If Atheists Sounded Like Christians (Continued)

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If Atheists Sounded Like Christians (Continued)
You're a Christian? Did you not get enough love from your father so you went looking for another one?
Why do you hate science so much?
God tells you what to do? Then how do you create your own purpose in life?
What would Neil deGrasse Tyson do?
You're burning a Richard Dawkins book?! That's... fine. I got another copy at home.
Tide goes in, tide goes out. And we know exactly how that happens.
Of course walking on water isn't a miracle. Just wait till December.
Christopher Hitchens died for your ignorance.
Dark Matter works in mysterious ways.
Being Agnostic is a choice. And I don't approve of that lifestyle.
They should really teach the basics of Islam in Sunday School. I mean, you gotta teach the controversy.
I wouldn't get too close to those atheists across the street. They don't believe in God the wrong way.
At the end of a lecture, we all drink this wine together. It's not symbolic and it's not the blood of anybody. It's just really damn good wine.
He is risen. Because that's what helium does.
I heard she's dating a Lutheran. She must not be a true Atheist.
I just found a parking spot. Thank you, city planners!
I'm so proud of my little girl. She's dating a Satanist from a really good family.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions for this list.
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You're a Christian? Did you not get enough love from your father so you went looking for another one?
Why do you hate science so much?
God tells you what to do? Then how do you create your own purpose in life?
What would Neil deGrasse Tyson do?
You're burning a Richard Dawkins book?! That's... fine. I got another copy at home.
Tide goes in, tide goes out. And we know exactly how that happens.
Of course walking on water isn't a miracle. Just wait till December.
Christopher Hitchens died for your ignorance.
Dark Matter works in mysterious ways.
Being Agnostic is a choice. And I don't approve of that lifestyle.
They should really teach the basics of Islam in Sunday School. I mean, you gotta teach the controversy.
I wouldn't get too close to those atheists across the street. They don't believe in God the wrong way.
At the end of a lecture, we all drink this wine together. It's not symbolic and it's not the blood of anybody. It's just really damn good wine.
He is risen. Because that's what helium does.
I heard she's dating a Lutheran. She must not be a true Atheist.
I just found a parking spot. Thank you, city planners!
I'm so proud of my little girl. She's dating a Satanist from a really good family.
Thanks to everyone who made suggestions for this list.
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