How To Treat A Broken Bird Wing

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This is the method I always use to treat broken bird wings. Understand, however, that birds who break their wings almost never fly again, or will have at best very limited flight. This method is mainly so that it will mend such that it doesn't have to drag its wing around on the ground anymore
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Cheers a ton for the info, found an injured magpie we have here in Australia, the vet literally told me to ring it's neck, (break it's neck) but I told her to go stuff her self and Ive decided to give this girl a chance, again thanks for the info it was much appreciated


The bird is so calm it's just like .>.


I like that he’s working with a wild bird and keeps licking his fingers


wish there was more people in the world like you sir


Are you telling me people can DO things without immediately calling a wildlife "expert" to save them? Finally someone with a brain. This is a good video. To all the bird friends (I am one too) you DON"T need to pretend you are totally incapable and call the authorities whenever a problem happens. You guys should try living in a remote place for five seconds before you scream.. "REEEE avian vet for every single issue no matter how minor! Mortgage your house for or you are a monster! Drive 1000 miles to find one even if you can set a wing with your eyes closed"-Everyone on a bird forum.


I used your method for my budgie with a broken wing and it was broken at the body of the bone was sticking out the body and I cleaned it and put raw honey on her wing and bandage it and changed it daily and after 7 days it healed and now she can do short flights it healed nicely thank you


I just spent a month reviving a little zebra dove in Bangkok - 2 cat attack - and after a month I handed him over to a vet on the way to the Wildlife Park. They sent a video of him being released and flying off. He had no wounds but half his feathers were gone. No tail or back feathers. They grew back pretty fast! I fed him chia seeds and let him fly about my room. No cage. It was a joy to see him fly away, though I miss him! I love crows and thank you for taking care of this guy🙏💖


I got taught to always wear glove and was hands thoroughly, "Birds carry horrible diseases." You, sir, licked honey off your finger. 🤣 Shows how much love and confidence you have for these animals. Thank you so much for your video.


i just found a bird right outside my house with a broken wing but it's a really small bird compared to the raven so it was more difficult to feel the wing


I currently have a seagull in a box who likely has a broken wing. If he let's me wrap it I'm gonna use your method. Thanks for sharing! He's pretty mellow and seems to know we're just helping him. Yesterday when we found him his wing was dragging, after a night calmly chilling in a box with some water, sardines and soft blanket, today he has it tucked up. Time will tell👍


Great job and you too lady, with the bandaging !! Blessed are you both.


Thank you so much for your video. Last night I made an emergency stop in the middle of the road to pick up a pigeon with a broken wing. He has accepted my help and so I shall follow your instructions carefully and attentively. Thank you for spreading your message of kindness in giving me the knowledge to help another creature.

You Got
to love The Internet!!


Thank you sir for the information
and steps to treat a broken bird's wing.
I follow your steps and my pigeons is
now healing much faster! Now they can be
release much faster after they heal so
they can go out to nature again and be with
their family and friends.


Thank you. I just found a mourning dove that appears to have some kind of wing injury. I've handled and helped wild birds before but not with a wing injury. Thanks for the info. Yep, we put him in a cardboard box on soft clean towels in a dark-ish spot for the first night. Got him to sip a little water by sticking his beak in a small cup but he is a little out of it. Probably will wait until tomorrow to tape him up. You just never know, he could have hit the front window and sustained a concussion. But a day or so in a safe place to rest fixes a lot of things.


How do you keep it do calm? I have a robin i'm trying to mend and i don't want to spook it and make it worse.


Im watching this because my dad's bringing me a little burrow owl with a broken wing


It's a very humane act to do something like this ...many would opt not to do it! Thank you!


I found a beautiful rock dove who has an injury on the inner most part of his wing, I took him to the vert but didn't get much help so I'll learn to do these things myself she didn't even tell me if the wing was actually broken. I have another, a releasing dove, who we found as a juvie who had a broken but mostly healed wing but he won't open his wings past the first joint so I kept him. If the other can't fly (he also won't use the leg, it seems in atrophy signifying he never used it prior to the injury) I'll have to accommodate more for him because of the limp leg if he can't fly too. He definitely wants to give things a go because he eats and drinks normally and he cooed once today so he's not given up. Might set up an area for pigeons who can't fly when I'm older :)


Ryan Heavy Head,

First of all, I wanted to thank you for this video it has been really helpful to me, yesterday I found an injured female Great Yellow Crested Flycatcher and I believe this will do the trick until the vet opens on Monday.

Secondly, I have a quick question for you, how can you tell if the bird's wing is broken verses sprained?


Cassandra Altman


Usually, 7-12 days is the time to leave the bandage on? Any longer and the wing will become stiff and the bird will probably never fly again.
Please contact a vet to do an X-ray. This is the only way to be sure what to do.
