What If Civilization Started Over? (Episode 54)

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Today, we will continue to look at a mapping scenario where civilization starts over. We are now on episode 54 of the series, and in this episode, we see the rise of radical ideologies across the globe. Many countries begin to experiment with new ideologies, ones that require a lot of nationalism and tend to be aggressive, which fits perfectly with the current era. We also see the collapse of a significant organization due to a series of actions and invasions. A few countries join alliances, and we also see the fall of one of WICSO's greatest countries. If you enjoyed this episode of What If Civilization Started Over, make sure to...

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So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.


Now's a good time to implement an ideology map!


I like my headcanon that the Irish team got incredibly rich from their colonisation days that they are basically Switzerland. If you invade them the world invades you. Also that they have a weirdly strong army in reserves


Brown team has the most insane lore in tv history


I love Adizz's depressive voice in this video, it actually makes a really sad tone in the war against the African Union (RIP)


i think it would be very cool if the small countries that were once The Old Empire in Arabia and maybe even the other ones functioned like an HRE, where every 4 or 5 years, an election would determine the strongest country of them and the ruler of them all, and some of them would fight eachother to get more power and try to reform The Old Empire, which is kinda impossible, like for Adizz to see :)


I feel like India might actually have helped the Vietnam and Korean team


Video Idea: Unite the Canadian Economic Alliance (NATO)


Idea: China, the North American economic alliance, and India, who are the last bastions of democracy, for a new much more stable OS


Idea (trust me on this one):
The series is called What if Civilisation Started Over. Not Alternative History of the World. We can create background lore here, like maybe international tensions got so bad that we see a nuclear war that was so destructive it wiped everything off of the earth. Then, milennia later, it turns out some humans survived. They lost all structures of civilization and fell back into tribes They lost all sense of religion, technology, time etc. Then, we pick up at Episode 1.
If we say that's true then it opens a world of possibilities. We could see some archaeologists in America dig up Disneyland, or guys in Egypt dig up the Pyramids. Imagine if the brown team happened to discover ancient technology that gave them global superiority or something like that.
I'd imagine this is a good thing to do for a season 2/ reboot of WICSO, because if this were to happen in the series it probably already would have


Idea: a country breaks away from the brown team in Kent (dark blue)


Petition for the green team to annex their puppet state so the map looks better(day 1)


Idea: The new African Union, under different leadership, sees the Purple team annexing Sardinia, and doesn’t like that, so with a justification of The Purple Team taking Sardinia, The new Africian Union delcares war on The Purple Team, and then the entire Square Alliance comes to the aid of The Purple Team, forcing The Axis to come to the aid of their ally, and The Gold Team looks at The new African Union and says "You idiot! What did you get us into?!", and then The African Union looks at the countries their alliance is fighting and says "Oh. I see why I messed up now." This war is gonna be even longer than WWIII, because EVERY single country in the world is gonna choose a side. Essentially WWIV.


With China getting weaker their influence over Indonesia is over and someone is taking advantage of that. In all of Indonesia there is a shadowy organisation of politicians, billionaires and other influential people. They hire gangs to cause problems and lower faith in the governments. This gives them the opportunity to rise and claim they can stop them. They do and rule the area with an iron fist, creating a new power


WW1 : Gold vs Russia
WW2 : Dutch vs Russia
WW3 : Old Empire vs Russia vs China
WW4 : World battle Royale


The fact that the ad right before the video was “WERE BACK”


This is such a good series.keep it up adizz!


Idea 1:
The green team in Europe starts to decrease relations with the brown team. They look for an ally with the dark purple team and then ally with ROME (purple team). This leads to many disagreements and leads to a civil war in the purple team. One relabeling that wins tries to stop the new brown team.

Idea 2: The gold team is Influenced by the brown team and starts reclaiming land that they lost in world war 1.


The Hawaiian country should join the north-American economic alliance


Petition for Adizz to Play doodle empires
