKIES"


Tables for layout, the marquee tag, designs that only worked in a certain browser and just completly broke in something else, anything that is done that breaks the normal way of doing things, like custom javascript in the status bar or disabling the right mouse button.


I'm a young kid, and I'm designing now at the age of 12.

just like you were!

I'm now trying to imagine myself saying to my kids, "I remember when neuromorphic designing was at its peak... ah, the good old days..."

I digress. Great video Gary!


Having had a grandmother in the 2000s, I can assure you that white space was a problem that was actively avoided for a reason.

My grandmother, and I'm sure others, could NOT grasp the concept of the scroll wheel. Heck, some of the old mouses didn't even have a scroll wheel. The less you had to scroll, the better.

Had animations been robust enough, I'm certain every page would have a book-turning transition to really sell home the "page" idea to the old fogles that used books, magazines, and typewriters since the 1930s.

Now, since the majority of people view sites on a phone or tablet, big text and white space must be used as people have to scroll to see your site on a tiny screen anyways.

If projection interfaces (more like outerfaces, i.e. holograms) become the norm (like in the super hero movies) I'd be surprised if with the increase in 'screen' size we wouldn't go back to less white space just so you could see everything at once without waving your arm over and over again to scroll through stuff. People's arms will get tired; function often dictates form.


Sadly, tiny text and splash pages didn't go away. No useful content on load, with cryptic "scroll down" icons are doing great, and hamburgers on big screens are killing good UX.


I'm 22.. I started designing when Parallax scrolling (Which is super cool when used properly), Particle background (Absolutely hated it from the beginning) were trending.
I really don't like Nueomorphic design trend.
Blobs can look good but I think instead of using random blobs, use something from the branding (brand textures or patterns) or the logo if you must.
Tbh I barely liked overly flat design in which people wouldn't even add shadows a little. How people stick totally to the Google guidelines & even use their predefined color palettes, makes every app look like its a part of Google ecosystem and totally lacks its own personality.


Aaaah yes, the music automatically playing while you viewed the website has made a comeback lol.


Honestly a lot of those websites would have looked better if they didn’t use css


Personally I really liked the "Web 2.0 Gloss & Gradients" design. Today I feel the internet feels too flat and boring.


Looking at these I am having a severe case of nostalgia, these are making me smile, especially the D&D website even thought I was born in 1998 and didn't have access to internet till 2008. :D


Let's take a moment to appreciate the effort they had put in and the creativity that designer had all these years. The kind of flexibility they had with css and js back then was so less. Truly great to see how the design has evolved over these years.


I kinda like borders. Just don't overdo it. A few borders to separate elements of your webpage is nice, it guides the eye to be able to quickly determine where on the page you should be looking for a certain item.


Some real blasts from the past here. As a 16 year old the 2advanced website completely blew my mind.


This was a blast from the past! I used to love doing Flash integrated sites with click sounds and effects. I remember the extreme overuse of embossing too. I can't even remember the last time I actually used it at all in a


1:31 Okay Okay Gary We Won't Bother You For Wearing Green Tshirts From Now... 😂😂😂

Nice T-Shirt Perhaps 😉



Thanks for the blast from the past!! Brings back a lot of memories...


the worst trend in some modern websites is loading spinners or progress bars while the site is loading


Lol...before this, I was looking forward to adding the particle background but now I will not!!
