🧵 GLUE Basting Your Quilt Binding Tutorial: 🙌 Genius Quilting Hack!

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►► 5 Essential Tips for How to Create the Perfect Quilt Block Every Time - Free Workshop →

►► Get the Pattern for the Scrappy (or Layer Cake) Quilt Behind Me!→

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It's been around a while, but you may not have even heard of it. This is a game-changing technique for binding your quilts: glue basting using Elmer's washable school glue! Today I'll delve into the process of applying the glue precisely along the binding edges, ensuring a flawless finish with beautifully mitered corners. I discuss the benefits of using washable school glue and cover some common concerns about stiffness and gumming up needles. Join me as I guide you through the entire process, from basting to sewing. I love this method - let me know what you think!

00:00 Intro and Preparatory Tips
03:42 Getting Started - How Glue Basting is Different
05:07 Proper Gluing and Ironing
08:43 How to Sew It and What to Expect
10:18 Additional Notes and Tips

Рекомендации по теме

►► 5 Essential Tips for How to Create the Perfect Quilt Block Every Time - Free Workshop →

►► Get the Pattern for the Scrappy (or Layer Cake) Quilt Behind Me!→


I’ve been doing this for years. My tip - keep a moist wash rag nearby to clean your fingers if you get glue on them. Also, I find the iron works almost immediately so I only keep it on the spot a second or two, plus I glue down a whole side at a time. One caution - minky is polyester and doesn’t like hot irons so be careful to stay on the cotton binding as you iron. Also when binding minky, I apply the glue to the cotton binding rather than the minky as the minky absorbs the glue and makes it tougher.


Since I discovered this binding method a few years ago it's the only one I'm happy with. It keeps the back side from looking all wonky. I thought of making a video tutorial for my sister, who is new to sewing, but you did such a wonderful job, I'll just share your video. Thanks!


I have to say, I LOVED this glue trick and I did it tonight on my first quilt! Now it will be so easy to do the final stitching! Thanks for your videos and tutorials. Right to the point and great info! Appreciate it! I’m always looking to save time and money (Lord knows how much I’ve waisted on tools and tricks that really don’t work!)


I just did it again on a sweet little wall hanging ... so good! I love this method so I can sew on front through to back with no errors when I am in ditch.


I am so happy of this video. I did not know how to use the glue my hubby bought me! Thank you so much for your beautiful demonstration!💕


I have done this as well. I bought a special glue as suggested by another you tuber but it did not work any better than the Elmer's and Elmer's is much cheaper. I really loved how this worked. Great tutorial.


Been doing this for years and love it! You did a great job explaining how to do it. Bravo!


I am going to pick up that tip on my next shopping trip ! I have glue basted my quilts and binding for a few years now! Great video!!


I love this glue technique and I also love the chop stick! It works great for this!


Love this... I normally sew it to the back and flip around to the front. I'm happy to learn a new way, though... that corner is perfect!!


What a great tip! I will definitely be trying this next time I bind a quilt!


Looks like a fabulous way to attach a border to a quilt so you don't have to worry about hand-stitched binding coming loose! I am now shopping for the tip and glue. THANKS!!!


Mary, I just rewatched this video because I'm ready to bind a Project Linus quilt for donation. This technique is an absolute game changer for me! Thank you for all the great tips, and I hope to meet you at the retreat in June.


Fabulous method I can’t wait to try! This video made me subscribe. Your tutorial was clear cogent and concise. Thank you! 🌼🌸


Thanks so much - I really appreciated what you said about folding over the binding so it just barely covers the previous stitch line. I have just been pulling mine over as far as it would go, and I have never been happy with the finished result. I am definitely going to try this method on my next attempt! Thank you! <3


Love your method. Have a binding to finish so looking forward to finishing.


Your video was a wonderful thing .... such a great teacher! Can't wait to try this and I will be purchasing the special tip. Thank you so much.


The glue tip immediately went in my shopping cart. Thanks for the video!


It's my favorite too. I use it each time I have to sew 😊
