Smooth Scroll, Scroll Trigger and Reveal Effect with Locomotive Scroll, GSAP & React Part 1

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Check out the tutorial and become more creative!
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Yes, that's quite a lot of technologies into a tutorial, but don't worry it's not complicated, in the end, folks who are creating awesome websites don't limit themselves to just a single web technology, don't they?.
We will use 3 technologies, Locomotive Scroll to have a smooth juicy scroll, GSAP to create our scroll-triggered horizontal scroll & text-based animation, and in the end, Intersection Observer to animate some pictures that are getting into the viewport.
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Hey there my name is Nicu, I am a Front end developer.I'm here mainly because of lack of creativity and hopefully to educate people on how to code projects that actually look good. If you have any suggestions on tutorials you would like to see feel free to DM me :)
#awwwards #gsap #locomotive
Just fork to have the starter project
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Yes, that's quite a lot of technologies into a tutorial, but don't worry it's not complicated, in the end, folks who are creating awesome websites don't limit themselves to just a single web technology, don't they?.
We will use 3 technologies, Locomotive Scroll to have a smooth juicy scroll, GSAP to create our scroll-triggered horizontal scroll & text-based animation, and in the end, Intersection Observer to animate some pictures that are getting into the viewport.
New to the channel?
Hey there my name is Nicu, I am a Front end developer.I'm here mainly because of lack of creativity and hopefully to educate people on how to code projects that actually look good. If you have any suggestions on tutorials you would like to see feel free to DM me :)
#awwwards #gsap #locomotive
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