Twelve Minutes (12 Minutes) ALL ENDINGS EXPLAINED

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twelve minutes ending explained. 12 minutes all endings explained. Twelve minutes ending or endings unveil more information about the cryptic story behind this game.

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I think the cop's daughter having cancer could be meant to represent the consequences of incest, a severely sick child.


wait, so you're telling me that since the wife believes that she killed the father by shooting him, and the husband actually killed the father by shooting him, that the father got shot on two separate occasions by both of his children? damn lol.


To be honest I feel bad for the protagonist. It wasn't his fault that the father was a cheater and got into a sexual relationship with his nanny. It makes me sad the fact that he got blamed for what happen to the mother of the woman. Seriously why they blame the kid and mistress instead of the own who was in a relationship???


Calling the husband a monster when his birth is not his fault....damn that's some bullshit.


what if the psychotherapist isn’t hypnotizing him to forget, but is hypnotizing him to show him what a life with his half-sister would be like


Awesome analysis. This is how to do a "This is all a dream" plot correctly, by turning it into a nightmare. One the audience wants to wake up from.


This game is alot deeper than I initially thought


Something that's a bit strange is that when the wife believed she was the one who killed the father, the husband was there for her and didn't think of leaving her but when the husband confessed to her she rejects him and doesn't try to understand him when she knows how if feels to carry that guilt for so much time. This make me think most of the things that happen are part of the husband's internal struggle with his fantasies and his reality. His life with his wife/halfsister and maybe even the death of the father was all a fantasy that he wished to accomplish in his mind but the dad/cop is his own logic trying to make him understand life doesn't work that way.


When "what're you doing stepbro" goes to another level


The two units on either side of the couple's apartment represent the two endings the husband is presented with.
The unit on the left has a baby in it (choosing to be with her and having the baby) and the one on the right is empty (choosing not to be with her).


I thought the empty appartment was symbolizing the husband's tunnel vision, still being focused on the hypothetical life he would have, hence everything being bare and feeling lonely - and him having the choice to keep imagining lives where he was "happy". Those, however, never work out no matter what he does, because he knows it's wrong, and ultimately he HAS to accept it, moving on. Eventually, at least.


Oh dude. Legend for putting this together. I'm so glad I didn't achieve the "it's all a dream" ending and had my playthrough end with the 'blissful ignorance' ending because smashing my head against the wall trying to solve this game for it to have all been in his subconscious would have been the most annoying payoff.


One of those games that once you figure it out, you hate it.


As a cancer survivor I wanted to say thank you for adding in the costs and how the pocket watch wouldn't cover it. It was something that stuck with me and I tried brushing it as "plot" but with how the bumblebee/wife scenario was I knew it had to be something 👍


i had another thought on the girl with cancer and watch as a cure while listening to your explanation: so the cop comes in after the pregnancy is revealed, he has a daughter who is seriously ill, and going back in time to prevent the pregnancy would solve it right? well, maybe she represents the serious genetic issues associated with having a child with a close family member? like that seems like a big important thing to bring up to say that this relationship is a bad idea.


I always found it strange that bumblee is the only named character in the game. Im sure its symbolic for something what with bees and flowers and all that but after spending 10 hours in this game im to tired to theory craft


For context, I grew up playing video games, beginning with the Atari 2600, and they have been a passion of mine my entire life. When I heard about this game, it registered on my radar (especially since Annapurna was involved) and I recognized that it looked interesting, but not enough to make me rush out and get it day one. Although I believe Game Pass is an amazing service (and deal), I just do not have the time to make it worth it. Last week (November 2022) I happened to catch that 12 Minutes was on sale and thought I would give it a try, which is why I am coming at this over a year after release. I did not read any reviews or watch any analysis videos before my first play through; however, I went deep into that arena after I was done with the game (i.e., experienced all the endings). Even though I have a strong stomach, I will admit that there were things about the game that initially disturbed me - things I did and things I learned that certainly did not make me feel good. Although I found some very interesting and insightful theories (yours included!), it never quite sat well with me and I found myself replaying and going over every little detail (the rings of the clock, whether the Father has hair or not in the library, when the paintings change, etc.) to try and definitively answer the question: Why did the developer, who has a reputation for producing fascinating experiences, craft this game in the way they did?

Despite all the high concept theories, I still felt like something was missing. The theory I am about to propose finally donned on me as I was contemplating the absurdity of the situation where the only way to get the final twist is to show the Cop the onesie at the precisely correct moment. We as the player already know Husband's mother's name was Dahlia, and we know that Husband knows his own mother's name. Why the hell couldn’t he have just said that in that moment: "Wait, was her name Dahlia?" Why make us go through the trouble to figure out such an obtuse way of presenting this information? And then it hit me…. what if that was the developer's intent all along? What if the purpose of the experience was to develop a construct that would test how far YOU as the player, the one who is ultimately controlling the actions of the game character, would go to “finish the game”?

We as gamers have been conditioned for decades to believe that games include a beginning ("Press Start") and a predetermined end - it is our job to figure out how to get there, and we typically enjoy doing so, which is ultimately why we love playing. Over and over and over again, this is what playing a video game boils down to. If my theory is correct, the brilliance of this game experience is that the plot and the disturbing twists and the horrific violence has nothing to do with the game world itself, but has all been crafted to see how far you are willing to go, how deep are you willing to dig, to do the one thing you think you are supposed to do in every game you play - finish the game. Think about all the awful things YOU did (drug your pregnant wife, torture and kill a man, use a man's cancer stricken daughter as a pawn, etc.); think about the horrific things you witnessed because of the actions YOU took (watching your pregnant wife be murdered and framed for suicide while you hide in a closet, watch your father die at your hand, etc.) ; think about how hard YOU had to work to figure out the obtuse puzzles to advance the plot (the light switch, the onesie, calling Bumblebee, etc.). And all for what? Only to discover that the climax of the plot is that your character killed his father and married and impregnated his sister? [borderline Oedipus complex, right?] All your trial and error, all the trauma you put yourself through, only to uncover an unquestionably disturbing revelation. It’s difficult to imagine a more horrific scenario, which I believe is the point. The whole thing is set up to challenge and punish you for your preconceived notions about what a video game is. Only by YOU choosing to advance the plot (and working extremely hard to do so) do you experience the atrocities and reveal the final abomination.

Everybody seems to want to come down on the developers for trying to be "shocking" and that the puzzles were too obtuse and that the whole thing "doesn't pay off", but what they are forgetting is that THEY are the ones who chose to continue to go down that path. THEY are the ones who tried every crazy possibility and committed unspeakable atrocities to advance the plot. The developer did not force us to do these things - we chose to do them because we cannot help ourselves and we will do whatever it takes to “finish the game”. Don’t believe me? See what happens if YOU don’t touch the controller/mouse on your first loop...


Lesson Learned: Don't cheat to avoid shit like this from happening.


Something you may notice is, that in the mindfull ending, you can see the most outer circle still rotating counter clockwise, suggesting that there could be more for this entire thing, as this circle also has a glowing/highlighted part that could align with the other ones...
I didn't play the game (yet) so I can't tell if you actually see the pieces aligning in that ending tho...


There's another ending if at the start of the game you just sit next to the wife on the couch and do nothing.
