I Played 100 Hours Of Aruni, Here's What I Learned

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Aruni is under valued by tons of ppl just like maverick on attack. reusable dmging utility burning and sound ques it's so much


Intro: 00:00 - 00:20
Basics Of Aruni’s Suruya Lazer Gates: 00:21 - 2:46
Maximize Aruni’s Loadout: 2:47 - 4:59
Positioning for Aruni: 5:00 - 7:30
Aruni’s Melee Feature: 7:31 - 11:07
Outro: 11:08 - 11:32

~Hope this helped. 👍


She is so much fun & feels so balanced. One of the best operators in the game!


Aruni can also be used to block of rotations in and out of site and can be used to protect utility


I still find it confusing that they let aruni have the melee passive when they said they wanted to get rid of passive abilities. Not that I want them to get rid of it


Absolutely agreed, Aruni is undoubtedly the best defender in R6 right now...

She not just has two S tier guns and amazing ability, but she can also do rotates/holes - without compromising informational gadgets such as barb and BP cam.


Something I think is worth mentioning is the ability to take down barricades, castles & hatches so quickly. You don’t have to prep a window or go through an long animation to tear it down. I actually think it’s the problem with her passive ability. While making rotates is nothing special her passive allows her to do something which oyrx does with his ability, only she does it better.


A subtle thing players should remember is that Suryas should not go on Miras/the soft wall next to a mira or common rotations. The proximity deactivation gives away someone if they're trying to sneak around and it tells attackers when someone is sitting on a Mira window rather than having the pressure of "is someone sitting on it though?"


I love using her on the floor above since she can one punch hatches open and wait for those long angles with the mk14.
Example if I’m defending garage on consulate. I’ll go to admin and knock out the hatch and watch big door into tellers. Works soooo often, even when the second person knows you have that angle a lot of times they’ll go around to the window and you can still get them from the same hatch


Finally you’ve made a video for her, she’s great!


playing robo-mommy definitely is some of the most fun you can have in siege


sup man, love the content

I've played siege on my Xbox for about 3 months, and I loved it, your tips helped me get batter at ranked and I'm happy I found your channel, hope you hit 100, 000 soon mate 😁😁


thank you so much for this there are no videos like this and as a hibana and aruni main these videos help because I happen to be good with your operators


I like using aruni with castle then putting the lasers outside the castle. You cant reset it but i feel like it makes people reluctant to break the castle, which can cost them when the time gets into the last minute


she's my favorite operator to use EVER.. i used to pray i didn't get defense but then i bought aruni and now i LOVE defense.. another good way i like to use her when anchoring is to reinforce a whole wall except for one part of it.. i put a punch hole right next to the reinforcement, place an aruni on it, and wait for the enemy.. good way to protect yourself when you need to reload or if the other operator has an annoying gadget to deal with


I was so excited to see this video come out as I’ve been maining Aruni for the last two months, was interesting to compare and contrast my approach to this, I’ll be taking the cam from now on!


Love the videos! Would love to see you’re take on the best solo q ops for this season🙌


After I got Aruni let me just say most of my defense rounds are 3-0 wins. She’s such a good operator and can definitely solo when needed just make decisive and well timed positioning with her gates


This vid is lit, learnt a lot from this and actually made my setup much much better hence the win rate went up


I think the proni is better skill wise, if you have trust in your aim then i would pick it even though it has less bullets, the dmr is good, but you dont usually go for headshots with it, and it only takes the enemy to hit 1 lucky headshot to kill you whilst you have to hit 2 or sometimes even 3 bodyshots on a dmr
