Entering The Elite Society: You Need To Get THIS Right!

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"When you want to create a product that will sell, you have to invest in it. So, you have to invest in yourself." Absolutely!


I have no intention in entering the elite society but I think being a high caliber woman helps also to be taken more seriously in your job too. When you are in your best shape people see you differently but also you feel more confident.


Real talk: When you look good and clean, people do treat you better. People open up more. Men act like gentlemen. It's crazy.


For any haters: men want women to be beautiful, so why shouldn't women expect a man to support them for the effort?


I am 79 years old and lived my life, pretty much like you do. I had two children and a mother to support. It was very difficult, but I did achieve my goals.


Any woman can look attractive. I saw radical changes in attractiveness of women when they started wearing the right colours for their skin and hair colour. A little makeup can take the eye away from imperfections - even large ones. A relaxed, confident smile goes such a long way. At 70 years old guys still give me the ‘double take’ then they realise I”m too old for them. That first impression is what creates the interest.


A quote from my pastor growing up that my parents and I still laugh about. Someone asked him if it’s okay for women to wear makeup (back in the day this particular church was quite conservative). His response: “if the barn needs paintin’, paint it!” 🤣🤣


"Good looks is not going to fall down from the sky and land in your 👏👏👏
A standing ovation


she's right girls improve your looks. after i got in shape and my skin got clearer men open doors for me and offer my favour that i didn't even ask for and i was never treated that nicely before. even girls treat me better than before. people will respect you if you respect yourself and if you respect yourself it's reflected in your appearance


Personal appearance
Fashion how you dress
Beauty grooming
Body shape
Personal branding
Image development
You are the creator of yourself
The seeds we plant today will manifest in the future
Beauty is very high value in high society
Like attracts like


"You are the creator of yourself" Smash that like button!


I really appreciate how Anna is unafraid and unapologetic about telling women these hard truths and how elegantly she goes about it 💯


Taking care of yourself and looking beautiful doesn't need to be expensive. For your manicure/pedicures, hair, and even facials, you can invest and do everything yourself. On YouTube, there's many facials and hair treatment recipes, which you can find most of them, right in your kitchen.
Now, at least every now and then, pamper yourself by going to a professional.


I love how straight to the point your are! No sugar coating here 🙌🏻


I was feeling guilty by entertaining this but you are speaking the truth and I know many feminist women will not agree but the reality is that you are motivating women to attract quality men or leveling up and there is no shame in wanting better.


The strongest advice I can give after watching this video is don't loose your soul in this process.



If have to be honest with you, Anna, I wasn’t a big fan of yours when I first came across you on a video from “This Morning”, but in the last couple of days I’ve been through almost all your videos and absolutely love them. I think you are very brave and inspiring for sharing all these details that every other girl who lives the livestyle would be afraid to share because of other people’s judgement. But I love people who are 100% honest about things, go after what they want and do not care about what others may think of them. Looking forward to purchasing your course and going through it very soon, it sounds like something that could definitely add value to my life. I’ve been trying to date more affluent men as well over the last couple of years and even though I haven’t found Mr Right yet, I can definitely see a remarkable difference on how they act and how well they know how to treat a woman compared to other types of men. Thanks for all the wonderful content! Looking forward for your next video x


Hey Anna you are "crude", "old school" in our over modern society but you are so authentic.
That s why i listen to you.
Good job. Thank you for that.


Wish I knew these when I was 18. Now that I am 28, I had to learn all these in hard ways. Glad someone is talking finally. And I can say with my experience that she is telling the truth.


I was always taught that the amount of respect I show myself is the amount of respect I will garner. I was taught not to leave my home ungroomed. Take care of yourself, care for you... it shows when you do. You don’t have to be a “beauty”, you have to treat yourself as if you are. When I feel beautiful, I am beautiful. I think in order to garner the message that you are putting out there, you must start with respect, love and self care. Ladies, take care of yourself from the mind, to your body, to your heart, and spirit.
