Dated Home Gets Open Concept Remodel | Unsellable Houses | HGTV

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A daughter begs Leslie and Lyndsay to take over her mother's rambler after it sat on the market for three months. Using a few of their tricks, the twins change its dated and choppy layout by opening up the home and giving it a calming, coastal vibe.

Real estate consultants and twin sisters Leslie Davis and Lyndsay Lamb have a knack for helping desperate homeowners sell their lifeless homes. After visiting nearby comparables, the sisters make the necessary, impactful renovations that convert these unlovable houses into diamonds in the rough.
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Dated Home Gets Open Concept Remodel | Unsellable Houses | HGTV
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I never got the zeal for an all-white kitchen so it’s always nice to see people expressing appreciation for colour (beyond black and grey) in their kitchen cabinetry. The result of this renovation is stunning.


I prefer it when designs find a happy medium between walls & open designs. The too open designs needs to rest, add some divisions, make it semi open ish. It adds character and makes the house more interesting.


Renovations were good. Decorations on the other hand way too busy, too many pillows too!


I can't tell you the number of people I know who are ADDING walls to their houses. Mostly it's people working from home, people who decided they don't like having the kitchen open to the house, and people with teens who are trying to create separate hang out spaces. Semi-open seems a good compromise.


The house changes were awesome, but too many decorations. Less is definitely more.


You made the house look so much better and beachy. I love the kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom changes. Plus, you saved money on the makeover and sold it for more than expected. Awesome job, team!


I like the room divider thing with the beam. Especially the beam. It gave the house interest.


Love boho and the color of kitchen cabinets and white quartz countertops. Opening the passthrough gave major impact for minor money and effort. Was wondering why bathroom remodel was so pricey, then I realized the extent of work done. Hope they sold or donated the jetted tub. Surprised they didn't add flowers or something to porch to add color for curb appeal. Agree comp house was much larger, but main living area was very similar in size/shape. Wish they had shown more of finished deck. Not surprised it sold so well and quickly, it was lovely and cosy, yet modern. Kudos. TFS


One issue regarding the exterior: good contrast or monotone. Choose one. Either all blue or blue siding and white trim. The dark gray is too close to the blue and looks muddy. Study the psychology of color. Minor point about the living room: Not where you should place a coffee table. Line it up with the sofa for professional placement.


Well the lattice on the deck looks great gives you much more privacy. At the most I would have painted it. Anyway their business idea is great just re-doing the houses without buying them.


I liked the post, or at least the ceiling stuff. I think they should have left it. So funny, she's saying there's plenty of room for a seating area in the bedroom, they show a chair in a corner, blocking the way into the bathroom. :)


I love the show and the closeness between the sisters. Jeff is a doll baby and i will miss looking at him...


The comp house was 70% bigger, so of course it’s going to command a higher price. I also love how she says the ceilings are “volted” (1:07 and again at 1:36)


I LOVE the coastal furniture!!!!🩵🌼🩵🌼🩵🌼


Would have loved to see the deck.
Love this show.


I'd like to know what color paint that is on the kitchen cabinets. It looks like a soft green?


Putting the curtains higher makes the room feel bigger and especially in the living room.


Prefer the colour palette on the exterior before. Would have liked to have seen more of the kitchen safe colour rather than the coastal blue, Washington is more nature than beach.


Did like what they did with the living area....


16:00 WOW they actually used some colour - usually they use gray, black or white, which is rather boring and .
lacks creativity.
Really liked the curb appeal of the comp house, not too much the reno house, liked the colour blue but there was just too much blue, IMO.
Once again total destruction of the cabinets. No effort to recycle. Why don't they???
Staging is very important, however they always tend to over stage, IMO. I need to be able to imagine my furrnitire and belongings in the space. Hard to do when all your focus is distracted by their stuff. Maybe because they own a staging and furniture business??
However, their basic reno is usualy really, really good and this is no exception.
