Mastering Scroll Animations with GSAP ScrollTrigger

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-- Today, I'm going to show you a very old design portfolio I created in the late 90's. I decided to modernize it from scratch both in Figma, and in code.
0:00 - Intro
0:34 - HTML
1:25 - Necessary CDNs
2:20 - Lenis Scroll
2:57 - Defining a Timeline
4:12 - Defining a ScrollTrigger
5:50 - ScrollTrigger Demos
14:40 - Scrub False
15:59 - ToggleActions
22:16 - Final Thoughts
Let's get started!
#greensock #frontend #javascript
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^-Chat with me and others
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Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!
0:00 - Intro
0:34 - HTML
1:25 - Necessary CDNs
2:20 - Lenis Scroll
2:57 - Defining a Timeline
4:12 - Defining a ScrollTrigger
5:50 - ScrollTrigger Demos
14:40 - Scrub False
15:59 - ToggleActions
22:16 - Final Thoughts
Let's get started!
#greensock #frontend #javascript
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Subscribe for NEW VIDEOS!
^-Chat with me and others
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Come to my discord server or add me on social media and say Hi!
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