14 Holy Spirit Deity - The Trinity in the Old Testament Ep. 14 - Anthony Rogers and Al Fadi

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The Holy Spirit is divine, according to the Bible passages from the Old Testament that Anthony Rogers and Al Fadi discuss in this episode. As the second person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit was present at creation, is omnipresent, and at the same time is a separate person from God the Father.
Defining and explaining the Trinity is particularly important in talking about God, Christian theology, Jesus and Islam with Muslims who deny the Trinity and therefore the deity of Christ while at the same time claiming that Allah gave the Old Testament as a revelation to the Jews, as the People of the Book.
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Defining and explaining the Trinity is particularly important in talking about God, Christian theology, Jesus and Islam with Muslims who deny the Trinity and therefore the deity of Christ while at the same time claiming that Allah gave the Old Testament as a revelation to the Jews, as the People of the Book.
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