How To Celebrate Unleavened Bread - Family Traditions!

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Whether you are brand new or a seasoned veteran at celebrating Christ through the Feast of Unleavened Bread, this short video will inspire your creative juices to create your own family traditions that will enrich this amazing holiday week for everyone in your home. This seven-day feast is all about focusing on getting leaven (sin) out of our homes and just getting back to the simplicity of living life with no pride, ego and self-centeredness. The ideas in this short video will go a long way to deepening your family connections as well as challenging everyone to look deep within and rid themselves of any and all kinds of leaven. In the end, we want to do what the apostle Paul told the Corinthian Church to do: To “celebrate the feast with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth!” – 1 Corinthians 5:8

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Have you ever said to yourself, "There's got to be something more?" Well...there is. And this channel is dedicated to just that--the discovery of something more. Join Pastor Jim Staley as he uncovers the true Christian roots of our faith, which find themselves rooted deep inside the Hebraic context, culture, and languages of the Bible.

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Please people he is making suggestions of activities you could do with your family to teach the principles of the feasts in your home. Cause your children to love the feasts and have beautiful memories of family activities surrounding feast times. Why do you think it was so hard for us to walk away from christmas and easter? It was because of all the good memories we had of family time and family traditions. Why should we not be purposeful in creating those same beautiful memories with our children but having the commandments as the Centre? Traditions are powerful when applied in line with truth


It's evident from most of the responses on here they have absolutely zero comprehension of this time for us JEWS AT ALL.... blasphemy to our one ONLY ONE G-D


I feel like your talking straight to me, first time celebrating Passover/unleavened bread and needed this. Thank you!!


I needed this! I'm trying to get on board with these celebrations! I'm so torn to as why we didn't learn these things from jump! Instead of celebrating pagan holidays 😢


A few suggestions for family traditions: Watch "Prince of Egypt". Make a matzah house (think gingerbread house). Take the children to a petting zoo to pet the lambs. Take the family to a food pantry to help out one afternoon. Act out the exodus story with costumes.


Thank you for the ideas!
We are just a few years into celebrating these Jewish holidays. Each year we add a little more to our celebration.


Hey Jim, I have been watching your content almost nonstop since your very popular video of the solar eclipse. I don't comment or like any videos on YT because of privacy and security, and have removed all likes to other videos because of this, but I want to say that I am have blessed with the knowledge you have shared and have been praying that God Bless you!

I have been sharing your videos a lot on social media and to friends too, often multiple times to make sure people see and watch them. I eagerly await further content you put out. I have been saved again through the blood of Christ and will do all that I can to never fall away again! I want nothing for myself but God's will and to serve others now. If you have a video giving some more details of the incidents of 2017 happened, I would really like to learn more as recently, and unfortunately, a person I know who I was sharing this content to pointed to a very biased and vague article of the ordeal, which lead me to read a little more in a different article of the same source, and to watch the video of your interview with Jennifer Bagnaschi. I am asking this in that I want to be able to defend you with all information that will be available to me when I share these amazing and profound videos of information, that go against a lot of what people have believed for a lot of their lives, and throughout history, and when people have their doubts and find misinformation.

I have watched all of your holiday videos, all of the 10 Commandment videos, the power of patience, the power of 8, your video describing 2 Timothy 2:2, your solar eclipse video, and the concerned video. I believe everything you are saying because you back it with Scripture and documented history and because I have been reading The Holy Bible often and praying nonstop to make sure I stay blameless for when Yeshua comes! The only thing I am torn betweem I think, is the actual day of Jesus Christ's birth, as some say it was on the Feast of Trumpets and others on the Feast of Tabernacles. It might be revealed to me what day for sure for that, but I know I will not be celebrating my Savior's birth on a unholy day anymore. I think of the significance of how events take place on certain days, i.e. 911, Oct 7th, Jan 6, etc etc. I really feel you are doing God's work Jim, so I pray and ask that He Bless you and your family!!!


Thank you, brother, for your encouragement and valuanmbke biblical information. India 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 🇮🇳


This is new to me, I am learning (I thought only 1st day we put the yeast out) so by listening to you… I put it back outside. Elohim please forgive me 😢. And (I was at the hospital and I ate bread/ pasta provided… I didn’t know it’s the whole week and now, will continue then with the matzah bread… thank you for letting us know), I will learn more about this week festivity so that I keep it up) … thank you 🙏🏽


I think leavening also refers to the teachings and doctrines of the Pharisees that leavens to hypocrisy. Everytime Yeshua called them, "Hypocrites, " He was pointing out and exposing the leaven.
In 1 Corinthians 5:8, Paul talks about the leaven of wickedness and malice. He also says to keep the feast with the "unleavened bread of sincerity and truth."


I’ll be making Matzos s’mores over a fire.


Unleavened bread! Representing the shewbread, one for each tribe of Israel. Excellent video pastor.

The Lord gave me a prophetic word that I just published in a book this week. He confirmed it after watching your eclipse video. I live 42mins away from Jonah, Tx. And drove all day, in and out of this town for work, before watching your video the next morning 🤯. I also migrated from NYC to Texas three years ago, following the exact through line of the eclipse.

I speak of the shewbread on chapter six. And give you a shoutout on chapter seven. Thank you for your obedience pastor, it’s much appreciated. Here’s the title if you’d like to check it out:

The Word or Alphabet of God Made Flesh
22 Lessons For Discipleship in Christ
Part one | Deny self

Released April, 22, 2024


Chocolate is not unleavened nor peanut butter nor pizza


Try a recipe for flatbread! We love humus with it! 🤗


What are the scriptures connecting that the holy days represent God’s prophetic plan?


God is Good, Brother Jim this was my first message from you and I needed to hear these exact things. Hurt feelings, Pride and Ego has kept me from where God assigned me for much too long. Jesus saved me 37 years ago and I seeved


Hi Pastor Jim, I was wanting to know what your thoughts are regarding the Seder being pagan and being something from the Babylonian exile - that it’s Judaism and made up? The 4 cups and all that is not found in the Bible. I’m trying to get away from the man made and pagan rituals in my Pentecostal faith, I don’t want to make the same mistakes. God told us to not have the Passover in our own gates. What do these things mean? Thank you!


Not allowed to eat leavened bread…so does this mean all foods with yeast or just “bread” items?


I’m eating Maza now while I’m watching your video with peanut butter and hazelnut spread ; From Trader Joe’s . Me and my son have been celebrating the feast days the last two years.


Ceder and the cups is of the fake jews and has nothing to do with our Messiah Yashayah you might as well continue to celebrate Christmas ! at lease we know this is how HE SEES IT ! Go on with your leaven traditions the blind leading the blind !
