A320 Landing Techniques - Flare Law (How & When to Flare) Full Tutorial | MSFS 2020

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Landing and flaring the A320 aircraft is something that everyone wants to get just right in order to obtain that 'butter' landing. In this video, we go in detail to look at what happens to the aircraft when it enteres FLARE MODE and how you as the pilot can learn different techniques and tricks to get the perfect landing. We also take a look at how the weather affects things and how false visual persepctives can also be taken into account.

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I have been consistently getting -250 fpm landings. My first landing at the end of a five hour flight after watching this video was -66 fpm. Thanks! 🙏


First video about MSFS landing that focuses on a steady and safe landing and not a "buttery" one. Thanks.


Life saving video… well virtually. My landing gear thanks you sir.


I think your advice to flare late with a headwind and early with a tailwind is correct but for the wrong reason. It's not a case of more or less wind over the wings since that depends only on your indicated airspeed. With a headwind, your ground speed is less and so, for a fixed glide slope angle. your vertical speed is less and that's why you can flare a bit later. You don't have as much rate of descent to get rid of. The opposite is true for a tailwind. Kind of a minor point. Nonetheless, an excellent video, very helpful.


As always Gav, thanks for sharing with all of us all your knowledge about how to flight the A 320. This will help me a great deal as I usually make firm or hard landings. Landing is not an easy task, but your videos will motivate me to improve my landing techniques. Keep up the good work!


Thank you very much! Adjusted my camera position at lower position and my landings are now much better 😂 what an amazing trick😊


alternate technqiue is to pre-flare at 100-200 feet by half a degree to hold the AOA so it the nose down pitch command isnt so aggressive and you have a buffer.


I came just to see how you did Skiathos as it's my happy place ;) In all my time flying I've only ever come in that way once, every other time has been the more scenic approach passing Skiathos Town. I was actually working a flight there in 2005 when a Swedish MD8X botched the landing, ballooned it but didn't go around and instead landed way too long and nearly went off the end and onto Xanemos Beach. With very heavy braking and a lot of weaving he stopped just short but had to be towed back as they couldn't turn around, we ended up with a good 4 or 5 hour delay on that one (still back then we were on flight pay and not sector pay so it was all good).


I knew i wasn't going crazy when the plane would freeze up right before landing


Since I have switched from Toliss over to the Fenix, my landings have gotten very bad. The amount of stick input that I used for the Toliss is way to little for the Fenix. While I am trying to solve this, I noticed that I don't really have a flaring technique and that's why I luckily found your video - which helps a lot. I am too focused on the vertical speed. Instead I should look out on the runway and get used to the appropriate pitche angle. Time to get behind the computer and fly this wonderful airplane again.


Why does it feel as if the fenix doesn't want to flare when I start pulling at 30ft? it feels like it's is not responsive enough and I have to pull a lot, while the FBW A32nx seems more responsive during the flare and easier to land?


I take the thrust out completely at about 150 knots and flare out so far it works well


Beautifully done video, super well explained and nicely to the point.


So basically focus more on the altimeter and degrees of your pitch instead of focusing on the runway (still focusing on the center ofc but you know what i mean)


I’ve been flaring early to to harshly, now I understand why I’m floating on 🤔


Great video, this is definitely going to help me with my landing quality. Thankyou! :)


i have big difficulties in variable winds because some feet over the runways the plane almost always changes his pitch without any big input causing me to float but that happens also with strong headwind


I really need one of these for the Airbus A310 cuz boy have I been slamming that thing down!


Thanks a lot for this great and very helpful video. As we are approaching X-Mas I have a little wish.😉 I would really appreciate a follow-up with some crosswind scenarios. THX agaien for your great support. Cheers.


Could You advice how to configure the screen properly to get the correct real life captains perspective?
