Glue Basting Your Seams - Staying Organized w/ Quilting Tips & Tricks

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In todays video I demonstrate glue basting your seams together when assembling your quilt rows. I also share some tips that I use in order to stay organized while piecing together my quilt tops. If you have any questions feel free to ask!!

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Lisa I want to thank you for your brilliant idea of glue basting seams. As a legally blind quilter just will help me tremendously. Thank you thank you thank you


Lisa, just found you, so glad. I'm making a triangle-square quilt with 1, 781 triangle squares of 4 different sizes, made up into 225 6" blocks. I had begun to question my wisdom of selecting this very beautiful quilt. then along came you with the invaluable information video, glue basting and keeping organized!!!! It's super clever and right on time. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You're saved my sanity. Will start following your instructions right away.


Never heard of this before about gluing. Genius! I will have to try on my next quilt. Also the use of the label and the arrow should help me a lot. I am self taught and only been quilting since 2018. I have made 22 quilts so far. Thank you so much for posting.


I have been watching your videos for just a couple of months now and I am a beginner at quilting at the very young age of 57 and I must say, you are just AMAZING... it seems that every time I watch you, you teach me something new.. If you are not a quilting teacher, YOU SHOULD BE.. you explain things in a way that a young child could quilt.. thank you so much for sharing all you know with all of us.. God bless you and your family..


I think the glue is a great idea. It helps keep the order correct, and it just about guarantees a true 1/4" seam. Love any shortcuts. Thank you for sharing. I was working on a huge project last month, "Weave It Be" and I actually had an old calendar. I cut the calendar blocks because they were already numbered. I used the to give me some sense of order. Wish I had known about the glue trick!


I got addicted to watching your videos when I typed in the search, Printing on fabric. I saw your video about printing pictures on your quilts. That was an excellent video by the way!


Lisa I'm so GLAD that I found this VIDEO !!!.
It's going to make life so much easier when sewing pieces together.
Not only this but quilt as you go projects. I have a receipe I guess you might call it. Using Elmer's glue, water, and a few drops of dish soap. Put into a spray bottle, and useing it as a basting spray. I found this on the internet of course.Which works great for glueing layers together great for batting layers.For quilt as you go, then quilt my squares and then use you method for glueing the seams together. and also I love your freezer paper applique it's the best. Thank you for this video it's going to be a very big help...
Marion Bartley


Ahhhh, another one of your fabulously helpful ideas. It really saves time and my sanity.


Always wondered how long to heat set it. Your demo mentioned the sticking to ironing surface. I might slide a couple of old pillow cases on top of the tabletop / sleeve ironing board and then wash the pillowcases after I'm done glue-basting. Thanks for the video suggestions.


I never would had thought to use glue.. but I have pinned them this way.. it makes my quilt seem to go alot faster once I pin them all I just site and go to town.. love this idea too.. thanks for sharing


So wow, this glue method to keep things in order is genius! I’ve never heard of it but for those of us who get confused and overstimulated, it is a Godsend. Will do someday! Thanks!


Love glue basting! After watching one of your previous videos, I started doing this all the time. One of the things I started doing on my smaller squares is placing the iron on the first 2 pieces, and then putting the glue on the next square in the stack while the iron set the glue on the first, and then continue on. It was the perfect amount of time for the glue to dry while I put the glue on the next piece. I found I saved a lot of time this way. Unfortunately, I can't do that with the larger squares, but for smaller squares it works like a charm! :-)


I’m so glad I found your channel! I can’t wait to try glueing my seams!


I've been quilting for years and found your videos a few months ago. I've learned so much. I started glue basting my bindings before I hand sew them. Then I saw this video. Amazing. I think my quilts will be better and am thinking it would be excellent to use on bias and smaller pieces.


I don’t know how I missed this one 3 years ago when I first started watching you. This is where I struggle. With my quilts I recently saw a videos where she pinned each seam all the way across however I have a problem with pins. I get stuck all the time. This was awesome and will definitely use from now on. Thanks


I have quilted for years but my mom wanted to learn, but just sewing a straight stitch for her was a challenge, I showed her this and your glue binding video and it has been a eye opening game changer...thank you for sharing your ideas and helping bring others into the love of quilting while also making it a more user friendly craft.


I have glue basted for a couple years but your whole technique is really good. I always have watered down the glue and had a few issues thanks for showing me you don't have too. Cudos


I have numbered my rows for a long time, but your arrow trick is new to me and I am very excited to learn it. That trick will certainly be used on my next quilt. Thanks so much!!


Really enjoying your tips and videos, thank you. You've taught a old sewer new tricks.👌🏻😉


Lisa: I finished my 1781 triangle-squares All made from scraps. I wanted to thank you again and again, for the tips and the video. Also, Your organization tips really helped me tremendously. This is the greatest idea; bravos to whomever invented it. If you would like to see how this fabulous quilt looks, it is called "All together now, by Susan McDermott". This picture, (mine is a duplicate) will show just how necessary your tips and video were; how valuable your sharing this information was to me and how helpful.. Thanks again!! Hope it's OK that I mentioned the quilt and the designer. I don't know how to upload photos.
