'IT'S COMING' James Webb Telescope Just Confirms Something TERRIFYING Existed Before the Big Bang...

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What existed before the Big Bang ? This question has always been a challenge for scientists but now it seems they have found the answer to it.
But it has left scientists shocked as Brian Cox revealed that something terrifying existed before the Big Bang. So what existed before the Big Bang? Why has it left scientists terrified?

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Im fed up with the big once realised the earth wasn't flat....we are fast approaching a similar realisation with space.


I hypothesize: That the universe was not created by the Big Bang. The Big Bang was the manifestation of the true cause of the event. The true cause of the event that created our universe was " Interdimensional balancing " Not to be confused with the multiverse. But with our universe and its subatomic universe as well as its interdimensional universe. When one of these universes becomes void or close to void of matter the other universes are holding the matter that used to exist in it. When the tipping point is reached, they dump all of their matter into this space that will be home to a new universe and then the sharing begins where each universe starts passing material back and forth to one another through half-life radiation or black hole digestion. The effect we call the Big Bang Was the manifestation of this rebalancing. And if this is true it will occur again and has probably occurred billions of times before in the past. So, it's not the Big Bang that created the universe it's interdimensional balancing!


Let’s be honest, these ‘experts’ have no more idea that you or I. It’s all guess work, loosely based around the information obtained from observations. I expect that as time passes and more information becomes available they will have a better understanding, but at this point it seems to be all speculation, hype and sensationalism.


Why are new discoveries so shocking, its just a new piece of education - We used to re-write books once new information came to light.
Now everything is a shock????


The Great Attractor is pulling the Milky Way in the direction of the constellation of Centaurus at about 600 km/s. 400 elliptical galaxies, including ours, are moving toward the Great Attractor beyond the Zone of Avoidance. 2005, we found the Milky Way galaxy is in fact being pulled toward a much more massive cluster of galaxies near the Shapley Supercluster, which lies beyond the Great Attractor and is called the Shapley Attractor.


So if something caused the big bang then what caused something before the something that caused the big bang.
Surely the universe had no beginning and its just something that's there with no beginning and no end.


Wonderfully interesting for the relatively uneducated non-scientist


Why are scientists frightened to be wrong?
Same in archaeology also they defend their ideas to the death.
I would have thought new information would have been exciting to them.
It is to us and what they already know is mind blowing.
What they worked out from our part of the universe is so wonderful and interesting.
I think they are fantastic and should be celebrated for their hard work in a field with such little information.


I think we need to move on from the Big Bang theory which I never thought was true but ridiculous


Wait!...if space is expanding and everything is moving away from everything else...how then can the Andromeda galaxy be nearing ours..headed for collision?


A few hundred years from now, All this speculation will no doubt be seen like a story from the Old Testament😂


A Having to issue a warning that “our present understanding may be challenged…” is a pretty damning indictment of the current state of Academia. No longer is Discovery Over Dogma the apparent philosophy prevailing today. Carcinogenic to say the least.


All I know is we are on a massive chunk of rock hurtling through space and everything around us is trying to kill us. Absolutely amazing, terrifying and exciting. We are so privileged and fortunate to even exist. Just enjoy the ride…😁🤘🏼


I don’t see how anything could have existed before the BB when there was no BB to begin with.


Personally I love it when the Universe tells us that we don't really understand what is going on.
I like a phrase I saw quite some time ago.
The Big Bang Theory
God spoke and BANG it happened!


The farther, the faster the expansion... That should mean WE ARE, obviously, moving in one of the directions and, naturally, things are moving away from eachother slower than in the opposite we are apparently in the area of slow expansion and not at the CENTER ...

Like.. one length, one area, one volume after one radius of expansion, becomes two lengths, four areas and eight volumes after two radius of expansion...!


It feeds, grows, ages, dies, returns to the earth (from the dust you came to the dust you will return)


Interesting. The click-baity “terrifying” put me off the video but the picture of Dr Penrose suggested that it might be worth a look. In any case why would anyone be “terrified” about something from 14 billion years ago? Be that as it may, I gave this video a “like” so I can see more of this channel. You don’t need click-bait. Maybe title your video “Webb sees before the big bang?” or similar. That would get plenty of interest. 

Also, maybe go a bit lighter on the word “scientist”. “Astrophysicists”, “astronomers” or “cosmologists” might be a better description of the people whose life's’ work is to delve into this stuff.


There was a big bang, there wasn't a big bang, there is one universe, there is a multiverse, nobody knows stop listening to those people they don't know either.


This upsets the comfortable armchair that astrophysicists/cosmologists have been sitting in & pontificating from for over a century. They are shown to be wrong and they need to explain why
