Alignment Affirmations - I Am In Alignment With My Desires Affirmations

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These alignment affirmations will put you in alignment with your goals and desires, aligning your thoughts and beliefs with what you want to achieve or manifest. They act like a magnet, drawing in the things you want by keeping your mindset in sync with your aspirations. It will really impact your self concept and change how you view yourself and surroundings. Just let these affirmations sink into your mind and get in the flow.

This video contains alignment affirmations, self concept affirmations, confidence affirmations, self worth affirmations, luck affirmations, lucky girl syndrome affirmations, law of assumption affirmations, positive affirmations, law of attraction affirmations, affirmations to be lucky, everything is working out for me affirmations

Recommended to keep listening at least once a day for fast results!

#selfconcept #selfconceptaffirmations #everythingisperfect
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Love these!! I listened to the hour of detachment affirmations this morning. Now everything is aligning perfectly for me. Thank you for creating these videos, they are so helpful! 💖


I love this one and listen while getting ready for my day. Thank you for what you are doing for the world 💖✨️


Surplus Moon Energy Yes to these Affirmation Enjoying them with you for Myself.🌷🌷


Very nice. 🎉 These affirmations are good candidates to be recast as askfirmations.


Heyyy I love your affirmations ♥️ please do upload one for beauty and smartness and intelligence combined together!


The music has a glitching effect and I cant do it..its putting me off and making me feel angsty...sorry..I usually love your work but this is actually aggravating me😢


Can i please know the instrumental of this track I wouldn't like to make a song with it ! Please !


I have a dream of living in abundance to be able to care for my parents and myself. But I have a huge blockage of worrying about how. I don't know how my dream can come true, because I don't have a stable income, and am struggling to pay off my student loan. My college degree is pretty much useless since I can't find a job in this field. I'm ashame of myself for not doing enough, not earning enough, not trying hard enough, not having a healthy enough body to take on more work. I'm honestly at a loss right now.
