Mark Mills: The energy transition delusion inescapable mineral realities

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It is al very well to have a vision of a future powered by Renewable Wind and Solar, but if there is not the real materials available on the planet to enable that future, a vision becomes a delusion.
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As long as we accept that we need a one ton+ personal steel cage for transport,
and only quibble about the means of propulsion,
we are merely rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.


The economists are not modeling commodity inflation effects based on an energy transition because the energy transition is BS. I'm an economist.


cars will have to be redesigned to be much lighter
infrastructure will have to be built to reclaim material from existing devices


Auke Hoekstra, Editorial contributor
Jul 19, 2023
Many scientific publications claim that copper scarcity is a roadblock on the way to renewable energy, but almost none take substitution into account. Yes, copper demand could increase by 30% as part of this green transition, but copper can be replaced by aluminium in almost all applications.


It's convenient to focus on the material requirement for an EV vs ICE vehicle and highlight how many more minerals are required for an EV but exclude the oil required to operate that ICE from your calculation. Intellectually dishonest presentation the whole way through


More people need to be aware of these limitations in available minerals over the next 10-20 yrs. We’re already at +1.5 degrees CO2, so I disagree that the energy transition need only be supplemental to fossil fuels. Nope, fossil fuels need to stay in the ground. The hard part is how to do that.


His whole augment is the we can't mine minerals fast enough (in the short term). Which tricks people psychologically to belive we will NEVER be able to mine enough raw minerals for green technologies. His whole argument is very psychologically manipulative. As green technologies become more mainstream they will get better, as most things do with larger scale.


The 1st false statement was at 3m47.
The 2nd was at 10m40 or so.
Then I switched off.
Ol' Mark Mills does love as stale wrong statistic.
