Why Were German Soldiers Chained To Their Guns In WW2?

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Discover the shocking tactic used by the German army during WWII, where soldiers were chained to machine guns in combat. This historical documentary film delves into the military strategy and troop maneuvers of World War II, revealing the brutal warfare and weapons employed. Learn about the tactics and combat strategies that shaped the outcome of the war, as we explore this dark chapter in military history.
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The interesting part are those Ai generated pictures of weapons that dont exist


This is like something an 8-year-old saw in a trash movie and wants to pass off as actual historical accounts.


AI generated images, AI generated story, AI generated voice. Dude put 0 effort in the making of this video, he's spreading crap and we are watching it. Don't give people like this a cent! Don't watch their videos!


This ai shit is so unhinged. This story is not true at all


Oh yeah I forgot Germans had American M2 Browning machine guns


As a german I can tell you that I have NEVER heard ANYTHING about this. Sources? Cant this be seen as defamation?


Fanatics wouldn't need to be chained


Germans look so Awesome in the Uniforms, they had the best in everything....


Fake.. it's a popular myth that German machine gunners were left behind in bunkers and fortifications along the Eastern Front, often with orders to hold out until they were killed or captured, as a desperate last-ditch effort to slow down the advancing Soviet forces. However, that myth has been largely debunked by historians and military experts.

While it is true that the Germans did employ defensive tactics to slow down the Soviet advance, such as deploying strongpoints, pillboxes, and minefields, there is no evidence to suggest that machine gunners were deliberately left behind to be sacrificed.

The idea of "die-hard" bunkers being left unmanned may have originated from a few instances where German troops did remain behind to conduct rearguard actions or conduct last-ditch defense of specific locations, but these were not systematic or widespread practices.

In reality, German commanders generally followed standard military doctrine and aimed to withdraw their troops in an orderly fashion when faced with overwhelming enemy forces. The Germans were well aware of the Soviet Union's numerical superiority and the futility of sacrificing individual units or soldiers without a clear strategic purpose.

Additionally, the German military was organized in a way that allowed for flexible and rapid redeployment of troops, which would have made it difficult for entire units to be left behind without a plan or support.

It's worth noting that the Soviet Union did use tactics like massive artillery bombardments and deliberate attacks on fortified positions to break through German lines, which sometimes led to pockets of resistance being left behind. However, this was not a result of German strategy but rather a consequence of the intense combat and chaos of war.

In summary, while there may have been isolated instances of German troops remaining behind to conduct rearguard actions or defend specific locations, there is no evidence to support the widespread practice of leaving machine gunners chained in bunkers to hold off the Soviet advance.


- "yeah but can we see these documents or pictures?"
- "no"


Germany using M2 browning. PERFECTION.


My grandfather fought at Stalingrad… came home Siberia in 1954.. he never said anything about this!? German soldier was highly trained.. trying to stop Soviet communist take over of Western Europe.


Great grandfather was a Hungarian who was in the eastern front. He drove a half track with a mg34 on it. When I went into the Army in 93. He told me he mowed down countless Russians. He would hear their screams during the day at times. It haunted him..


Better then what America does to it's citizens.


Most people don’t realize the sheer number of bunkers that were built in such a short period of time.
25, 000 plus, bunkers were built during WWll. They contained machine guns to mortars to artillery. The bunkers offered a great deal of protection from enemy rifle & artillery fire.
Hitler’s personal bunker, measured 3, 000 sq.ft.with red carpeting, art-hangings from Hitler’s grand chambers, equipped with heating, electricity, water.
Hitler experienced a sense of impending doom due to the “close-quarters”….


My grandfather was one of those soldiers chained to his machine gun. But, it wasn't for keeping him from running. It was to keep in place from the horrific recoil from the gun. Had he not been chained to the gun, the gun to the floor, he and the weapon would have been thrown back with such force as it would have killed him. The high price booze was correct, he had that.

Edit: Yes, OF COURSE IT'S BS. It is absurd. But, did anyone watch the AI generated video? I just took it to another level. I'm adding this because apparently there are those of you out there so outraged about the comment it has your panties in a bunch, tied up, and pulled up into your butt crack. So there.


The machine guns that are simultaneously belt and drum fed are quite interesting


Of course, if the Soviets said so, it must be true.


Claims that evidence exists then shows nothing but AI generated images


The Germany fighting Hard, because when they got allies Troops or red troops they suffer to death by extrem brutality!
Nobody Talks about this Fact!!
