What Happens at 15 Weeks Pregnant?

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What happens at 15 weeks pregnant?

You stop being in awe of being pregnant, and start wondering how long until it is over.

I know it has been 15 weeks and that there are about 25 more to go, plus or minus two weeks.

But now the kid is growing and the uterus is expanding, so you get back pains from the load on the back that will only get worse and fluid retention that makes you wonder if the ankles are bigger than your belly.

At least the morning sickness is over.

The kid is now around four inches long, from head to butt. It weighs around two and a half ounces, though you should have only gained around five pounds.

It is either a boy or a girl.

Unfortunately for the modern person demanding instant answers, you’re still going to have to wait a few more weeks to find out what it is.

It certainly is not a puppy.

The baby’s major organs have developed. It even moves amniotic fluid in and out of the growing lungs, though the kid could not actually breathe air right now.

I know the joints are forming.

The finger nails should already be forming, as have the elbows and knees. The fingers are there and the finger joints forming, so the baby could actually get its thumb in its mouth.

That would be so cute in a sonogram.

The first sonogram should have already taken place by now. The baby can sense light and turn away from a flashlight and the forming ears could react to fire alarms and a sonogram’s noise.

It is not that loud.

For a baby inside the resonating womb, it is as loud as a freight train.

What else is going on?

Your body is growing and expanding to handle the load, so not only will you get fluid retention but a stuffy nose.

No one mentioned that in the childbirth class.

The good news is that you should start to feel the baby move anywhere from next week to a month from now. The bad news is that in another two months, you’ll be kept awake by every hiccup, punch and kick.

I’ve heard that described as training for when the kid keeps you up at night.

At this phase, the kid will have sleep and wake cycles, typically opposite to when you want it to be. The kid’s eyes are still fused shut, though.

Not like there is much to see.

Not for another few months, yet, barring sonogram results and medical bills.
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