What Happened When Darth Vader And C-3PO Crossed Paths On Cloud City? Star Wars Legends #Shorts

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When the Rebels arrive on Cloud City, Darth Vader orders Lieutenant Sheckil to keep their troops on standby. But a report comes in that Gamma Squad has already destroyed their protocol droid. Conducting a memory scan of the droid, Vader recognizes details of Anakin Skywalker’s work and the memory of discovering the droid’s frame as a child in Watto’s junkyard fills his mind as he is overcome with fury and grief.
Source: Star Wars Tales 6 and The Rise and Fall of Darth Vader
#shorts #darthvader #c3po #starwars


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Vader coldly orders the destruction of the droid, but the following day, as the Rebels are apprehended, the lieutenant discovers the droid in Princess Leia’s quarters. A flood of memories once again engulfs Vader, and he recalls his mother imparting a profound lesson: if you are not ready to care for something, you do not deserve it. In a rare moment of contemplation, Vader touches his forehead to C-3PO’s, seeing his distorted reflection on the surface of the droid’s face. Commanding the lieutenant to deliver the droid to the Wookiee’s cell, Vader strode silently from the room.
Рекомендации по теме

Anakin Skywalker was always there, hidden deep within Vader's cold heart


Its deeper than that... the droids were the wedding rings of Anakin and Padme... She gave Anakin R2D2 and he gave her C3PO.... C3PO is the sole surviving Skywalker


He's still Anakin no matter what. Vader have soft spot on his childhood memories...


Anakin was always in there, whether Vader believed it or not


He may have stode silently but he definitely did so sassily.


Aww Anakin 💔 he lost everything, his mother, Pabmé even the Emperor took his life and made him in the monster he wanted him to become


I would have liked to see him forced to recognize R2D2. For a moment, it wasn't Vader who looked at 3PO. It was Anakin.


Awesome piece of missing story from Empire, but the vader C3P0 head to head was a little weird. The emperor would not be pleased


Darth Vader needs to meet sora or Riku from Kingdom hearts!


Can you please tell me what comic and issues of this story thank you


What comoc is that? So i can read it .


Refusing the knowledge is always funny. But I fight for Arin here and will say that I also fused the seed to something(stick) when trying to light the way


Why would anyone come up with the story of Vader ordering threepio to be delivered to Chewie when for the last 40 years we all see Chewie desperately searching the junk for all of threepio's parts and then taking those parts himself on his back?

This is totally unnecessary story telling that is lazily done by someone who was not involved in the actual story when it was originally filmed between 1978 and 1980!
