3D Print Removal Without Force - Don't destroy your bed!

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This is all using the included equipment. I am using the default glass bed that came with the machine. No hairspray (don't use hairspray) and no glue (don't use that either). A good squish on layer one is all that is done and your adhesion is top notch. But, the V2 is a textured glass bed and sticks madly. This is the technique I use to get any print off the bed without having it fly across the room, break the bed, or the included scraper/spatula.
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Thanks man! I'm new to 3D printing and i really appreciate this.


I actually scratched my bed severeal times when maunally leveling and pushing the print head over it when it was too low. Now with a new firmware the head will automatically travel to each corner with enough headroom. Point is, there are many ways to destroy your bed :) but the bed seems to have some self-healing properties and scratches dissapear after a while (or whiping many times)


my prints all tend to either stick way to well, or they tend to not stick at all. it is much rarer for me to have it in between. however I don't have automatic bed leveling so the small curves in the bed can cause problems sometimes.


I love the ender glass bed, i use them on 5 printers and after they cool they just lift off easy. I have had a few new glass beds that won't lift off so a put them in my freezer after cooling to room temp and then they remove easily without using scraper. I'm still frustrated the few beds don't release like all the other beds i have.


Lol I definitely warped n scratched my bed the ender 3 comes with, but I always start off like you're doing n lose patience. I had to spend 20 bucks buying a glass bed. It's a bit easier now and everything sticks better too. Just a bit of advise for anyone who's already screwed up their bed. Just make sure it's the right size for your printer obviously.


Good video.
Printed helmet looks neat
I noticed your Y axis runs with almost no force...
I guess steppers where disabled, but still moving the bed seemed effortless.
Could you do a video showing how much you tight eccentric nuts for all 3 axis??
Thanks in advance


I am on cut number 10 on thumb from those Creality scrapers... has edges like a scalpal


Could you say happy little trees somewhere in your next video? You’ve got a Bob Ross vibe going on, and I like it.


He took it off so easily and I would’ve just broken it in half


This wouldn’t have been a problem. If only the Z axis was also orbital. I don’t know why the base tends to be used as an axis with production I believe we are smart enough to figure something else out, then, again, I guess that’s why they are affordable really the ender three seems like 70s or 80s technology, just a fancy hot glue gun with fancy hot glue these things are great! But a lot of the issues I’ve run into our counter intuitive


A 6 hour pri t to check temps with a, large print and lots of filiment? I'm not buying it. There are much easier and quicker ways.


El error más grande que cometes ahí es despegar la pieza con la.placa puesta sobre la cama caliente! No tenes idea de como estas forzando los ejes y rodamientos. Te recomiendo q quites la placa y la pieza la.despegues fuera.de la.impresora!


Do people actually wear these things. 6 days..damm


Totally useless to me. This did NOT release my print - but then, you showed us nothing different from the intuitive use of the scraper, did you? Very disappointing.
