10. Find and Replace Values Using Power Query Editor
Показать описание
Power Query is a business intelligence tool available in Excel and Power BI that allows you to import data from many different sources and then clean, transform and reshape your data as needed.
It allows you to set up a query once and then reuse it with a simple refresh. It’s also pretty powerful. Power Query can import and clean millions of rows into the data model for analysis after. The user interface is intuitive and well laid out so it’s really easy to pick up. It’s an incredibly short learning curve when compared to other Excel tools like formulas or VBA.
The best part about it, is you don’t need to learn or use any code to do any of it. The power query editor records all your transformations step by step and converts them into the M code for you
As greater amounts of data are being generated at rates faster than ever before in history. Skilled individuals are required, who have the ability to handle this data and use it to derive insights and provide value.
In this session, We will teach you how to Find and Replace Values using the Power Query Editor. PFind All instances of a blue and Change it to a value set by yourself.
Power Query Editor Setup :-
We are using Power Query Editor through Power BI Desktop (Available Only For Windows). This is a great and free way to work on your Power Query Skills. You can download Power BI Desktop at this link :-
Find and Replace
Find and Replace Values
Find and Replace Values in a Column
Find and Replace Values in a group of columns
Mockaroo :-
Tool to create sample data (csv etc..)
What is Power Query Editor Introduction Video :-
This video is part of a Power Query Editor Tutorial playlist that will take you from beginner to pro.
✔ Topical Keywords :-
First row
✔ General Keywords :-
Power Query
Power Query Editor
Power Query Tutorial
Power Query for Beginners
Power Query Introduction
Power BI Power Query Editor
Excel Power Query Editor
Microsoft Power BI Power Query Editor
Microsoft Excel Power Query Editor
Power BI
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Excel
Excel pq
Power bi
Data prepping , prep data
Data cleaning , clean data
Data ingestion , ingest data
Data transformations , transform data
Elt , etl
M code
M engine
Excel macros
Excel formulas
Data with Dominic
#powerquery #powerbi #powerqueryeditor #mcode #mengine #azure #gcp #aws #tutorial #DataWithDominic #excel
It allows you to set up a query once and then reuse it with a simple refresh. It’s also pretty powerful. Power Query can import and clean millions of rows into the data model for analysis after. The user interface is intuitive and well laid out so it’s really easy to pick up. It’s an incredibly short learning curve when compared to other Excel tools like formulas or VBA.
The best part about it, is you don’t need to learn or use any code to do any of it. The power query editor records all your transformations step by step and converts them into the M code for you
As greater amounts of data are being generated at rates faster than ever before in history. Skilled individuals are required, who have the ability to handle this data and use it to derive insights and provide value.
In this session, We will teach you how to Find and Replace Values using the Power Query Editor. PFind All instances of a blue and Change it to a value set by yourself.
Power Query Editor Setup :-
We are using Power Query Editor through Power BI Desktop (Available Only For Windows). This is a great and free way to work on your Power Query Skills. You can download Power BI Desktop at this link :-
Find and Replace
Find and Replace Values
Find and Replace Values in a Column
Find and Replace Values in a group of columns
Mockaroo :-
Tool to create sample data (csv etc..)
What is Power Query Editor Introduction Video :-
This video is part of a Power Query Editor Tutorial playlist that will take you from beginner to pro.
✔ Topical Keywords :-
First row
✔ General Keywords :-
Power Query
Power Query Editor
Power Query Tutorial
Power Query for Beginners
Power Query Introduction
Power BI Power Query Editor
Excel Power Query Editor
Microsoft Power BI Power Query Editor
Microsoft Excel Power Query Editor
Power BI
Microsoft Power BI
Microsoft Excel
Excel pq
Power bi
Data prepping , prep data
Data cleaning , clean data
Data ingestion , ingest data
Data transformations , transform data
Elt , etl
M code
M engine
Excel macros
Excel formulas
Data with Dominic
#powerquery #powerbi #powerqueryeditor #mcode #mengine #azure #gcp #aws #tutorial #DataWithDominic #excel