Why Walmart Failed In Germany - Cheddar Examines

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Walmart is a huge business and is key part of many Americans' lives. But when it tried to go global it didn't have the same success. Cheddar examines the failure of Walmart in German.

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I remember when Walmart opened here. Somehow you guys forgot to mention, that Walmart got sued because they didn't pay the absolute minimum wage or forced them to work more than it's allowed in Europe. Or that Walmart didn't want to pay for vacations or days employees are sick, and other stuff that are common in civilized places in the world.
It's not like other companies weren't able to settle in Germany as long as they don't abuse their employees.


"They don't treat their people ( the staff) good. We are not shopping there"

- My German father


As a German, the idea of a store employing someone to say "Hi" to me when I come in is literally the dumbest thing I ever heard.


Walmart: "when others break the rules, tell us or get punished with them"
Germans: *Stasi flashbacks*


What frightens me, is this "ethics" culture of Walmart. Cheering for your company every morning sounds like indoctrination into some kind of cult. And forbidding flirting between coworkers seems to be a intrusion into the privacy of their employees.


Even here in the Netherlands alot of us prefer German supermarkets. No fake smiles, no overpriced items and no useless sale tactics. Just normal boring supermarkets with good prices.


So, in short, Germany:
- has some labour rights
- probibits agressive practices like dumping
- due to German efficiency is a very competitive market


Any country: Implements basic worker rights and privacy laws
US: is that communism?


Wallmart failed so hard in germany that I never even knew the operated here


There are some mistakes:
1. Shops were never closed on Saturdays. At this time they were allowed to open till 2 pm (now till late).
2. There is no law that small shops can offer lower prices. Walmart sold goods below their purchasing prices and that´s forbidden - for all companies.


Cheddars explanation: Germany had inefficient, overly bureaucratic anti-company laws, an entrenched workers union culture, while also having protectionist policies. The poor multinational multibillion dollar AMERICAN company never had a chance dealing with these cold hearted germans.

Reality: Walmart business model IS based on mistreating and under paying its staff, anti competitive behaviour against smaller business rivals (lobbying, dumping prices, ...) and when operating in an business environment such as germanys, where all of these business practises are illegal, they would fail by default.

Who the hell does the research for Cheddar it is as if you where purposefully making all these mistakes. Seriously i couldn't make this shit up if i tried.


I'm an American that was stationed in Germany. I always get a kick out of this video. I'm an introverted person so Germany was like heaven to me. For the record, alot of Americans agree with you about walmart.


I'm a German who spent a month in America and I can confirm, the concept of a "greeter" is really weird, awkward and almost creepy to me.
Like, just the concept of hiring a person to do nothing but standing by the entrance to say hello or whatever, it comes across as the opposite of welcoming. It's insincere at best and manipulative at worst.
If I'm just passing an employee in the aisles and they're like "Good morning!", that's perfectly fine. It's natural and polite.
But when it becomes their sole purpose... it just screams "We're totally not trying way too hard. We're a nice company, we swear!"


I’m translating all the German responses and honestly, they’re all gold.


Walmart: "Let's do American things in Germany!"

Germany: "Please cut the shit, you're doing illegal things and creeping everyone out. Chill, Walmart"

Walmart: "This is too difficult of an environment. A good pay demand, rights AND cultural connections?!?! SO ANTI-AMERICAN! I'LL LEAVE THIS PLACE! COMMIES!"

America doing American things, Basically


German-speaking American here — I don‘t find German supermarket clerks unfriendly at all. I often share a comment or make a small joke or ask for assistance. It‘s just a honest conversation and doesn‘t always have to happen. But in the States, they‘ll come out with a couple stock questions and not even wait for an answer. In Germany the public basically treats the cashiers as an equal human being, who does the same in return.


Walmart employee: Hello! How are you?
German: Warum fragen Sie? Sind wir Freunde?


How the heck can you get into the german market without understanding the Union system?

That is absolutly ridiculous.


As a former Walmart employee, I love hearing about how they failed. They say they care and raise wages in some departments (Bakery/Deli/Overnights) to $15. While leaving others (Asset protection/cashiers) at $11. When hired, I got great hours; 32-40, more often 40 and then they were cut down to 28-30 on a regular basis. The owners are some the the richest in the world. Pay your workers a living wage.


The neutral looking cashier at german super markets, that everyone just says "hello" and "bye" to in a plain, polite tone, but silently really apperciates, is hopefully how it will be forever
