We lost another one... | Shane and Shane, John MacArthur, Bethel. Christian Reaction!

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We lost another one... | Shane and Shane, John MacArthur, Bethel. Christian Reaction!
The RISE of Anti-Christ | Bethel, Michael W Smith, Jesus Culture, CCM. Christian Reaction!
Depraved "Pastor" MOCKS God in Unthinkable Way.... United Methodist and The False Christian Church. How to Recognize a FALSE Church. T.D. Jakes recently gave His Woman Thou Art Loosed 2022 conference to his daughter Sarah Jakes Roberts and it was a Major doctrinal disaster! Joel Osteen is a Motivational Speaker at Lakewood Church in Houston Texas. The END of Christianity in America Right Before Our Eyes? We are seeing an attack on Christianity and Truth in America more severe than ever before. It is because we have Christian musicians and Christian Teachers that are unwilling to stand for TRUTH.
Most false teachers never share the whole gospel because it is not nice. Thats why feel good teachers like, Kenneth Copeland, Joyce Meyer, Steven Furtick, Joel Osteen, Rick Warren, Beth Moore, TD Jakes, etc... are so dangerous.
How to share the Gospel and Apologetics.
Mike Winger, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, Wretched Radio, Todd Friel, TreasureChrist (Reformed Wiki 2.0), Ray Comfort of Living Waters and many other Christians leaders have great videos on Biblical Truth! This is a Christian reaction video where I react to current events.


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I was in an online Christian ladies conference, the classes were to grow closer to God, one of the ladies started to chant and do something call 'led meditation' and she was going to channel the Holy Spirit. I got outta there, looked her up and she was with one of the Bethel churches, so I unsubbed the youtube, unsubbed the email and prayed that God protect me from people like her in the future.


Before giving my life back to God, I read tarot (for almost 20 years) I smoked pot and had other afflictions. But once I submitted myself a little God helped me overcome my addictions. Then, I had claimed my tarot was my relationship with our creator. Until one night I was brought to my knees in my hallway.
God was not at all ok with it.
I threw everything in garbage that night and when I brought the bag out to the dumpster. I saw a drunk man trying to pay for a taxi but didn't have the money. I walked over and paid without hesitation. The young lady taxi driver was shocked. But I had the opportunity to minister God's love to that man for an hour. And he told me he never knew love like that. I don't know where he is or who. I'm still shook by the power of God, all I had to do was submit fully to Christ. I have decided to follow Jesus, No turning back, no turning back!


“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God." - Leviticus 19:31


Before I dedicated my life to Christ I had tarot cards that had the archangels in them. It made me think it was okay. The devil is a liar, safe to say God opened my eyes and I got rid of all my cards and repented of it. Thank you Jesus for forgiving me and for showing me the demonic agenda behind the new age practices. Glad I never got that deep into it. Thank you for letting us know!


I left a church that once had solid biblical teachings because they invited a pastor from Joel Olsteen's church to get up and preach in their church. I sent them an email saying why I was very concerned about this, and they only sent me an email back saying the pastors know what they are doing. I immediately left that church. I will not compromise the word of God.


UGHHHH, HOW can the words "Holy Spirit" in conjunction with "the genie from Aladdin" be uttered without being struck dead on the spot??? That's a golden example of your heart being so calloused from grieving the Holy Spirit so much that God gives you over to permanent lack of discernment.


With so much deception out there, and how many times I could’ve fallen into false doctrine, I praise the Lord for keeping me and so many other people from falling into perdition.


i do understand the comments & how people want Shane & Shane to read about their concerns. on the other hand, i feel to say that we need to look at the FRUIT of Shane & Shane’s lives and ministry, and not judge/assume what the Lord might be doing through them at this worship night. what that night needs is sound doctrine and Scriptural lyrics, which Shane & Shane have carried for YEARS. we can’t be too quick to assume, friends. we must judge their fruit, not their associations. i really felt to share this 😊 as a musician myself, the Lord has led me to work closely & mentor others who needed direction on what is biblically accurate and of Christ Jesus. it wasn’t always easy to direct, but i am passionate about teaching others how to worship in spirit and truth like John 4. i believe there’s artists like this God is using in CCM and other seemingly hopeless outlets. we mustn’t assume too quickly, God uses those who are his true worshippers. ♥️ look how He used the woman at the well! 🙂


As a Jewish Believer the answer to this is in the "Old" Testament. King Saul when he became involved with the Witch of Endor and talked to the spirit realm. The kingdom was ripped away from him. Because contacting the spirit realm is FORBIDDEN. We have NO idea to whom we are talking!!!! But when someone says "but I'm doing this through Christ!" Where did the followers learn Discernment from? THE BIGGEST PROBLEM WITH THE CHURCH TODAY IS LAWLESSNESS. Because they ignore 2/3's of the Scriptures. And 90% of Pastors tell their Flocks to ignore it. And hence here we are...watching a Nation of 330 million people being destroyed by sin. SAD.


I think I will go back to listening to all the hymns I grew up with. I’ve always loved them. They are completely the gospel.
The old rugged cross, His anchor holds, wondrous cross, I have decided to follow Jesus, saved saved, Jesus is all the world to me, etc, .


The first thing Jesus said on the Mount of Olives when asked about when the end times would come was "DO NOT BE DECEIVED".


Well the classic old saying "If you don't stand for something you will fall for anything ". Thank you Jesus for Brylan and who is a watchman for you 🙏


As a Pastor it is refreshing to hear a servant of the Lord say: enough is enough and go as far as retract the recommendation w/transparency. Keep Up the good work, good and faithful…..


Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful.


This is why I refuse to give too much heed to anyone on this earth. If you let your guard down and trust humans, you will always be disappointed or led astray. The Ravi Zacharias scandal threw me for a loop. Read the Word and trust only in Him.


I’ve been a thankful survivor of a church that aligned itself with Bethel way back in 2011ish… to see this video of bethel going further down the rabbit hole is only the outcome of any church that abandons the Truth for emotional highs. I was embarrassed for quite awhile that I would be apart of heresy like that. But the Lord taught me EXACTLY how important it is to 1. read the Word for yourself. 2. Test the words of the one behind the pulpit to the words written in your Bible. The pulpit doesn’t make him a follower of Christ. 3. The Lord will bring you out, and restore you. 4. It becomes an experience you can reflect back on to help others escape too!


If there are Christians who think mixing new age demonic practices with the biblical Christianity Is of Christ, and say It Is legalistic to come against them, then maybe they should like Paul said, examine themselves to see If they are In the faith!


I quit listening to Christian radio several years ago I make my own playlist and if the fruits of the artist doesn’t line up with the words of Jesus himself I don’t listen to them anymore I don’t want anything in my head that takes me away from our CREATOR Jesus Christ love your channel keep up the good works


I always had a strange feeling from bethel church. Im so glad God gave me such a strong discernment. Wow, The lady actually said the Holy Spirit is like a genie? 😨
I'm so thankfull for the church I grew up in.❤🙏


Shane and Shane have been the very few Christian groups that I’ve been able to listen to, but after I saw them having more concerts with Phil Wickham, who is in Bethel, I stepped away from them as well. It’s heartbreaking. I think they know exactly what they’re doing but I also think that they are not in a biblical church, so for them, that’s all ok. We need to pray for them!
