Episode 232: “Our Dystopian Green Energy Future” with Mark Mills

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This episode is about the catastrophic dead ends we face if we plow blindly ahead with the promised “green energy” future. 

Powerful forces obsessed with CO2 and climate change are determined to replace hydrocarbon fuels with solar and wind energy and other yet to be invented technologies. 

It’s an obsession fueled by a toxic mix of religious fervor, old fashioned greed and a “degrowth” agenda aimed at dismantling the modern global economy.

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I saw a podcast on how 100% renewables was inevitable. I’d really like to hear one of these advocates go up against Mark.


I have watched dozens of interviews with Mark Mills, yet I find this particular one stands out as simply the best. I say this because of his animated responses to the obscene situation in which we find ourselves, coupled with his short yet powerful, conclusive, and factual responses. I can only hope the bots at YouTube don't delete this essential ray of intellectual reasoning.


Fabulous new element - unobtaineum! Not only do our politicians not understand science, but they are not physicists, engineers and certainly not mathematicians. Not sure if we, ve even enough of those specialist teachers. But the reality is that the Earth has finite resources, so we will surely all have to do with less and a simpler lifestyle. But we will learn that lesson only once we, ve trashed the globe. This is all pretty rich hearing all this from the great energy gobbling nation.


Of course, the objective of the "Green" energy transition is not to replace gasoline autos with electric autos. The objective is to eliminate personal transportation and limit mobility of the citizenry so that only the anointed will be able to travel freely. Some "Green" documents have stated this elliptically, to use one of Mark's descriptions of how "Green" proponents accidentally become almost honest about their ultimate objectives. It's part of the Big Brother style "Great Reset", in the words of that Boy From Brazil named Klaus.


Thank you so much for this great conversation with Mark Mills! Each of your programs is a Masterclass on the subject matter. I look forward to each one. Thank you for doing these for us!


Am a great Follower not only of Mark Mills Awakening facts regarding this Blind Energy Dreams but also such other great sources are helpful too Professor Simon Michaux and Petroleum Geologist Arthur Berman including great easily graph datas 😇💖


This is the second time I've watched this and it should have about 100 million views because people need to know this stuff but that'll never happen unfortunately...


Dr. Mills is right there is no path to go all green. If today were 1920 one would think similarly but now in 2020s we make 100m vehicles a year worldwide and keep 2b going on the roads. It took shale oil, a new previously unknown tech to make O&G abundant and a myriad other advancements to make it happen. Basically we get the future we want.


the most important and revealing subject in the history of our civilisation and i am only the 34th person in two weeks to Like this podcast?


The world has decades on "de-growth" regime particularly on energy per capita. These because production and consumption of goods increase with slower rates than population growth. It is becoming worse, and may be even worse if the policies will continue based on disclosed programs. No one from peoples know what is on classified programs.
However, even the energy sources are infinite, this is not true for fossil fuel energies, especially oil and gas and coal. The other energies really are clean and infinite, but the present knowledges can harvest only a fraction of these and with high cost and claiming low cost. No one disclose the real cost of clean energy, no one consider low pay on different steps from mining to building the power machines and generators, transmission lines and transformers.
Every problem has solution only on better understanding the problem and inventing more effective technology. The future of society need better policies, not accelerated de-growth but sustainable population and sustainable economy. Key on these sustainability is energy sustainability and this must be done with all energies but with improved technologies on geothermal, nuclear and gravity generation energy. The expert on min 29:00 express his views that gravity energy does not promises for the future. Very probable the expert Mark Mills base his conclusions about gravity energy storage technologies known publicly, and he is right.
Indeed with nuclear energy, geothermal energy and gravity energy the world does not need storing energies for stationary use, the storage of energy is needed generally for transportation, and this have different solutions. So combining nuclear energy and geothermal energy and on addition gravity energy which can be harvested everywhere will solve energy security for a sustainable society based on metals and materials the world has.
Open to further discuse with expert Mark Mils and moderator @theBillWaltonShow.


He speaks of the hundreds of new copper mines that need to come online in the next decade. How many are actually scheduled to begin production? Four:

"DRC’s Kamoa-Kakula, Quellaveco in Peru, along with Quebrada Blanca II and Spence-SGO in Chile "

After that, nothing is scheduled. And it takes 10-20+ years to bring a NW mine through the planning stages to operation. And that's just for copper.


