Google Ads vs Facebook Ads ... which is better?

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Which one is better for your business Facebook Ads or Google Ads? I tell which one to use & why!

This is not going to be one of the those videos where I say it depends or give both Google Ads & Facebook Ads a try - because I am going to give a very clear answer on where you should be focusing your time to learn how one of these platforms works and be spending the majority of your marketing budget.

👉 Are you ready to learn Google Ads & become a Google Ads Expert?

#googleads #googlevsfacebook #googleads2022

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👉 Are you ready to learn Google Ads & become a Google Ads Expert?


I am not a Google Expert but I google Fan!! I hope I become an Expert someday.
My experience: I have an E-commerce ( sell apparel).
To me Facebook ads have been a real waste of money, only likes but no sales at all. I have been trying it for a whole year.
Google ads are the best option, at least the best for me. Besides Facebook ads system charges per impression whereas Google ads per action. Facebook ads account gets usually blocked without reason. I have never earnt a penny with Facebook ads, very disappointing.


Great video, a lot of very valid points


Great video!! I am a Google guy too. It is the only way to gain consistency in the long term, but when I want to share a promotion, or use a giveaway as hook to generate a Lead in the future FB works really good.

What do you think?


Aaron, Love your videos ... i just want to ask what you think about pop under traffic or push ? its possible to be profitable there ? thanks for reply


Really interesting points.
However… this video was made pre-ChatGPT.
If I can play devils advocate for a minute, AI is gong to disrupt at least “some” of the Google business model (not completely though).
So for that reason, we can see FB is less concerned about ChatGBT than Google.


Businesses are going to Google for advertising because tons of people are being permanently blocked from advertising by AI on facebook.
