This device generates solar and wind energy simultaneously!

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Did you know that combining solar and wind energy in one device can increase energy efficiency by up to 50%?

The SkiWolf takes advantage of the best of both worlds: night wind and daylight. One of the great benefits of this hybrid technology is its ability to generate continuous energy, even under variable weather conditions.

Additionally, studies show that devices like the SkiWolf can reduce reliance on the power grid by up to 70%!

This means significant savings for those who want to be more sustainable and cut down on electricity bills. 🌱⚡
✉DM for credits in the video!

#RenewableEnergy #SustainableTechnology #SolarWindEnergy #GreenInnovation #Sustainability #shorts
Рекомендации по теме

My problem is that some of the solar panels face downwards away from the sun


Gimmick you could take all those solar panels placed them on a platform that
Follows the sun You could take that wind turbine, and just use it as a wind turbine.


Why would you not just place the panels properly for actual use and then... have a wind turbine?


Space us valuable so mirrors on base to focus the lower panels.


Does the tunnel created by the solar panels make the wind turbine more efficient? I feel like the panels would be better suited on the ground, rotating with the sun.

If there’s not efficiency benefit to combining them then you’re basically just adding more points of failure for very little benefit.


Solar panels need direction so… you tell me


Gimmick because wind turbine have flaw that if there a very strong wing it will just blow of


The whole video is bullshit and I tell you why:
-Skiwolf or skywolf?
-A windturbine with a Wind direction sensor? What a Inovation! 😂
-Solarcells on the bottom? What a waste on recource!
- one Problem of Wind Turbines is the shadow. Congrats to have even more now.
-Lager rotors=more efficiency. yours are smal
-the Turbine effect is lost bec you got turbulences since the solar panel arent closed around
- you say Power at night from Wind and at day both. And at nights when there is no Wind or in Winter when there is no sun? You just tell about the optimum but not the reality
