Farm Aid: A Song For America

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A look at Farm Aid's history working to keep family farmers on the land since 1985.

"Farm Aid supports a food system that is democratic, independent, competitive and locally based. This isn't an exercise in nostalgia, it's a commitment to a way of life. These are values worth fighting for."
–– Eric Schlosser

Farm Aid’s mission is to build a vibrant, family farm-centered system of agriculture in America. Farm Aid artists and board members Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp, Dave Matthews and Margo Price host an annual festival to raise funds to support Farm Aid’s work with family farmers and to inspire people to choose family farm food. For more than 35 years, Farm Aid, with the support of the artists who contribute their performances each year, has raised more than $64 million to support programs that help farmers thrive, expand the reach of the Good Food Movement, take action to change the dominant system of industrial agriculture and promote food from family farms.

Рекомендации по теме

I've supported Farm Aid for a few years now. They are doing great work.


It would be awesome if Farm Aid used money from benefit shows to transition GMO farmers back over to organic farming. I bet many of them would if they could afford to get out from under thumb of Monsatan.


I’m a farmer and I get looked down on because I work so much. All I want is respect not sympathy.


God Bless All our Local Farmers and Farm Aid for taking up and continuing the fight for our right to live and breathe a natural way of life!


Without farmers there is no civilization. End of story. Thanks y'all, I can feel the love...carry on, you back!


I remember when Willie Nelson stood up and warned the American People about the mess we have to eat today. Willie Nelson took a stand for FARM AIDE, but very few paid him any attention. Now people are aching, health breaking down and don’t even know why?
History repeats... 2017 we are self-destructing because people still aren't listening...


Go Willie!! Thank you for keeping farm aide going!! Love you Willie!! Your the greatest!!


God bless Family Farms!  God bless Missouri Rural Crisis Center!  God bless Willie Nelson and those associated with FarmAid!!  Find out more about the local Missouri group working to make it happen for our farmers in this State.


Corn is going the way of buggy whips. And we better hurry that up. Because that aquifier that grows corn in the midwest is going to be gone if we don't put Monsanto out of the corn business, or out of business period. On the other hand, the story of a junk honey that now makes New Zealand loads of money, and with a plant that needs lousy soil to thrive, and has incredible medicinal properties, tells me Monsanto might want to start looking at finding plants that can do what Manuka honey can do. Because I found it at my local hospital and a good bit of it is not more medicinal than regular raw honey, but the kind that has the smart bees that put antibiotics in it goes for around $80 a pint. John McAfee was supposedly looking for medicinal plants like Manuka honey, but what happened to his company is a mystery. Quorumex was that company's name. 
But Dr. Molan in New Zealand was the one biochemist that New Zealand invested in about 25 years, and Dr. Molan has created a multi-billion dollar business from what used to be considered junk honey. And we can grow Manuka honey here if the land and climate is right, or we can encourage our government to invest more in science and less in wars, and we might just find a miracle in plain sight, just like New Zealand did.

Punch in Molan Manuka here on Youtube and just listen and be amazed. We just might have acres of diamonds already here, just waiting to be plucked. But we need the funding for the scientists who can find more miracle foods. So let's spend more on science and less on military might.

Somebody else do the politics. Until everybody can love each other I don't want to get into those kinds of fights. But if we don't learn to love each other and forget politics, we can forget it all. We can all stand together or we'll all fall, one by one, until nobody is left but corporations, . And then nobody will be left to vote. 



As a farmer I appreciate Neil and Farm aid 100%. The other day a guy from the USDA showed up without calling or anything. He had to call me when he got lost cause he couldn't find my house... :-) He wanted to find something wrong but couldn't, so he had me change one sentence on my web page... LOL!!!


Can't wait to be there this Saturday in Chicago! the only way to change the system is to grow your own and support local family farms!!! I'm already in tears! This is the challenge of our day-- Love to Willie, love to all the good organic farmers new and old. Stand up for your health and the health of our planet--be a conscious consumer!


THANK YOU Farm Aid! GOD BLESS you! THANK YOU for all you do!!!


I was the guitar player in a 3 piece Band out every weekend for 30years called Captain Walleyes &_The Nightcrawler's There are approximately 50 Nightcrawler's and myself occasionally ok asionally Howard guitar Howard guitar lesson G yeah okay Blue Max it was my honor who is in our room to play with those great musician's now I can plug in to YouTube and I like it so like on the poster there's only one captain wall in he's he is very ill I appreciate being listened to the music with my own free will


British Farmers face the same threats and problems. Please support your Local Producers when ever you can.
It will make a difference, not only to the smaller farms but also to your health and well being.


Terrific Video! Thank you for all the work Farm Aid does on behalf of the American Farmer. Gives us a voice :-)


Yes, organic n go Vegan, plant based !