Mark has a good idea to incentify people to buy better fuel-efficient ICE vehicles, rather than EVs... it would save more C02 emissions


I would love to hear about an expert talk about the expansion of the power grid as a result of all this electrification of cars. My understanding is that’s the biggest problem facing the shift to electric vehicles.


Environmental advocates who are steadfast in their commitment to protecting Earth's life recognize the harmful effects of fossil fuels, the 'Green New Deal, ' and our industrialized world. Indeed, we overtly and proudly champion 'degrowth, ' a model that ensures everyone's needs are met within the planet's means. For an in-depth exploration of this concept, Jason Hickel's "Less is More: How Degrowth Will Save the World" is a must-read.


You say the minerals are depleting same with oil, gas not so much coal. Do you factor in that there isn't a finite amount of fossil fuels


Those of us living in developed nations miss a trick by being totally convinced the energy transition is (a) targeted on a timescale that is preposterous (b) unaffordable if high penetration of wind, solar and batteries are invoked (c) hit the copper, etc. ‘crunches’ of minerals availability (d) are pretty pointless when developing and underdeveloped nations are escalating use of fossil fuels.

And that ‘trick’ is the appreciation that burning fossil fuels (FFs) in developed nations has ‘evils’, in terms of billions of $s of cost from pollution, millions of premature deaths and unknown millions of life-degrading health conditions, that can be overcome by advanced nuclear power, in the form of [iron/steel/concrete] small modular reactors (SMRs), at better than 2X a zero-sum-game.

Were Mark P. Mills and Bill Walton to argue this, with facts and figures, at state or federal levels, it would leverage widespread deployment of SMRs for supply of base and load-followed grid electricity and the manufacture of nuclear enabled hydrogen (NEH) to eliminate FF use in other sectors of energy use.

In particular, NEH for transport would centre on hydrogen-powered [iron/steel/aluminium] internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) as a certain way of avoiding ‘revolutionaries’ manning the battlements when governments attempt to legislate for an EV only world. JCB are already up to, maybe, 100 or so pre-production engines being fitted to their construction and agricultural machines, both Toyota and BMW have plans in place and Cummins is supplying and testing bigger engines.

Arguments, facts and figures are available if you search for: smrs & greenh2 for a ff-free world


Genetically engineering the species that will succeed us .


Very interesting. But Unobtainium can be manufactured, is called Tritirium; for 'free' nuclear fusion energy. Check out how much Tritirium costs, world's most expensive...


Mills is leaving out some important factors.


It is important to note that this comes from a conservative "think tank." One fellow commented that a car battery weighs a thousand pounds (it is in reality probably more than that) and he compares that weight to the weight of a tank of gasoline (about 6 lbs/gallon) which is about 120 pounds. But he forgot to mention that the battery will last for more than 1000 charges and the tank of gas lasts once!!! Get it. No, he probably doesn't. He goes on about the incredible difficulty of mining new materials like silicon. Well, old fellow, the earth's crust is 30% silicon. It is everywhere. Go out and dig a shovel full of dirt and odds are you will have a pound of silicon. Another huge lie is comparing a windmill to a gas turbine. Sure, a windmill produces far less energy than a gas turbine, but the windmill doesn't produce a constant supply of CO2 for 20 or 30 years like the gas I forget. That CO2 has nothing to do with our burning up earth. That is just another liberal hoax. (I hope you get sarcasm) OK, I'll admit that he did make a lot of very good points. But I don't have the time to research all the lies and exaggerations made here. And I will also admit that liberal think tanks are not much better at telling the truth. I've hear conservatives tell the fantasy about windmills killing birds. Well, yes they do. But gubs kill tens of thousands of humans and conservatives don't get riled about that? As far as killing birds, the biggest killer of birds for And by a factor of 1000 over windmills. So, are conservatives going to ban windows. Feral cats are the next biggest killer of birds--by a factor of 500 over windmills. . Then high tension wires are third. Conservatives need to get out more. Please, where can I find an article designed to inform (teach) rather than propagandize??? Why does everything have to be propaganda???
