POLYXENI (Trailer)

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POLYXENI (Polykseni)

Greece, 2017, 100 min, West Coast Premiere

Director/Writer/Editor: Dora Masklavanou
Producer: Fenia Cossovitsa
Cinematographer: Claudio Bolivar GSC
Music: Nikos Kypourgos
Production Designer: Giorgos Geogiou
Cast: Katia Goulioni, Ozgur Emre Yildirim, Lydia Fotopoulou, Akyllas Karazissis

In 1955, a couple of prominent Greek-Istanbulites adopt an orphan Greek girl from the town of their origin. They offer her a powerful family name and ensure her devotion. She embarks on a new life towards a bright future. Time passes, and the girl grows up, unaware of the devious plan that has been set behind her back.

Dora Masklavanou is a director, writer and actress. Her first feature, Tomorrow is Another Day was a critical success and her second feature, Coming as a Friend, brought her even more attention and established a career in festivals. Dora’s latest credits include the screenplay of Filippos Tsitos’ latest film Unfair World, which was presented at the Official Competition of San Sebastian Film Festival in 2011. Polyxeni is her third feature film.

* 2018 Hellenic Film Academy - Isis Award for Cinematography, Original Music, Best Actress, Supporting Actress
* 2017 Thessaloniki International Film Festival
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