Party Systems: Crash Course Government and Politics #41

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Today, Craig is going to dive into the history of American political parties. So throughout most of United States history our political system has been dominated by a two-party system, but the policies and the groups that support these parties have changed drastically throughout history. There have been five, arguably six, party systems since the election of John Adams in 1796 (George Washington’s presidency was an unusual case, and we’ll get to that), so we’ll look at the supporters and policies of each of the parties during these eras and look at how historical contingencies cause these policy shifts. We’ll also talk a bit about the benefit of a third party, which although rarely ever wins, helps to influence political debate.

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Craig's just jealous because I pioneered the "balding bearded middle-aged white guy" look on Crash Course.


oh look... Crash course didn't just save me in high school... They keep saving my grades in college :) What would I do without you all


I cheered out loud when the Mongols came along


that lil Pluto joke and Craig yelling “Whatever Phil!” Was enough to keep me going through this cram sesh


I miss the good old days where we were ruled by petty kings that went to war every year and life expectancy was 30 years old


FORGET "batman vs superman: dawn of justice". I want Craig vs Phil: Dawn of Political Astronomy!


i follow politics pretty closely here in the US, and whats going on now is pretty interesting. one of the largest shifts in the last 40 years has been the radical de-unionization of the private sector. unions used to be, and to some extent still are, the main organizing force for the economic left (labor party) segment of the democratic party. since these unions have signficantly declined in power and membership, the democratic party has sought political support elsewhere, mainly from lawyers and the banking sector.

on the republican side, the main mobilizing sector has been the church, mostly white, evangelical christians. through political organizations like fox news and conservative talk radio, the evangelical right wing has shifted radically right over the last 40 years. so significantly in fact, that the main faction of republican establishment (business republicans) are not conservative enough for a large portion of the republican base. this has led to a splintering of the party, the new republicans running under the banner of "freedom party" or "tea party" republicans.

its pretty interesting really. you have a large decline in labor power, and a significant rise in ultra right wing conservatives, which has caused both parties to shift right signficantly. and yet, socially, the left (democrats) have mobilized groups like the LBGT, black lives matter and feminist movements, that have kept the party pretty left wing, socially, while the labor policies are allowed to shift dramatically right. for republicans, socially and economically the party has shifted dramatically right.

this has left both parties in a precarious situation. the democrats have lost their organizing force on the ground, and so cant really win elections at the local and state levels (governorships and state/local legislatures are overwhelmingly republican). Yet, at the same time, the republicans have to cater to a small but powerful base that is way right of the vast majority of the american people, leaving them struggling to gain any momentum whatsoever at the federal level.

it will be interesting telling my kids about this point in time. i think something big is coming politically, as so much of the base for both parties are disatisfied with their representatives, if not for anything else, that the two parties are being pulled in too many different directions and cant possible cater to all the wants of their drastically different constituencies.


The idea of a CC feud gave me the amusing image of how their studio is set up- one big room with the sets each taking a wall, and they're all throwing paper balls at each other


How come the US only has two major political parties?
If you go basically anywhere else in the world, there are considerably more parties in each countries government?
I live in Denmark, and we have 9 parties in our parliament, all with a seperate political agenda, spanning most of the political spectrum.


Can we just appreciate "I'm on your dolla dolla bill y'all" at 1:05


Do you think you could do an episode on party factions/divisions? I think the fact they're so internally divided is really interesting!


This "feud" between Craig & Phil amuses me! Crash Course Astronomy is pretty awesome as well, so I don't think I could takes sides.


5:43 - "My daddy voted Republican 'til the day he died, and he's voted Democrat ever since!"


"And we don't have time to go into how true that is." Oh, the shade on the south!


FINALLY! Someone talking about Alexander Hamilton without "Hamilton" references


Okay, I didn't know that Craig invented Dooblydoo. I assumed it was John Green or ze Frank.


Having fun while learning something. Thanks!


instead of batman v superman, its craig vs phil


Who knew there was such overlap in the Craig and Phil subscribers? Awesome.


1:51 I will send a fully armed battalion to remind you of my love
