Writing Motivation

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Disclaimer: There are no guarantees or promises, implied or explicit this will work for you. This does not subtitute any type of professional health care and I am not reliable for any decisions made because of this or any other subliminal in my channel.
Subliminals are a belief and all I ask is for it to be respected. This is not meant to be misleading, just something I deeply believe to work, just like anyone who has any type of spiritual belief and believes that is the true.

This includes:
- my built-in booster:
*Subconscious that starts to work on these affirmations instantly
* Instantly absorb affirmations
* Affs have a huge impact on you
* Release any type of blockages
* Mind, body and soul in absolute harmony
* Subconscious and conscious mind fully aligned (this is what causes the manifestation to happen)
* Allow divine timing to come into play (which is basically going with the flow and trusting that you will receive what is yours)
* Be able to detach and let go of any expectations and of the outcome of things
* Go with the flow and live in the moment
* Believe in yourself
* Love yourself and accept yourself
* Release need to control any situation
* Balance and control your ego mind´
* Always be protected emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually (this makes you protected from any harm that comes to you directed from any person.
* Positive and safe results´
*Always get full results from desired subliminal affirmations
* Results start to come instantly to you
* Permanent results (only desired and positive ones are permanent)
* All the affirmations from the Abundance mindset subliminal
(I include this booster in all the subliminals I have on my channel, however I am always adding new stuff to it, so the older subliminals might not be as completed as this one)
- Always be motivated and inspired in order to write
- Effortlessly and quickly write books, stories, chapters, anything
- Write 100 pages in one hour
- Write dozens of chapters in one hour
- Write entire books, etc, in one week
- Always have time to write
- Whatever you write always makes complete sense

all of my subliminals:
❥ don't have binaural beats or frequencies unless I say so
❥ you can multitask
❥ you can listen overnight
❥ you don't have to know english
❥ can be downloaded as wav and flac
❥ you don't have to use earphones or headphones
❥present tense only
❥no words like "no, don't, can't" and etc. even thiugh they might be present in the description
❥ are permanent
❥ have affirmations to get results fast

Listen to this for at least 30 minutes to one hour. You can listen to more, but make sure you don't feel overwhelmed.

Results comes differently for everyone.
They depend on many factors like health, energy, mindset, etc.
Hope you enjoy it!
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*That moment when you’re a writer and you’ve been procrastinating and then your favourite sub maker makes a writing motivation subliminal*


Have been listening to this life- changing subliminal message for more than one year.Meanwhile, my second novel AND AUTUMN CAME, available in Amazon kindle books, Play Store, Google Books and International e- books worldwide at a throwaway price, has received 8 Five Star ratings and some positive comments. Hope more will follow. I profusely thank this subliminal and highly recommend it for all.


Wow this works so fast!! I had an essay to write and I was writing about it last night but it took forever just to write down one sentence because I never have ideas and it takes forever for me to think about something to write. And then I listen to this and the next day at school, we had time to work on the essay in class, and I wrote two full pages in like three minutes. I was writing so fast without even thinking and I didn't even realize until I finished and I was so amazed because I'm a very bad writer, I never have ideas. Thx so much Miss Synergy




omg yess i extremely need this!
bc i have a lot of story ideas in my head but never actually done to write them down / post them 😭 thank you so much! 😣❤


This came at the perfect time!! Im working on my college admission essay for graduate school for social work and I need to get inspiration to finish the essay and submit it!!! Can't wait to be accepted into the university 🎓


This truly works for academic writing. I have made the most progress in a day listening to this compared to weeks. Just make sure you to stay on the subliminal and do not over think it.


so usually i don't listen to your subs, but i decided to give this one a shot because the benefits are exactly what i'm looking for. it didn't work right away, but about thirty minutes later, i got hit with the sudden urge to write 8k+ words in one sitting. so yeah. powerful stuff you got here, lol. ✨


Update: I'm on the last chapter of my novel at 75k words! :)

I'm very close to finishing the 1st draft and I am pretty confident that I will only need copy editing and a few minor improvements after I get some feedback from some friends who have volunteered to read it.

Thank you so much for these subliminals they really helped me stick to finishing this novel. My previous attempt at writing novels usually had my motivation fizzle out around chapter 3 or 4. So, I am sure the subliminals really helped me to stay motivated and inspired to get all the way through to the end of the book.

Thank you so very much. ❤


My goal is to be a successful young author with many projects and stories made with love, to inspire millions of people everywhere ♡ I have so many creative ideas, but I have horrible writer's block, and I used to be able to write stories fast like a machine since I was younger, but since I've been depressed it's been harder to write.


I'm ready to write my Wattpad book ;)


I'll be trying to update at least once every two weeks because subliminals take time and I only want to update on big results.
*Listening* : Overnight, at least 5 times.

*U p d a t e I & a little backstory* : I've been on a writing "hiatus" for two years now and I want to get the old flow back and write consistently again. Two years of not writing have taught me a lot. You can still write, indeed. But the level of writing has to be regained again. You have to write as much as you did back in the days to actually get the writing flow back. That's what I am determined to do.
Now onto the update. I've had a story in mind for quite some time now, however, for the longest time I could only figure out what I want to happen at the start and how I want the story to end. After listening to this subliminal for 2 days now, I got the entire plot in my head and bit by bit my mind comes up with scenes that will happen in-between the storyline. I actually sat down and wrote a lot of information down, something I last did two years ago.


I love the talking at the beginning, the music you use is always so chilled and nice to listen to❤️


that moment also when you are writing, thinking and looking for the Muse and the lovely Miss Synergy bestows a gift for you


wtf. listened ONCE and now i want to finish my whole novel


two subs in one day, you're on fire today im loving it


thank you. i’ll make sure to go to sleep listening to this. so, in the morning i’ll have motivation to write.


I've just listened to this once and I gained a bunch of motivation to continue my novel <333 thank you so much!


Omg, thanks! I've been planning to write a story for months now, but I haven't started cause I'm too lazy


