Exposing a Narcissist's WORST Fear – Your Success!

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🔴 New Course: Unplug From The Matrix Of Narcissism

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I’ve a vivid memory of a much loved school teacher who said to my mother about me at a parents’ evening, “She’s going to be a writer!”. I felt so happy to get a wonderful compliment and looked to my mother who responded with a cat’s bum mouth.
She then spent my teenage years deciding my GCSE courses to do all the sciences…it took me until I was 45 to clearly see how she sabotaged me. All I learned was to try to work harder (and fail!) to strengthen my weaknesses instead of nurturing my natural talents and skills. I spent so many years viewing myself as inadequate when I was just a fish trying to learn to walk.


Yeah, my poor old Dad was like this.

It was very confusing and hurtful at the time, but now in retrospect I just simply feel sadness and despair.

Videos like these do help me understand and for that I'm grateful


My narcissistic husband acted strangely when my children were born. When my son was born, after a few months, he gave us both the silent treatment (I didn't know of the term "silent treatment" then). I just didn't know what was happening - I thought it was just some kind of misunderstanding. But, 8 years later, when my daughter was born, the silent treatment was on again - for me AND my daughter. My husband didn't touch her or look at her for more than half a year. His baby. It was then that I realised that something was wrong. By the way, both my son and daughter look like him, but luckily, they don't have his personalty. He tortured me emotionally, physically, financially - in every way possible, but I protected my children so they didn't know what he was doing to me and what he did and tried to do to them when they were young. I always took their attention from him.
Now, at 64, I left him after 42 years of marriage. He gave me the silent treatment for about half a year every year, and it was a torture to me. I'm still crying, but I'm trying to heal myself. Both my children approve of where I am now. My children are my everything!


This lecture makes me laugh. Too true! The narcissist is like a "cookie jar" that must be full of cookies, ergo, "supply", enorder to feel o.k. with themselves. Heaven forbid anyone else getting a cookie treat. All they can say to themselves is, "That's mine!!!" 🍪


Yes, they cripple you every step of the way. My mom would tell me, "You weren't interested in learning." I was made to believe there was something wrong with me. There was never anything wrong with her approach. I never heard a complimentary word from either of my parents. I finally had to cut my mom out of my life. The more I advance in my life, the more she does to sabotage me. As long as I'm in a bad place, it's okay because then she can act as Savior.


It took me 30 years to accept the fact that my mom actively sabotaged every positive aspect of who I am.


This happened to me.
I played drums; my father told me I'd never play professionally. I wrote stories; he told me I'd never be an author. I acted in plays and films; he told me I'd never be an A-list actor. Any and all creatives, I was made to feel wrong for, or defective.
And then I became a dog groomer. That was a real source of contention. Why? Because something creative was finally making me money, and he couldn't handle that I'm personable with my clients. My growth as a person is a threat to his stagnant waters.


My mother was intimidated by my talents and brains and sabotaged everything I tried to achieve. She was so jealous of love. She was the most envious person I ever met and she hated me and my love for my father she was sexually jealous of her daughters and Seen us as sexual competition. Like a child. Like a jealous teenager.
She actually tried to suffocate me and let me die from neglect to get rid of me her object of hate and extreme jealousy.
It's horrible what they put their children through.
I jumped for joy to see the end of her. When she died it was great to never see her hateful evil eyes


yeah. my mother acted super proud outward and always belittled me when it was just the two of us.


Yes. Narcs despise when their kids graduate even from
College. Saw this.


Since I was little my mom told me I’d never make it as an artist, that I needed to do something else, and last year at the height of coming into my own after a laundry list of accomplishments, upon one stumble that had nothing to do with me, she said I am a failure and should be used to failing - she is. That was a moment of clarity for me. On my birthday, or actually, after missing it :) No contact since. Sad to say tho the cruelty, even recognized, still managed to become a superego injunction. But not anymore :) That business course REALLY helped haha.


Yes. Unless it's a trophy child and they often are. So then the want to child to excel so they can say "look at my wonderful child, better than yours, etc" because they see the child as an extension of themselves... Don't you think? I've seen this many times. but I get the other thing you are saying too. Narcs are so competitive and jealous of everybody unless someone else's success makes them look better.


Yes! My husband's late mother was such a toddler and she made the whole family act as if she were perfectly normal in public.

She was so jealous of two of my children. My oldest got attention at church as a young teen for playing the keyboard on the church worship team. MIL, who typically didn't give any positive attention to my child, suddenly became "nice" and invited my daughter out for lunch, only to wait until she had my daughter alone and then hissed at my child that the only end for musicians is to *die alone in the streets!*

MIL, years later got jealous of my second youngest child when my child earned a solo in her tiny dance school's Nutcracker show. MIL, who never bothered to attend my kids' dance performances until MIL got her cancer diagnosis, and finally attended one of their recitals only that spring, strung my daughter along on Facebook, pretending to be so excited about the show, demanding to know immediately the date and time of the show, which I Gave MIL in August. A week before the show, MIL snatched my daughter by the arm, led her into a corner and then told her that due to MIL's cancer treatments (which were going Extremely well at the time) she and FIL would be unable to attend the show after all because they had to go on yet another cruise instead.

These people always planned their cruises no less than 6 months in advance. So she knew in advance and let my child down deliberately.


That hit me hard!!! Got that from my father, my mother, my sister and brother! And my mother used to say that “my problem “ was that things were easy for me


So True...And they never stop. It's sad when a person realizes that their parent was so threatened... They destroy their own children's dreams and success.


"all that attention( going to the child toddler) should be mine"
ahh.. that explains why my ex wife was so jealous of the attention given by me to our child( especially as i was the at home parent raising our disabled child)


It goes so far as..if you are home because you aren't feeling well..that person cannot handle your friends asking about your absence..any attention going toward you is an insult to that NPD person.




My father who was a malignant narcissist always put me down and talked about me like a dog to whoever would hear horrible


Thats why my brother became the golden child and me the scapegoat. And also my brother who became a narc as well, destryed or stealed my friendships and reputation.
